Solidarity Webzine

Judicial Harassment Vs. Toomaj Salehi Continues

Posted July 24, 2024

Cause at Heart: Socialists & the Abolition of Antisemitism

Alan Wald

Posted July 15, 2024

What next for the encampments? The Wayne State experience

Dianne Feeley

Posted July 14, 2024

What Next for Campus Movements for Gaza?

Ivan Drury Zarin

Posted July 11, 2024

“Resistance Work” of Women Workers

Catherine Samary

Posted July 9, 2024

Gaza Genocide, New Phase: Winding Down or Total War?

David Finkel

Posted July 6, 2024

Drop Charges Vs. Pro-Palestine Activists in Singapore

Posted July 5, 2024

Why Does the U.S. Government Support & Fund Israel?

W.A.T.E.R. Leadership team

Posted June 30, 2024

Analyzing the Results of the Indian Election

Kunal Chattopadhyay

Posted June 25, 2024

Ukraine: A People’s Peace, Not an Imperial Peace

Posted June 24, 2024

The Crisis is Permanent: Middle East and North Africa After 2011

Gilbert Achcar

Posted June 19, 2024

Solidarity with Gaza, continued!

The ATC Editors

Posted June 18, 2024

Starbucks: Supreme Court rules 8-1 for Union Busting

Malik Miah

Posted June 18, 2024

New Campus Wars, 2024: A View from Ohio State

Harvey J. Graff

Posted June 10, 2024

VT Council Delegates Must Keep Voting Until Results Please AFL Headquarters?

Steve Early

Posted June 8, 2024

Court Rejects Kagarlitsky’s Appeal

Posted June 7, 2024

Universities Weaponized: The Case of Israel

Michael Principe

Posted June 3, 2024

University of Michigan President Ono & the Pepper-Spray Gang

Alan Wald

Posted May 25, 2024

G7: Suspend Ukrainian Debt Payments — Or Not

Eric Toussaint

Posted May 24, 2024

Gaza Solidarity Encampment, University of Michigan

Ivan Drury Zarin

Posted May 21, 2024

Organizing Auto in the South

Dianne Feeley

Posted May 21, 2024

The Student Movement for Palestine Spreading Everywhere

Yorgos Mitralias

Posted May 12, 2024

The “Antisemitism” Smear Weaponized

The ATC editors

Posted May 9, 2024

The Humboldt College Strike of 1970: Then It Was Vietnam, Today’s Its Palestine

Dan La Botz

Posted May 5, 2024

Sudan: From Revolution to War

Muzan Alneel interviewed by Red Pepper

Posted May 2, 2024

Support the Pro-Palestinian Student Movement!

Statement by the Solidarity National Committee

Posted April 29, 2024

Teamsters for a Democratic Union: Building Rank and File Power

Johanna Brenner interviews Barry Eidlin

Posted April 25, 2024

O’Brien, the Teamsters, TDU, and the Labor Left: A Controversy

Dan La Botz

Posted April 25, 2024

The Coming Israeli Attack on Iran

Gilbert Achcar

Posted April 18, 2024

Abortion Rights After Dobbs: The State of the Struggle

Johanna Brenner

Posted April 16, 2024

Boris Kagarlitsky, Prisoner of Conscience

Posted April 7, 2024

Feminist Movements in Pakistan: Challenges and Struggles

Asma Aamir

Posted March 29, 2024

The New McCarthyism: A Personal Testimony

Warren Montag

Posted March 14, 2024

Chaos Here and There

Posted March 14, 2024

Frantz Fanon and the Paradox of Anticolonial Violence

Alan Wald

Posted March 12, 2024

The Significance of “Uncommitted” Vote in Michigan

Malik Miah

Posted March 6, 2024

The War is a Confrontation between Independent Post-Colonial Ukraine and Russian Imperialism

Kay Mann interviews Clara Sedova

Posted March 1, 2024

Open Letter to the Israeli and U.S. Governments and Others Weaponizing the Issue of Rape

Posted February 29, 2024

Stand Against Genocide and Imperialism, from Palestine to Ukraine

Ukraine Solidarity Network

Posted February 24, 2024

The AFL-CIO Can Be Reformed, Locally and From the Bottom-Up!

Steve Early

Posted February 23, 2024

At 30, the Zapatistas’ Future is in Question

Dan La Botz

Posted February 21, 2024

Freedom for Boris Kagarlitsky! Solidarity is Stronger than Repression!

Suzi Weissman

Posted February 20, 2024

Alexi Navalny Killed in Prison

Russian Socialist Movement

Posted February 16, 2024

UNRWA Funding Cut: Imperial Sadism at Work

Solidarity National Committee

Posted February 12, 2024

The New U.S. Labor Movement

Dan La Botz

Posted February 10, 2024

Israel’s Genocidal War After Four Months

Gilbert Achcar

Posted February 6, 2024

Gaza: A Ghastly Window into the Crisis of Global Capitalism

William I. Robinson & Hoai-An Nguyen

Posted February 1, 2024

Never again is right now!

Folko Mueller

Posted January 31, 2024

The First US-Israeli Joint War

Gilbert Achcar

Posted January 24, 2024

Sergei Lavrov: “Israel Pursues Objectives Similar to Those of Russia”!

Yorgos Mitralias

Posted January 22, 2024

Impact of Israeli Genocidal War in Gaza on the Middle East

Joseph Daher

Posted January 17, 2024

Targeting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Higher Education

Malik Miah

Posted January 11, 2024

“Developing Countries” Are Trapped in a New Debt Crisis

Eric Toussaint

Posted January 5, 2024

Oakland labor rallies for Palestine

Bill Balderston

Posted January 4, 2024

Palestine: Our best hope now…

Peter Solenberger

Posted December 28, 2023

Why Many Blacks Turn on Biden Over Palestine

Malik Miah

Posted December 22, 2023

Weaponizing Antisemitism: The Battle at Indiana University

Purnima Bose

Posted December 20, 2023

Opposing U.S. Militarization in the Asia-Pacific While Seeing China’s Emerging Imperialism

Federico Fuentes interviews Au Loong-yu

Posted December 16, 2023

Against Formulas in Organizing: Why Workers and Their Conditions Should Dictate Campaign Plans

Dawn Tefft

Posted December 15, 2023

Atrocity, Delusion and the Apocalypse: What the Gaza Disaster Reveals

David Finkel

Posted December 9, 2023

Israel’s West Bank Inferno & the Responsibility of Socialists

Alan Wald

Posted December 6, 2023

Feminist tide engulfs Italy on 25 November

Marta Autore

Posted December 5, 2023

Three Palestinian Students Shot in Vermont

Malik Miah

Posted December 1, 2023

Opening the Door Wider to Jim Crow Laws?

Malik Miah

Posted November 28, 2023

Protestors’ Demands for a Ceasefire, End to Support for Israel, Shake American Institutions

Dan La Botz

Posted November 22, 2023

Actors’ Strike Vs. Hollywood & TV Shows Achieves Victory

Malik Miah

Posted November 20, 2023

State Elections in Germany bring further losses to the Left and upticks for the Far Right

Folko Mueller

Posted November 17, 2023

Capitalist Globalisation, Transnational Class Exploitation & the Global Police State

Federico Fuentes interviews William I. Robinson

Posted November 15, 2023

Apostle of Genocide Rules Israel from the Grave

Cliff Conner

Posted November 7, 2023

On the bus for the end of fossil fueled capitalism

Ivan Drury Zarin

Posted November 3, 2023

Catastrophe in Palestine and Israel: Apartheid on the Road to Genocide

David Finkel

Posted October 31, 2023

In solidarity with the peoples’ struggles against unbridled imperialism, for the liberation of the peoples and saving the environment

Statement by the International Committee of the Fourth International

Adopted 25 October 2023

Pro-Palestine ceasefire Movement shakes the Democratic Party

Dan La Botz

Posted October 30, 2023

2023 Solidarity National Convention Dossier

Posted October 26, 2023

Two Gaza Scenarios: Greater Israel vs. Oslo

Gilbert Achcar

Posted October 23, 2023

Israel-Palestine Conflict Gives Birth to a New U.S. antiwar Movement

Dan La Botz

Posted October 22, 2023

UAW striking for pensions, a socialist response to the cases made against them

Luke Pretz

Posted October 19, 2023

Week Five — UAW surprise strike at Ford Kentucky truck plant

Dianne Feeley

Posted October 16, 2023

Health Care Battles in a Post-COVID World

Malik Miah

Posted October 13, 2023

Solidarity with the Palestinian people — end the occupation!

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted October 13, 2023

Give us a break, TX!

Folko Mueller

Posted October 12, 2023

Death Spiral Delusions: Behind the New Israel/Palestine Disaster

David Finkel

Posted October 10, 2023

Initial Comments on Hamas’s October Counter-Offensive

Gilbert Achcar

Posted October 9, 2023

Week Four — GM concedes EV union recognition

Dianne Feeley

Posted October 8, 2023

Russian Feminist Anti-War Resistance Accepts Award

Feminist Anti-War Resistance (Russia)

Posted October 6, 2023

Week Three—The UAW Strike Expands Again

Posted September 29, 2023

Screenwriters’ Victory

Malik Miah

Posted September 27, 2023

Teachers Organize to Defend antiracism Curriculum

Interview with Jesse Hagopian

Posted September 25, 2023

The UAW Strike Expands

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 23, 2023

Degrowth: A Remarkable Renaissance

Alan Thornett

Posted September 21, 2023

The first 24 hours of the UAW strike

Posted September 20, 2023

Climate March Demands Biden and Democrats Put a Stop to Fossil Fuels

Dan La Botz

Posted September 19, 2023

Media Reports Miss Systemic Problem

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 18, 2023

Electric vehicle factories are overwhelmingly nonunion. The UAW strike could change that.

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 15, 2023

Thirty Years of Oslo

Mouin Rabbani

Posted September 12, 2023

Gary Tyler Is Free!

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 12, 2023

UAW Contract Update: Everyone Tier 1!

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 2, 2023

Solidarity Convenes National Convention

Solidarity National Committee

Posted August 30, 2023

The Policing System and Its Replacement

Adopted by the Solidarity National Convention
August 19, 2023

Posted August 30, 2023

On Anti-imperialism and International Solidarity: From Ukraine to Palestine and Beyond

Adopted by the Solidarity National Convention
August 20, 2023

Posted August 30, 2023

UAW Strike Continues to Expand

Dianne Feeley

Posted August 23, 2023

Henrietta Lacks Stolen Cancer Cells Expose Medical Racism

Malik Miah

Posted August 16, 2023

Remembering Sugar Man

Posted August 11, 2023

Death, Abuse and Super-exploitation of Children on Rise

Malik Miah

Posted August 4, 2023

How Jeremy Corbyn Was Toppled by the Israel Lobby

Michael Steven Smith

Posted July 31, 2023

Demand the Release of Boris Kagarlitsky

Russian Socialist Movement

Posted July 27, 2023

Bosses, Union Officials, Rank-&-Filers Debate Work from Home

Steve Early

Posted July 20, 2023

Actors Walk the Picket Lines

Malik Miah

Posted July 18, 2023

Taxation without Representation

Folko Mueller

Posted July 16, 2023

Catastrophe in Jenin and Palestine, continued

Posted July 8, 2023

Adolfo Gilly: Three Remembrances

Dan LaBotz; Suzi Weissman; Olivia Gall

Posted July 7, 2023

Update: End of Line 5?

Posted July 7, 2023

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Jim Crow

Malik Miah

Posted July 3, 2023

Supreme Court Outlaws Affirmative Action, Falsely Claiming the U.S. Is a ‘Color Blind’ Society

Malik Miah

Posted July 2, 2023

Revolutionary, Peasant Leader: Hugo Blanco (1934-2023)

Maria Sundvall

Posted June 29, 2023

A Brief Comment: Imperial Blowback Then and Now

David Finkel

Posted June 28, 2023

India’s Modi Receives Royal Treatment from Biden

Malik Miah

Posted June 27, 2023

A Balance Sheet on the Oakland Teachers Strike

Bill Balderston

Posted June 26, 2023

Open Letter to the Parties and Organizations of the São Paulo Forum

Posted June 17, 2023

Gary Tyler Fundraiser

Posted June 15, 2023

Berlusconi Is Dead, the Nightmare of His Legacy Remains!

Yorgos Mitralias

Posted June 15, 2023

Protests for Democracy in Israel: Questions and Answers

Posted June 6, 2023

Socialist Labor Activists Launch Rank & File Project for a New Generation

Johanna Brenner

Posted June 2, 2023

The Normandale Park Shooting

Kristian Williams

Posted May 26, 2023

Organize Popular Safety Committees

Iranian Teachers Coordinating Council

Posted May 17, 2023

Keith LaMar: A Struggle for Life and Freedom

David Finkel

Posted May 17, 2023

The Oakland Teachers’ Strike – a view from the picket line

Posted May 11, 2023

Hollywood, NY WGA Strike: “There Is No Industry Without Writers”

Malik Miah

Posted May 9, 2023

Harry Belafonte — A Life of Fighting Racism and Oppression

Malik Miah

Posted May 4, 2023

A message from our comrade Dmitry Petrov

Anarcho-Communist Militant Organization

Posted May 4, 2023

Ongoing Action against Hate Church in Houston, TX

Folko Mueller

Posted May 2, 2023

Israel in Turmoil: Why and What Next?

Suzi Weissman interviews Yoav Peled

Posted April 29, 2023

The French Political Crisis Continues

Suzi Weissman interviews Sebastian Budgen

Posted April 28, 2023

Maintaining real wages: a sabotaged fight in Germany

Jakob Schaefer

Posted April 28, 2023

Against Book Banning & Education Restrictions: Our Moment of Rising Resistance

Harvey J. Graff

Posted April 27, 2023

Martial Terror in the Neocolony: Plight of Philippine Women Political Prisoners

E. San Juan, Jr.

Posted April 26, 2023

“Cop City” Must Be Shut Down!

Malik Miah

Posted April 20, 2023

The “Tennessee Three:” For Democracy, Against Gun Violence

Malik Miah

Posted April 12, 2023

Brandon Johnson Defeats Political Establishment in Chicago

Robert Bartlett

Posted April 9, 2023

From Ukraine to Palestine: The Poisons of Denialism

David Finkel

Posted March 31, 2023

Faced with social anger, Macron replaces legitimacy with police batons

Léon Crémieux

Posted March 31, 2023

New Day for the UAW

Dianne Feeley

Posted March 25, 2023

The Statement of Minimum Demands of Independent Iranian Unions and Civil Society Organizations

Posted March 23, 2023

Iran-Saudi Arabia “Normalization”: Beijing In, Washington Out?

David Finkel

Posted March 20, 2023

Why there aren’t two sides to the Huwara pogrom

Haggai Matar

Posted March 15, 2023

Anti-Trans Legislation, a Form of Reproductive Injustice

Shui-yin Sharon Yam

Posted March 13, 2023

Take the “Night Ride”

Dianne Feeley

Posted March 12, 2023

Abolition. Feminism. Now.

Alice Ragland

Posted March 10, 2023

Action in Houston against Governor Ron DeSantis’ visit

Folko Mueller

Posted March 9, 2023

Behind “100% Preventable” Rail Disaster: Anti-worker Deregulation, Corporate greed

Malik Miah

Posted March 6, 2023

Nicaragua: Ortega and Biden Make a Deal

Dan La Botz

Posted March 5, 2023

Frank Hamilton, the People’s Musician

David McCullough

Posted February 28, 2023

The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks

Giselle Gerolami

Posted February 24, 2023

Railroad Working Conditions, Disasters, and Workers’ Organizing: Reflections of a former rail worker 

Robert Bartlett

Posted February 22, 2023

Solidarity with Ukrainian Resistance — Russia Out Now!

Ukraine Solidarity Network

Posted February 18, 2023

Socialist Runs for Alder in Madison, Wisconsin

Marsha Rummel

Posted February 16, 2023

The Future of Academic Unionism Will Play Out at the University of California System

Barry Eidlin

Posted February 15, 2023

February 16: International Actions to Free Mumia!

Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

Posted February 12, 2023

Socialist Politics in Tenant Organizing

Recorded workshop from the Socialism 2022 Conference

Posted February 11, 2023

A Spiral Toward Catastrophe

David Finkel

Posted February 4, 2023

Michigan Appellate Courts Curb Death in Prison Sentences for Minors

Efrén Paredes, Jr.

Posted February 1, 2023

Solidarity with the Peruvian people

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted February 1, 2023

Second-Wave Feminists Join Call for Justice for Mumia Abu-Jamal

Posted January 21, 2023

Against Multipolar Imperialism: Toward Socialist Multipolarity

Promise Li

Posted January 20, 2023

The six-week strike of UC workers — some reflections

Bill Balderston

Posted January 19, 2023

Solidarity with Ukraine! 

Ukraine Solidarity Network (U.S.) Mission Statement

Posted January 13, 2023

A Taste of Direct Democracy: Let the People Decide!

Dianne Feeley

Posted January 11, 2023

Ukraine: Free Market Will Not Win the War

Šuliokas Justinas

Posted January 9, 2023

The Midterms and the US Political Crisis: Battleground Wisconsin

Marsha Rummel

Posted January 9, 2023

Ranked Choice Voting Won Big in the 2022 Mid-Terms

Howie Hawkins

Posted January 5, 2023

Life Expectancy: The US and Cuba in the Time of Covid

Don Fitz

Posted December 29, 2022

2022 Midterm Elections: Stuck in the Mud, Sinking to the Right

Kim Moody

Posted December 24, 2022

Lessons from the 1960s: Paths to Rediscovering Universities

Harvey J. Graff

Posted December 23, 2022

Student Days in Iran

Yassamine Mather

Posted December 21, 2022

Clean Energy or Weapons? What the “Breakthrough” in Nuclear Fusion Really Means

M.V. Ramana

Posted December 17, 2022

Black Voting in 2022: The three key lessons

Malik Miah

Posted December 15, 2022

Solidarity Statement with Protests in China

Posted December 7, 2022

Election Results in Israel: Full-steam Right

Yacov Ben Efrat

Posted December 6, 2022

Socialists Should Support the Popular Resistance in China

Promise Li

Posted December 2, 2022

International Food Crisis & Proposals to Overcome It

Eric Toussaint & Omar Aziki

Posted November 23, 2022

Prop 3: A Victory for Abortion Rights in Michigan

Giselle Gerolami

Posted November 17, 2022

“Seems like the members are ready to fight” — Leading Rail Union Dissident Talks Contract

Mike McCallister

Posted November 14, 2022

Our Hero from Capitalism’s Hells

Bryan Palmer

Posted November 10, 2022

The Smoke Clears — Not?

David Finkel

Posted November 10, 2022

The Internationalism of Mike Davis

Tom Reifer

Posted November 6, 2022

The Progressive Letter on Ukraine: Some Questions & Answers

Stephen R. Shalom

Posted November 4, 2022

Mike Davis: A personal remembrance

Suzi Weissman

Posted October 27, 2022

On the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

Au Loong-yu

Posted October 26, 2022

Moving Towards Freedom: The Feminist Uprising in Iran

Interview with Catherine Z. Sameh

Posted October 21, 2022

War, Imperialism, and Defeat. Will the Ukrainian Invasion be the beginning of the end for Putin?

Kay Mann

Posted October 19, 2022

Brazil: Round 2 — An Antifascist Passion

Valerio Arcary

Posted October 17, 2022

October 8th Mobilization for Abortion and Reproductive Rights

Views from around the country

Posted October 17, 2022

A Letter from the Editors: Clarity on Ukraine

The Editors

Posted October 10, 2022

DSA and the Democratic Party

Peter Drucker

Posted October 10, 2022

The Neoliberal University

Kay Mann

Posted October 8, 2022

Reflections on “In Her Name”: The Meaning of Iran’s Uprising

Catherine Z. Sameh

Posted October 6, 2022

Not a Single Soldier for the Criminal War!

Posle Editorial collective

Posted October 3, 2022


Farooq Tariq

Posted September 29, 2022

Towards the Brown International of the European and global far right?

Yorgos Mitralias

Posted September 28, 2022

Assessing the 2022 UAW Convention

Ron Lare

Posted September 28, 2022

“Women! Life! Freedom!”

Laya Hooshyari

Posted September 26, 2022

Support Ukrainian Resistance and Disempower Fossil Capital

Ilya Budraitskis, Oksana Dutchak, Harald Etzbach, Bernd Gehrke, Eva Gelinsky, Renate Hürtgen, Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski, Natalia Lomonosova, Hanna Perekhoda, Denys Pilash, Zakhar Popovych, Philipp Schmid, Christoph Wälz, Przemyslaw Wielgosz and Christian Zeller

Posted September 19, 2022

Book Banning, Gag Orders, and the Organized Right Wing

Al Kagan

Posted September 13, 2022

Rest in Power, Tim Schermerhorn: Leader of New York Subway Union Reform Effort

Posted September 13, 2022

It’s All Out in the Open

Against the Current Editors

Posted September 1, 2022

The Fight Over Inflation

Suzi Weissman interviews Robert Brenner

Posted August 31, 2022

Bill Gates and Techno-fix Delusions

M.V. Ramana and Cassandra Jeffery

Posted August 31, 2022

Philippines: Continuity of Violence

Alex de Jong

Posted August 31, 2022

Outrage Over FBI Raid on the African People’s Socialist Party

Malik Miah

Posted August 18, 2022

Report on the 2022 UAW Convention

Dianne Feeley

Posted August 15, 2022

More on the UAW Convention

Wendy Thompson

Posted August 15, 2022

Two Contrasting Visions of the Labor Movement

Steve Downs

Posted July 18, 2022

Labor Notes Conference Reports

Solidarity members and friends

Posted July 18, 2022

Biden in the Middle East: Gross Imperial Spectacle

David Finkel

Posted July 15, 2022

“The right to resist.” A feminist manifesto

The Feminist Initiative Group

Posted July 14, 2022

The Rightwing’s Supreme Court Coup

Against the Current Editors

Posted June 30, 2022

Abortion Rights Rallies across the Country

Posted June 30, 2022

French legislative elections: Left and right surge, center barely holds

Peter Solenberger

Posted June 23, 2022

Fighting Cuts and Rightwing Attacks on Education in Tennessee

Michael Principe

Posted June 14, 2022

The Reproductive Rights of Women in Mexico

Elia Cordova Duarte

Posted June 10, 2022

The Ukraine war will end, but how?

Peter Solenberger

Posted June 4, 2022

Report: International conference of European Solidarity with Ukraine

Tom Harris

Posted June 4, 2022

No to School Closures! Yes to School Liberation!

Bill Balderston (OEA member and organizer)

Posted June 2, 2022

The Buffalo Massacre and White Extremism

Malik Miah

Posted May 26, 2022

May 14 reproductive rights actions: reports from the field

Posted May 19, 2022

Out of the Imperial Order: Chaos

Against the Current Editors

Posted May 14, 2022

The 2022 French Elections

Peter Solenberger

Posted May 7, 2022

Remarks at an Emergency Reproductive Rights Rally

Dianne Feeley

Posted May 5, 2022

Striking Oakland Teachers Have Great Unity and Show Solidarity With Longshore Workers

Bill Balderston (OEA member and organizer)

Posted May 1, 2022

Building the anti-war movement: Comments on the “Feminist Manifesto Against War”

Catherine Samary

Posted April 26, 2022

Lives of Enslaved Women

Giselle Gerolami

Posted April 21, 2022

Challenging the Comfortable

M. Colleen McDaniel

Posted April 19, 2022

The Green Marine: A Different Kind of “Service Candidate” Runs for Senate

Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon

Posted April 16, 2022

Remembering Barri Boone

Michael Rubin

Posted April 14, 2022

Internationalist Manifesto Against the War

Anticapitalist Organisations of Russia, Ukraine, and NATO Countries

Posted April 12, 2022

Internationalist Manifesto Against the War

Posted April 12, 2022

Internationalist Manifesto Against the War

Posted April 12, 2022

Why Black people fear police
Minneapolis cop not charged in murder of Amir Locke

Malik Miah

Posted April 11, 2022

Current Struggles in Higher Education

Dawn Tefft

Posted April 2, 2022

Ukraine’s Horror and Beyond: The New Imperialist Struggle

David Finkel

Posted March 14, 2022

International Women’s Day 2022

Dianne Feeley

Posted March 12, 2022

Gabriel Boric, Last President of the Old or First President of the New?

Article by Pablo Abufom, Introduction and background by Peter Solenberger

Posted March 10, 2022

International Women’s Day: Struggle for women’s lives and for equality in the production of life!

International Committee of the Fourth International

Posted March 8, 2022

Russia Out of Ukraine — Solidarity with Ukraine’s people! No to NATO, now or ever!

The National Committee of Solidarity

Posted March 2, 2022

The role of the Poutou candidacy

Antoine Larrache

Posted February 28, 2022

In Memoriam, Mike Parker

Bill Resnick interviews Jane Slaughter

Posted February 23, 2022

Two Exemplary Partisans of the Left

Patrick M. Quinn

Posted February 23, 2022

Cop murders sleeping Black man, protests erupt

Malik Miah

Posted February 21, 2022

Canada’s Alt-Right ‘Freedom’ RageThe Lumpen Petty Bourgeoisie Does its Revolting Thing

Bryan D. Palmer

Posted February 18, 2022

How Electric Utilities Thwart Climate Action: Politics & Power

Isha Bhasin, M. V. Ramana & Sara Nelson

Posted February 17, 2022

Teamster Election 2021: New Openings, Real Challenges

Barry Eidlin

Posted February 8, 2022

Our struggle among the workers and our people for freedom and social justice will continue!

Socialist Workers Party of Algeria

Posted February 4, 2022

Why Critical Race Theory Is Important

Malik Miah

Posted February 3, 2022

War Crisis Over Ukraine: What’s the Deal?

David Finkel

Posted January 27, 2022

Historic victory for UAW activism

Ron Lare

Posted January 25, 2022

For a democratic and socialist Kazakhstan!

Socialist Movements of Kazakhstan and Rusia

Posted January 21, 2022

Implosion: U.S. Politics since the J6 Riot

David Finkel

Posted January 6, 2022

Hondurans Vote Down Coup Regime
Can One Victory Lead to Another?

Dianne Feeley

Posted December 27, 2021

Oakland A’s Gentrification Scam

Michael Rubin

Posted December 21, 2021

Michael Hirsch: In Memoriam

Scott McLemee

Posted December 20, 2021

Ukraine Crisis in Imperial Context

David Finkel

Posted December 19, 2021

Neoliberal apotheosis: COP26 creates global fire market and offers it to capitalist arsonists

Daniel Tanuro

Posted December 15, 2021

FBI’s leading role in Malcolm X Murder
Two Convictions Overturned

Malik Miah

Posted December 12, 2021

How Kyle Rittenhouse got away with murder

Mike McCallister

Posted December 7, 2021

Blocking an Ecocidal Pipeline

An interview with Rebecca Kemble

Posted November 29, 2021

Brazil: “Fora Bolsonaro”

Peter Solenberger

Posted November 23, 2021

Rank and File Trade Union Activity and the Upcoming Teamsters Election (Part 2)

Posted November 17, 2021

Stochastic Parrots: How Natural Language Processing Research Has Gotten Too Big for Our Own Good

Esther Sánchez García and Michael Gasser

Posted November 16, 2021

Canada’s “election to nowhere”

Peter Solenberger

Posted November 12, 2021

Reflections on September 26 German Election

Folko Mueller

Posted November 10, 2021

The Democrats’ November Debacle

David Finkel

Posted November 5, 2021

Rank and File Trade Union Activity and the Upcoming Teamsters Election (Part 1)

Posted November 1, 2021

Kansas City Tenants Union: Organizing at the Speed of Trust

Luke Pretz in conversation with Mak, Magda, and Jetzel from KC Tenants

Posted October 30, 2021

Conviction of R. Kelly sends message that Black girls/women matter

Malik Miah

Posted October 19, 2021

Top Cop

Steve Early

Posted October 15, 2021

How Richmond Steered Public Money Away From Police to Human Needs

Mike Parker & Shiva Mishek

Posted October 15, 2021

Building Tenant Power: From Coast to Coast | Solidarity Radio Episode Version

Posted October 7, 2021

October 2 reproductive rights actions: reports from the field

Posted October 5, 2021

“Threshold Crossed” in Congress: The Assault on Rashida Tlaib

David Finkel

Posted September 30, 2021

Socialism From Below Episode 6: Anti-Racist Organizing and Restorative Justice in Seattle DSA

Posted September 23, 2021

The Significance of Occupy

Dan La Botz

Posted September 20, 2021

Adrienne Rich, Trailblazer

Peter Drucker

Posted September 17, 2021

Solidarity 2021 Convention

Solidarity National Committee

Posted September 10, 2021

Find and free Vicente Suástegui

Coordinadora Socialista Revolucionaria

Posted September 10, 2021

Texas Anti-Abortion Law Authorizes Vigilantes

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 5, 2021

Cuban Dilemmas, Socialist Debates

Manuel Gari

Posted September 2, 2021

Partido Revolucionario de las y los Trabajadores, the political situation in Mexico, and the Fourth International in the 21st Century

Posted August 27, 2021

On Remembering Stanley Aronowitz

Steve Early

Posted August 23, 2021

Afghanistan: The End of the Occupation

Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale

Posted August 19, 2021

The Fall of Afghanistan: Imperial Debacle

David Finkel for the Solidarity National Committee

Posted August 17, 2021

Climate Disaster: On the brink — the scenario that the IPCC is not modelling

Daniel Tanuro

Posted August 11, 2021

Socialism from Below Episode 4: Tenant Organizing in Kansas City

Posted August 3, 2021

Some Lessons of the Podemos experience

Dave Kellaway

Posted August 2, 2021

In view of the popular mobilizations in Cuba and imperialist aggressions

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted July 27, 2021

Floods: this is not a natural disaster

Daniel Tanuro

Posted July 21, 2021

On the July 11 protests in Cuba

Comunistas Cuba

Posted July 19, 2021

Socialism From Below Episode 3: The 2021 Colombian Protests

Posted July 14, 2021

Call for the Release of Detainees in Cuba

Comunistas Cuba

Posted July 13, 2021

Far From Over – Class Struggle and Union Organizing at Amazon

Socialist Project and Centre for Social Justice

Posted July 13, 2021

Viral Epidemics

Bill Resnick interviews David Quammen

Posted July 9, 2021

Under the Heat Dome

Frann Michel

Posted July 3, 2021

Palestinian Americans Take the Lead

Malik Miah

Posted July 1, 2021

America’s Political Crisis: Dead Center Can’t Hold

David Finkel for the Solidarity National Committee

Posted June 29, 2021

On the Mexican Elections: AMLO’s Bitter Victory

Manuel Aguilar Mora

Posted June 28, 2021

Nicaragua: Ortega Arrests Opposition Candidates Ahead of November 2021 Election

Dan La Botz

Posted June 17, 2021

Socialism From Below Podcast Episode 2: Subverta, Bancada Feminista, and Expanding Democracy

Posted June 16, 2021

How the left won Richmond: The Richmond Progressive Alliance and Left Electoral Strategy—Podcast

Boston Solidarity

Posted June 10, 2021

Clarifying the Canadian Example

Jim Naylor

Posted June 7, 2021

End the system of private patents!

Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debts

Posted June 5, 2021

Socialism From Below Podcast Episode 1: Comuna, PSOL, Bolsonaro, and the Pandemic

Luke Pretz

Posted June 2, 2021

Interview with Howie Hawkins on the American Jobs Plan

Posted June 2, 2021

Remembering Mark Levitan: Comrade and Dear Friend

Michael Hirsch

Posted June 1, 2021

Labor for Palestine with Suzanne Adely and Michael Letwin

Interview by Evan Papp

Posted May 27, 2021

Lessons from the birth of the NDP

Peter Solenberger

Posted May 21, 2021

Islamophobia in Europe

Joseph Daher

Posted May 18, 2021

Egypt’s Uprising and Its Fate

Joel Beinin

Posted May 14, 2021

Ethnic Cleansing Escalates in Palestine: U.S. Says “Stay Calm”

David Finkel for the Solidarity National Committee

Posted May 12, 2021

Our solidarity with the Colombian people!

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted May 7, 2021

What Would a Deep Green New Deal Look Like?

Don Fitz

Posted May 5, 2021

Biden’s Climate Pledge Is a Promise He Cannot Keep

Howie Hawkins

Posted May 4, 2021

May Day Thoughts on Why The Rank and File Strategy is a Solid Starting Point

Luke Pretz

Posted May 1, 2021

The ballot line question in the absence of a mass socialist movement

Luke Pretz

Posted April 27, 2021

An exchange over Electoral Politics from Solidarity’s Pre-Convention Discussion

Steve Downs and Peter Solenberger

Posted April 27, 2021

Notes From the Underground

Scott McLemee

Posted April 23, 2021

From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenin Moreno

Éric Toussaint

Posted April 21, 2021

“Latin America has once again entered a period of strong social and political turbulence”

Interview with Franck Gaudichaud

Posted April 21, 2021

Bravery, Not Blowout

John Logan

Posted April 16, 2021

The BAmazon Loss and the Road Ahead

Joe DeManuelle-Hall

Posted April 16, 2021

Fighting anti-Asian violence cannot include apologism for the Chinese state

Promise Li

Posted April 8, 2021

Support the Greens Party of Papua New Guinea

Howie Hawkins

Posted April 7, 2021

Introduction to The New Rise of the Women’s Movement

Dianne Feeley

Posted March 31, 2021

White Supremacy and Labor’s Failure

Cody R. Melcher interviews Michael Goldfield

Posted March 28, 2021

The U.S. South and Labor’s Fate

Alex Lichtenstein

Posted March 28, 2021

End violence against Asian Americans!

Solidarity National Committee

Posted March 26, 2021

Statement on Anti-Asian Racism

AfroSocialists & Socialists of Color

Posted March 26, 2021

New socialist organization in Britain

Anti*Capitalist Resistance

Posted March 18, 2021

Analyzing the 2020 Election: Who Paid? Who Benefits?

Kim Moody

Posted March 11, 2021

Transition, Trauma, and Troubled Times

Against the Current Editors

Posted March 11, 2021

Motherhood and Labor in the Pandemic

Ursula McTaggart

Posted March 8, 2021

A Turning Point in Bessemer, AL?

Interview with Amazon Worker-Organizer, Darryl Richardson

Posted March 7, 2021

Inside a Neighborhood’s Fight Against Environmental Racism in HTX

Interview with Four Fifth-Ward Activists

Posted March 7, 2021

Puerto Rico’s Multi-layered Crisis

Rafael Bernabe

Posted March 4, 2021

Until the End of the World: Notes on a Coup

Soe Lin Aung

Posted February 25, 2021

The lessons of the Indian farmers’ struggle

Sushovan Dhar

Posted February 23, 2021

The crisis after Trump: Biden

Peter Solenberger

Posted February 21, 2021

Powerless in Texas

Snehal Shingavi

Posted February 19, 2021

A David v. Goliath Struggle as Black Workers Take on Amazon

Johanna Brenner

Posted February 18, 2021

South Africa: Vaccine apartheid or equality?

Rehad Desai

Posted February 13, 2021

Exploitation Overnight, Truck-to-Plane and Door-to-Door

Dan La Botz

Posted February 11, 2021

Brexit — contradictions of a right-wing project

Dave Kellaway

Posted February 7, 2021

The Crisis After Trump—Podcast Edition

Posted February 4, 2021

Solidarity with Carolina Iara

Solidarity National Committee

Posted January 29, 2021

Repeal the Farm Acts!

Radical Socialist

Posted January 26, 2021

‘We’re witnessing a fundamental political realignment’: Mike Davis on the crisis in the United States

Ben Hillier interviews Mike Davis

Posted January 22, 2021

Bolivia’s Elections: The Return of Democracy and an Uncertain Future

Bret Gustafson

Posted January 21, 2021

The Greens in 2020 Elections and Beyond

Howie Hawkins

Posted January 15, 2021

Republican Ship Deserting Sinking Rat

David Finkel

Posted January 13, 2021

How the Richmond Progressive Alliance Organized for Victory

Mike Parker

Posted January 13, 2021

Disruptions, or, Something to (Urgently!) Learn

Alexander Billet

Posted January 8, 2021

Grand Theft Election?

David Finkel for the Solidarity National Committee

Posted January 8, 2021

Post-Election 2020: What’s Next for the Left?

Barry Eidlin

Posted January 7, 2021

Post-Election 2020: A Crisis of Representation

Barry Eidlin

Posted January 7, 2021

Defend Kshama Sawant!

Scott McLemee

Posted January 4, 2021

The Class Politics of Pandemic Relief

Luke Pretz

Posted December 22, 2020

Out with the Old, In with the — Older

David Finkel

Posted December 15, 2020

Chicago’s Trial of the Century and Its Many Heroes, Cinematic and Real

Harvey Wasserman

Posted December 11, 2020

Trump’s defeat interrupts momentum of authoritarian right worldwide

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted December 6, 2020

A reflection on the Puerto Rican elections

Jorge Lefevre Tavárez

Posted December 2, 2020

Gabe Gabrielsky: A radical affirmation

Promise Li

Posted December 1, 2020

Women and young people have started a cultural revolution in Poland

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted November 25, 2020

Prop 15 goes down as big corporations shaft the people of California

Fred Glass

Posted November 23, 2020

Poland: Women’s revolution after attack on reproductive rights

J.D. and Z.R.

Posted November 19, 2020

Firestorms and Our Future

Solidarity Ecosocialist Working Group

Posted November 17, 2020

We just had the heart to fight the boss: A Hong Kong leftist’s story

Promise Li interviews To Chi-kuen of Borderless Movement

Posted November 16, 2020

Democratic Party dirty tricks against the Greens

Michael Rubin

Posted November 12, 2020

Trump’s Last Stand

K Mann

Posted November 6, 2020

Trump Can Steal the Election and the Left Must Mobilize to Stop Him

Bill Resnick

Posted November 4, 2020

The Day After — America Hung Over?

David Finkel

Posted November 4, 2020

A convergence of crises, dominated by the covid-19 pandemic

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted November 2, 2020

Fighting Back in Michigan

Kim Hunter

Posted October 31, 2020

Strike for Democracy!

Stephanie Luce

Posted October 30, 2020

A very “American” coup

Kit Wainer

Posted October 30, 2020

Mobilizing Veterans in Labor to Beat Trump and the GOP

Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon

Posted October 29, 2020

A New MAS Era in Bolivia

Pablo Stefanoni

Posted October 28, 2020

UAW Corruption: Whose Job is Cleaning House?

Ron Lare

Posted October 23, 2020

10 things you need to know to stop a coup

Daniel Hunter

Posted October 22, 2020

Unions Are Beginning to Talk About Staving Off a Possible Coup

Barbara Madeloni

Posted October 21, 2020

Social Self-Defense Against the Impending Trump Coup

Jeremy Brecher

Posted October 14, 2020

A Victory, an Unfinished Agenda

Donna Cartwright

Posted October 12, 2020

2020 Elections: What is to be done?

Posted October 5, 2020

Solidarity and the 2020 presidential election

Solidarity Green Party Working Group

Posted October 2, 2020

Stay focused on the real fightback: the defeat of Trumpism will not come at the ballot box

John B. Cannon

Posted October 2, 2020

Dump Trump, Fight and Force Biden: An Electoral Strategy for the Left

Bill Resnick

Posted October 2, 2020

The curse of the 2020 elections

Peter Solenberger

Posted October 2, 2020

Will a Biden Foreign Policy Make a Difference for the World?

Ajamu Baraka

Posted October 2, 2020

Our Biden Problem

Barbara Ransby

Posted October 2, 2020

JVP denounces Zoom, Facebook and YouTube for censoring Palestinians

Jewish Voice for Peace

Posted September 26, 2020

YouTube, Zoom and Facebook censor Leila Khaled for Israel

Nora Barrows-Friedman

Posted September 26, 2020

Re-imagining union organizing

Ann Finkel

Posted September 23, 2020

NBA Players Demand Democratic Reform

K Mann

Posted September 17, 2020

David Graeber, Anthropologist and Activist of the 99%

Hannah Archambault

Posted September 15, 2020

University of Michigan grad students strike for COVID-19, anti-policing demands

Robin Zheng

Posted September 14, 2020

Justice Is Indivisible

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 5, 2020

The Fires Currently Raging in California, and Climate Change

Barry Sheppard

Posted September 2, 2020

Athletes Making Sports Matter

David Finkel

Posted August 28, 2020

Will the Military Support a Declaration of Martial Law

Garett Reppenhagen, Veterans for Peace, Interviewed by Bill Resnick

Posted August 27, 2020

The Significance of August 5th and Prospects for the Future

Radical Socialist

Posted August 25, 2020

The Pandemic and the Vote

Against the Current Editors

Posted August 22, 2020

Solidarity’s Election Poll

David Finkel, for the Solidarity National Committee

Posted August 22, 2020

The International Aid the Lebanese People Urgently Need Must Not Be Used to Enforce Neoliberal Measures

CADTM International

Posted August 20, 2020

A new stage in Black Lives Matter’s battle against Trump’s state violence

Malik Miah

Posted August 18, 2020

U.S. Troops Out of Portland Now! (Also: Baltimore, Kansas City, etc.)

Scott McLemee

Posted August 18, 2020

Why leftists in all states should vote Green

Peter Solenberger

Posted August 5, 2020

Why Leftists In Most States Should Vote Green, And Why In Some States We Shouldn’t

Michael Hirsch

Posted August 5, 2020

Anti-Carceral Feminism

Lydia Pelot-Hobbs

Posted July 23, 2020

Authoritarianism & Lockdown Time in Occupied Kashmir and India

Mona Bhan & Purnima Bose

Posted July 21, 2020

Covid-19: A Spring To Fall School Year?

Jack Gerson

Posted July 20, 2020

United States of America: Socialism for Big Capital and wild capitalism for the poor

Eric Toussaint

Posted July 20, 2020

The Movement for Black Lives Is Different This Time

Haley Pessin

Posted July 18, 2020

Massive support for Hugo Blanco faced with ultra-right attacks

Pepe Mejía

Posted July 18, 2020

July 4 speech signals new stage in Trump’s race war

Malik Miah

Posted July 9, 2020

On the Attack on Robert Cuffy at the Mass March to Defund the NYPD

Solidarity National Committee

Posted July 3, 2020

Reimagining Schools Post-Covid

Ann Finkel

Posted July 2, 2020

Mutual Aid and Labor Organizing in New Orleans

Michael Esealuka transcription

Posted July 2, 2020

Defend the Hong Kong Democracy Movement!

Solidarity National Committee

Posted June 30, 2020

COVID, A Glimpse of Our Future: On Mutual Aid and the Self-Organization of Working People

Kristian Williams Founding member of Rose City Copwatch, Interviewed by Bill Resnick

Posted June 30, 2020

Michael Moore’s Disappointing New Film

Bill Resnick

Posted June 27, 2020

After the Deluge

Dianne Feeley

Posted June 26, 2020

Hearts and Stomachs

Scott McLemee

Posted June 24, 2020

“Normal” No More

Against the Current Editors

Posted June 13, 2020

Our Solidarity with the Worldwide Anti-Racist Revolt

Fourth International

Posted June 11, 2020

Reopening and Rethinking Schools: Care vs. the Carceral Continuum

Anastasia C. Wilson

Posted June 10, 2020

How Should NYC Schools Reopen? School Workers Must Decide

Marian Swerdlow

Posted June 10, 2020

Stop Police Violence against Antiracist Protestors!

Solidarity National Committee

Posted June 5, 2020

Webinar: Workers’ Self-organization, Mutual Aid and Socialist Politics—Audio

Solidarity Education Committee

Posted June 4, 2020

We Can’t Breathe: Rebellion against Racist Police Violence

Solidarity National Committee

Posted May 31, 2020

Spanish state: Anticapitalistas leaves Podemos

Posted May 28, 2020

Our lives are worth more than your profits

PRT Mexico

Posted May 27, 2020

This is a Global Pandemic –
Let’s Treat it as Such

Adam Hanieh

Posted May 26, 2020

Back to basics: A critical balance sheet of the Bernie Sanders campaign

Peter Solenberger

Posted May 20, 2020

Thanks, Bernie!

Joanna Misnik

Posted May 20, 2020

A report on a social climate change action in West Africa

Patrice Assiongbon Sowanou

Posted May 19, 2020

From Invisible to Essential: Worker Struggle in the COVID Pandemic

Al Bradbury, Editor of Labor Notes, Interviewed by Bill Resnick

Posted May 13, 2020

Travis Watkins: Fighting General Motors Amid the COVID Pandemic

Travis Watkins
Interviewed by Bill Resnick

Posted May 13, 2020

May Day 2020 – Class Struggle in the Pandemic

By the National Committee of Solidarity

Posted May 8, 2020

Socially Necessary Work

Dianne Feeley

Posted May 6, 2020

Covid-19 and Capitalism: the science and the social/economic context

Michael Friedman interviewed by Bill Resnick

Posted April 24, 2020

Socialism from below after Bernie: Local organizing and rank-and-file militancy

Stephen Mahood and Promise Li

Posted April 21, 2020

A Crisis of Vast Unknowns

Against the Current Editors

Posted April 18, 2020

Why coronavirus hasn’t stopped Hong Kong’s protest movement

Promise Li

Posted April 18, 2020

India: Class Struggle, Environment and the Corona Virus Pandemic

Kunal Chattopadhyay

Posted April 17, 2020

Covid-19 attacks the down-and-out in ultra-unequal South Africa

Patrick Bond

Posted April 16, 2020

Fighting COVID-19: Why and How to Suspend Debt Repayment Immediately

Eric Toussaint

Posted April 16, 2020

Murder by Sanctions

A statement by the National Committee of Solidarity

Posted April 14, 2020

NYC Teachers Struggle to Educate Online
Bosses and Union Leaders Make It Harder

Marian Swerdlow

Posted April 10, 2020

Not fit to rule: Republicans, Democrats and the Wisconsin Elections Horror

Milwaukee Solidarity

Posted April 9, 2020

Further Remarks on an Electoral Road to Socialism

Mel Bienenfeld

Posted April 7, 2020

Germany’s worst political crisis since World War II

Folko Mueller and Ron Lare

Posted April 2, 2020

The Coronavirus Strikes and their Significance, So Far

Dan La Botz

Posted April 1, 2020

COVID-19: The monster is
finally at the door

Mike Davis

Posted March 31, 2020

An ideological war

Jen Roesch

Posted March 25, 2020

Covid-19 pandemic: let’s protect our lives not their profits!

Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted March 25, 2020

Epidemics, working-class self-organization and socialism

K Mann

Posted March 23, 2020

C-19 menaces Antigua and Barbuda

Mike Friedman

Posted March 23, 2020

Statement on the Delhi Pogrom

Radical Socialist

Posted March 20, 2020

Open letter to UN General Secretary

Nazneen Habib and Jahan Ara, sisters of Baba Jan

Posted March 20, 2020

A Medical, Economic and Social Crisis

Solidarity National Committee

Posted March 18, 2020

Ireland’s Left Turn

Daniel Finn

Posted March 17, 2020

Feminists, internationalists, anticapitalists

Penelope Duggan

Posted March 17, 2020

Covid-19 pandemic shows the need for public health that includes everyone

Dianne Feeley

Posted March 13, 2020

Statement on Governor Whitmer Inaction on Water Shutoffs, Public Health Safety

Peoples Water Board

Posted March 13, 2020

The Fallacies of Geoengineering

Ansar Fayyazuddin

Posted March 12, 2020

No, the coronavirus is not responsible for the fall of stock prices

Eric Toussaint

Posted March 11, 2020

Chicago Teachers Strike, Win

Robert Bartlett

Posted March 5, 2020

India under the BJP’s rule: The long fight against Modi’s Hindu nationalist agenda

Achin Vanaik

Posted March 4, 2020

Over 350 Acadamics Issue Statement on the anti-Muslim pogrom in Delhi

Posted March 4, 2020

All the Wars: No End, No Point?

The Editors

Posted March 3, 2020

Every state is a battleground

Howie Hawkins

Posted February 27, 2020

An Open Letter to the Green Party About 2020 Election Strategy

Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Fletcher, Leslie Cagan, Ron Daniels, Kathy Kelly, Norman Solomon, Cynthia Peters, and Michael Albert

Posted February 27, 2020

Problems with an Electoral Road to Socialism in the United States

Posted February 25, 2020

Problems with an Electoral Road to Socialism in the United States

Donna Cartwright

Posted February 25, 2020

Response to Donna Cartwright

Kit Wainer

Posted February 25, 2020

Is There an Electoral Road to Social Democracy?

Peter Solenberger

Posted February 25, 2020

Indigenous Resistance Shakes the Canadian State

John Clarke

Posted February 22, 2020

Strategy after reading—From Bernie to movement building from below

Stephen Mahood

Posted February 20, 2020

Thirteen theses on the imminent (ecological) catastrophe and the (revolutionary) means of averting it

Michael Löwy

Posted February 18, 2020

The Trump-Netanyahu-Kushner Apartheid Plan

David Finkel

Posted February 13, 2020

Disaster Coming Downriver

Caitlin Myers

Posted February 12, 2020

Ecosocialist School between two comrades

Posted February 6, 2020

Realizing ‘Just Transitions’: The Struggle for Plant Conversion at GM Oshawa

Sam Gindin

Posted February 4, 2020

Struggle for Health Justice

Posted January 31, 2020

France: A Second Wind to Defeat Macron

Léon Crémieux

Posted January 24, 2020

France at a Crossroads

Richard Greeman

Posted January 24, 2020

C.L.R. James on Martin Luther King, Jr.

Posted January 20, 2020

The Brexit election — from revenge to resistance

Ray M, RS21

Posted January 17, 2020

Britain: 2019 election analysis — A victory for the Far Right. A crisis for the Left

Neil Faulkner and Phil Hearse

Posted January 17, 2020

Pakistan: Struggling under the flag of solidarity, facing repression, in a fractured country

Pierre Rousset

Posted January 16, 2020

Remembering and Forgetting:
No to War with Iran!

David Finkel

Posted January 15, 2020

Iran Popular Protests Against Regime Intensify in Response to Iran Downing of Passenger Plane

Frieda Afary, Fatemeh Masjedi, Sina Zekavat

Posted January 15, 2020

Largest Ever Strike in India Shakes Up Modi Government

Subodh Varma, NewsClick

Posted January 14, 2020

In Support of the January 8th National Strike of Indian Workers and Students

Posted January 14, 2020

Margaret Jordan, presente!

Dianne Feeley & Johanna Parker

Posted January 9, 2020

The Socialist Position on the Latest U.S. Attack on Iran: The Assassination of Suleimani

Dan La Botz

Posted January 7, 2020

Oppose U.S. and Iran War by Showing Solidarity with Uprisings in the MENA Region

Alliance of Middle Eastern and North African Socialists

Posted January 7, 2020

Beyond the 2019 UAW Negotiations

Dianne Feeley

Posted January 6, 2020

No War!

Solidarity National Committee

Posted January 4, 2020

Hope in the Streets, continued

Against the Current Editors

Posted January 3, 2020

Statement on the Citizen Amendment Act, the Proposed National Register of Citizens and the Ongoing Protests Against Them

Radical Socialist

Posted January 3, 2020

Trump’s Latest Fraud: Palestine Solidarity Activism Under Fire

Solidarity National Committee

Posted December 18, 2019

Congratulating Kshama Sawant

Solidarity National Committee

Posted December 17, 2019

A disastrous election result: Defend the gains of Corbynism

Andy Stowe

Posted December 16, 2019

J Street is great! Right?

Amer Zahr

Posted December 12, 2019

A Coagulation of Anger

Léon Crémieux

Posted December 10, 2019

Why the Working Class and the Rank & File Strategy

Donna Cartwright

December 5, 2019

Why the Working Class and the Rank & File Strategy

Donna Cartwright

December 5, 2019

Why the Working Class and the Rank & File Strategy

Donna Cartwright

December 5, 2019

Why the Working Class and the Rank & File Strategy

Donna Cartwright

December 5, 2019

Why the Working Class and the Rank & File Strategy

Donna Cartwright

December 5, 2019

Why the Working Class and the Rank & File Strategy

Donna Cartwright

December 5, 2019

British Labour Party Manifesto 2019

Forward by Jeremy Corbyn

Posted December 3, 2019

2020 Presidential Election Debate

Against the Current

Posted December 3, 2019

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Macho Camacho

Jeffery R. Webber and Forrest Hylton

Posted November 27, 2019

Statement on the Indian Supreme Court’s Ayodhya Verdict

Radical Socialist

Posted November 26, 2019

Against the coup in Bolivia!

Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted November 15, 2019

The World Up in Arms Against Austerity and Authoritarianism

Dan La Botz

Posted November 14, 2019

Letter to President Sebastián Piñera

Chilean Trade Union Organizations

Posted November 11, 2019

The GM Strike and the Historical Convergence of Possibilities

Sam Gindin

Posted November 8, 2019

Bolivian Horizons: An Interview with Pablo Solón

Jeffery R Webber

Posted November 5, 2019

Chile: Trade union declaration for social transformation

Posted November 4, 2019

Canadian Elections Bring Back Liberals

Giselle Gerolami

Posted October 31, 2019

Defend the democratic rights of the Catalan people against an unjust sentence and against repression

Fourth International Bureau

Posted October 30, 2019

Why the Kurds Should Be Supported

Jabra Nicola

Posted October 25, 2019

Impeachment and Imperialism

Against the Current Editors

Posted October 24, 2019

UAW-GM Contract “Lowlights”

Autoworker Caravan

Posted October 22, 2019

Chicago Teachers Go Out On Strike Again

Barbara Madeloni

Posted October 18, 2019

Ecuador: Society’s Reaction to IMF Austerity Package

Wilma Salgado

Posted October 15, 2019

Ecuador: Society’s Reaction to IMF Austerity Package

Wilma Salgado

Posted October 15, 2019

Ecuador: Society’s Reaction to IMF Austerity Package

Wilma Salgado

Posted October 15, 2019

Betraying the Kurds

David Finkel

Posted October 11, 2019

Women against neoliberal reforms and repression in Ecuador

Urgent statement

Posted October 10, 2019

Stop the Tory Brexit – For a United Socialist Europe

Socialist Resistance

Posted October 5, 2019

British politics in tumult

Susan Pashkoff

Posted October 5, 2019

GM Workers Need More Than a Decent Contract

Dianne Feeley

Posted October 2, 2019

Three questions of political strategy

Steve Downs

Posted September 27, 2019

Reform or revolution? A response to three intriguing questions

Peter Solenberger

Posted September 27, 2019

We’re going on strike till they get this sh*t right!

Statement by Autoworker Caravan

Posted September 25, 2019

The Rank and File Strategy: Building a Socialist Movement in the U.S.

Posted September 24, 2019

Carrying the torch for labor renewal

An interview with Jane Slaughter

Posted September 24, 2019

Striking GM Workers Aren’t Backing Down

Dianne Feeley

Posted September 19, 2019

The future demands environmental justice

Solidarity Ecosocialist Working Group

Posted September 14, 2019

Disablement, Oppression, and Political Economy

Marta Russell

Posted September 3, 2019

Hong Kong’s protest movement must stop ignoring migrant workers

Promise Li

Posted August 30, 2019

Kashmir on the Edge of the Abyss

Tariq Ali

Posted August 29, 2019

India: Understanding the Catastrophic Victory of the Fascists and the Long-Term Consequences

Kunal Chattopadhyay

Posted August 29, 2019

Why We Need Socialist Disability Theory and Critical Disability Socialism

Anna McClennen

Posted August 27, 2019

Puerto Rico: Summer 2019: results and perspectives

Manuel Rodríguez Banchs & Rafael Bernabe

Posted August 22, 2019

DSA Convention 2019—Overcoming Divisions—Votes to Maintain Strong National Organization, Takes up Ambitious Organizing Agenda

Dan La Botz

August 8, 2019

Localism’s Contradictions in Hong Kong

Promise Li

Posted August 1, 2019

Viewpoint: As Big Three Negotiations Open, Which Way Forward for the Auto Workers?

Dianne Feeley

Posted July 30, 2019

AT WAR: a Film about Class Struggle

Michael Hirsch

July 25, 2019

Solidarity with the people of Puerto Rico

Collective Statement

Posted July 24, 2019

Puerto Rico: People are in the streets against sexism, homophobia, austerity and corruption

Pierre Gottiniaux

Posted July 23, 2019

The People Emerge:
The Storming of the Bastille

K Mann

Posted July 18, 2019

Brexit Divides the British Left

Peter Solenberger

Posted July 16, 2019

Diane Abbott, John McDonnell and Emily Thornberry are correct on Brexit

Alan Davies

Posted July 16, 2019

May is going, what next for Corbyn?

Sally Campbell

Posted July 16, 2019

We Need a Labour Brexit

Costas Lapavitsas

Posted July 16, 2019

Prepare popular resistance!

Andreas Sartzekis

Posted July 12, 2019

Syriza: the denouement

Richard Seymour

Posted July 12, 2019

Lessons from the Past: Markets, Plans, Bureaucracy

Éric Toussaint

Posted July 9, 2019

Daniel Clawson ¡Presente!

Karin Baker

Posted July 3, 2019

Rest in Power, Brother Bruce

Howie Hawkins 2020 Campaign Team

Posted July 2, 2019

Mexico’s President Knuckles Under to Trump, Woos Mexico’s Business Class

Dan La Botz

Posted June 27, 2019

Joint solidarity statement: Stop police brutality in Hong Kong! No extradition to China!

Posted June 21, 2019

The Twenty-First Century Left will be Anti-Capitalist

Enzo Traverso

Posted June 20, 2019

After the European elections

Bureau of the Fourth International

Posted June 13, 2019

Defend Abortion Rights!

Dianne Feeley

Posted June 10, 2019

Release Ali Wazir, withdraw false police charges

Pakistan solidarity petition

Posted June 6, 2019

Capitalism and Monopolies: Is Regulation the Answer?

Cyryl Ryzak

June 6, 2019

On Rosa Luxemburg and Her Murder

Jason Schulman

Posted June 4, 2019

Making War on the Planet

John Bellamy Foster

Posted May 30, 2019

Portugal: The Left Bloc 20 years on

Josu Egireun, Manuel Garí

Posted May 28, 2019

Should the Green Party Stand Down in 2020?

Howie Hawkins

Posted May 23, 2019

Australia: Coalition win makes fightback urgent

Jim McIlroy

Posted May 23, 2019

How Unions Could Fight Harassment in STEM

Zachary Eldredge & Colleen Baublitz

Posted May 21, 2019

Yellow Vest Movement Still Going Strong

Richard Greeman

May 17, 2019

Yellow Vest Movement Still Going Strong

Richard Greeman

May 17, 2019

Yellow Vest Movement Still Going Strong

Richard Greeman

May 17, 2019

Will German Social Democrats expel socialist youth leader for socialist ideas?

Ron Lare

Posted May 17, 2019

After defeating the right, let’s demand what’s ours

Anticapitalistas (Spanish state)

Posted May 17, 2019

Eviction of Embassy Activists ‘Will Violate International Law’

The Embassy Protection Collective (Venezuelan Embassy)

Posted May 14, 2019

Venezuelan socialists condemn attempted coup

Two articles from International Viewpoint

Posted May 7, 2019

No U.S.-Guaido Coup — Let Venezuelans Decide!

Solidarity National Committee

Posted May 3, 2019

Brazil Under Bolsonaro: Social Base, Agenda and Perspectives

Ana Garcia

Posted May 3, 2019

ATC Turns 200 (issues)!

A Letter from the Editors

Posted May 2, 2019

Four Years of Forgotten War on Yemen

Majed Alwishaliy

May 1, 2019

May Day: Workers’ Struggles, International Solidarity, Political Aspirations

Socialist Project

May 1, 2019

May Day: Workers’ Struggles, International Solidarity, Political Aspirations

Socialist Project

May 1, 2019

May Day: Workers’ Struggles, International Solidarity, Political Aspirations

Socialist Project

May 1, 2019

Making the Green New Deal Real

Dianne Feeley

Posted April 23, 2019

We’re Fighting a Mean-Spirited and Antidemocratic Attack on Public Education

An interview with Tim Marshall by Meagan Day

Posted April 18, 2019

Free Julian Assange! No extradition to the U.S.!

Peter Solenberger

Posted April 17, 2019

An Arab Spring Redux? The Fall of Sudan’s “Morsisi”

Gilbert Achcar

Posted April 16, 2019

Review: The ABCs of Capitalism

Hannah Archambault

Posted April 12, 2019

What is the Rank-and-File Strategy, and Why Does It Matter?

Barry Eidlin

Posted April 9, 2019

On the Deir Yassin Massacre Anniversary

David Finkel

Posted April 8, 2019

Solidarity with the Algerian people in their struggle for popular sovereignty! Renaissance of the Algerian revolution!

Statement of Fourth International Bureau

Posted April 5, 2019

California Teachers on the March: An Interview with Joel Jordan

Johanna Brenner

April 4, 2019

California Teachers on the March: An Interview with Joel Jordan

Johanna Brenner

April 4, 2019

No to the imperialist threat against Venezuela! No to the Trump-Guaidó coup attempt! In defence of the sovereignty of the Bolivarian nation and people!

International Committee of the Fourth International

Posted March 25, 2019

Christchurch terror: How did this happen?

Byron Clark, Daphne Lawless, Tyler West, and Ani White

Posted March 22, 2019

Chicago Charter Teachers Strike, Win

Robert Bartlett

Posted March 21, 2019

The New Zealand Shootings, a Microcosm of Imperialism

Julia Kassem

Posted March 19, 2019

The New Politics of Disablement: The Contribution of Mike Oliver

Ravi Malhotra

Posted March 18, 2019

Why the 1953 cancellation of German debt won’t be reproduced for Greece and Developing Countries

Eric Toussaint

March 15 2019

The Fight Over Ilhan Omar: Phase 1

David Finkel

Posted March 13, 2019

Whose “Security” — and for What?

The Editors

Posted March 12, 2019

Marx for Today: A Socialist-Feminist Reading

Johanna Brenner

Posted March 4, 2019

West Virginia’s Political Strike Wins Big

Eric Blanc

Posted February 28, 2019

Imperialism and Capitalism: As American as Apple Pie?

James Parisot

Posted February 26, 2019

Prisons and Class Warfare: An Interview with Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Clément Petitjean

Posted February 21, 2019

As Macron Prepares New Repressive Measures Yellow Vests and Red Unions Strike Together

Richard Greeman

Posted February 20, 2019

How I Emerged from the Working Class and Became a Socialist

Mike Patrick

Posted February 18, 2019

Your Complete Guide to the N.Y. Times’ Support of U.S.-backed Coups in Latin America

Adam H. Johnson

February 15, 2019

Venezuela: Interview with Gonzalo Gomez

Eva María

February 15, 2019

On the attacks on the EZLN

Edgard Sanchez

Posted February 14, 2019

A New Day for Mexican Workers

David Bacon

Posted February 14, 2019

Defend Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib!

A Statement by the Steering Committee of Solidarity

Posted February 14, 2019

The Fate of Latin America’s “Pink Tide”

A Review by Samuel Farber

Posted February 13, 2019

Sorting through the lies about Venezuela

Pete Dolack

Posted February 13, 2019

Put Labour at the head of the anti-Brexit movement

Socialist Resistance

Posted February 12, 2019

Britain: The strategic perplexity of the Left on Brexit

Richard Seymour

Posted February 12, 2019

The UTLA Strike

Rob Bartlett

Posted February 8, 2019

The Left Case for Open Borders

Cyryl Ryzak

February 4, 2019

Wobblies on the Waterfront

A review by Martin Oppenheimer

Posted January 31, 2019

Solidarity with the popular uprising in Sudan

Alliance of Middle East Socialists

Posted January 29, 2019

Erik Olin Wright and Us

Keith Mann

January 28, 2019

L.A. Teachers Win Big and Beat Back Privatizers

Barbara Madeloni

January 28, 2019

No to the coup in Venezuela!
For a democratic solution to the crisis!

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

January 24, 2019

Detroit DSA and Auto Workers Caravan team up to protest General Motors

Dianne Feeley

January 23, 2019

Madison versus the People

Dan Johnson

January 24, 2019

Europe’s Political Turmoil

Peter Drucker

January 22, 2019

Against the Davos of the Rich
For a Davos of the Peoples!

Greetings from Solidarity

January 21, 2019

Make Detroit the Engine of a Green New Deal

Detroit Coalition For A Green New Deal

January 16, 2019

Demonstrate at the International Auto Show

Autoworker Caravan

January 16, 2019

Why We Occupied Our General Motors Factory in Oshawa, Canada

Labor Notes Interview with Tony Lea

January 16, 2019

Viewpoint: What’s Good for the Country? New Owners for GM

Toni Gilpin

January 16, 2019

The Menace of Right “Populism”

The Editors

January 11, 2019

How Federal Workers Could Fight the Shutdown

Ben Beckett and Ryan Haney

January 2, 2019

Organize Resistance in Brazil and International Solidarity against the Neofascist Government of Bolsonaro

Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

January 3, 2019

An Appeal to Jewish Women to Support the 2019 Women’s March and Its Leaders

Rosalind P. Petchesky

December 25, 2018

Trump’s “Withdrawal” — What Next?

David Finkel

December 21, 2018

What the New Report Tells Us about Climate Change​

Dianne Feeley

December 19. 2018

No Plant Closings! Plant Conversion to Save Workers and the Planet

Wendy Thompson

December 18, 2018

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador Promises the “Rebirth of Mexico”

Dan La Botz

December 13, 2018

Is There a Gig Economy?

Kim Moody

December 6, 2018

A Ruling Class Activist:
A Not-Eulogy for George H. W. Bush

David Finkel

December 5, 2018

What is at stake in the “yellow jacket” mobilization

Léon Crémieux

November 26, 2018

Two steps to stop Brexit

Socialist Resistance

November 25, 2018

The 2008 Financial Crisis: Where it came from, what happened after, and what it says about the need for socialism

Luke Pretz

November 27, 2018

Rightwing demagogue Jair Bolsonaro wins Brazilian Presidency, Left Organizes Resistance

Peter Solenberger

November 21, 2018

Organize Resistance and Popular Unity Against Bolsonaro

Party of Socialism and Liberty (PSOL)

November 11, 2018

Germany update:
Greens and AfD Gain in Hessian Elections, the Left Faces a Shapeshifting Center

Ron Lare

November 21, 2018

California Wildfire Death and Destruction – 2018 Edition

Ansar Fayyazuddin

November 22, 2018

Sound, Fury and the Midterms

David Finkel

November 17, 2018

The Google Walkout: An International Working-Class Movement

Dan La Botz

November 16, 2018

Hospitals Torch Safe Staffing Limits in Massachusetts

Chris Brooks

November 15, 2018

The Caravan “Crisis” — Myth and Facts

Solidarity Steering Committee

November 2, 2008

Eighty years of the Fourth International


October 26, 2018

Solidarity with Striking French Postal Workers

Posted November 2, 2018

The Poisoning of Flint

Dianne Feeley

October 30, 2018

Better news from Germany
Berlin mobilization, Bavarian election

Ron Lare

October 18, 2018

Enslaved by Capital

Clayton Morgareidge

October 25, 2018

An Election Earthquake in Québec

Alain Savard

October 4, 2018

Murder Most Foul: Accomplices After the Fact

David Finkel

October 23, 2018

#EleNão (not him)
Defeat Bolsonaro and defend rights!

Party of Socialism and Liberty (PSOL)

Posted October 23, 2018

The Bolsonaro Effect

Rosana Pinheiro-Machado and Lucia Mury Scalco

Posted October 23, 2018

Torture of immigrant Children Continues, But the Public Outrage Reflects the Profound Transformation of U.S. Child Rearing

Bill Resnick

October 18, 2018

Resisting the right

Socialist Resistance

October 18, 2018

Nicaraguan Government Kidnaps Dozens of Nicaraguan Opposition Leaders and Violently Assaults Protestors

October 14, 2018

Our planet, our lives, and life itself, are worth more than their profits!

Ecology Commission of the Fourth International

October 8, 2018

Supreme Toxicity—Confirmed

The Editors

October 8, 2018

The Nazi Rise to Power – Lessons for Today

Bill Smaldone

October 2, 2018

In Leafy Ealing, a Revolution on Reproductive Rights Gets Underway

Dawn Starin

Posted October 1, 2018

Brazilian Women Unite Against Far-Right Presidential Candidate

September 28, 2018

David McReynolds, 1929-2018

Jason Schulman

September 27, 2018

Dallas community responds to police shooting of Botham Jean: An Interview with Olinka Green

Robert Caldwell

September 26, 2018

Rise for Climate, Jobs + Justice Takes Over the San Francisco Streets

Joan Lichterman

September 18, 2018

Julia Salazar, DSA Member, Wins Democratic Primary Election for NY Senate
What Does the Election Mean for DSA and the Left?

Dan La Botz

September 16, 2018

Statement on the Repeal of India’s Law Criminalizing Gay Sex

Radical Socialist

September 9, 2018

Solidarity with the Shenzhen Jasic Technology Workers

Posted September 13, 2018

Where to Begin?

The Editors

September 11, 2018

“Adults in the Room”

David Finkel

September 7, 2018

Solidarity with the Rohingya People

Posted September 6, 2018

El Salvador:
FMLN Confronts Challenge from the Right

David Grosser

September 4, 2018

Nicaragua’s Popular Rebellion Stopped — For Now

Dan La Botz

August 2018

Two articles on Honduras

Vicki Cervantes

Posted September 4, 2018

Labour must stand firm on anti-Semitism code of conduct

Socialist Resistance

August 22, 2018

When the Mailmen Rebelled

Paul Prescod

August 28, 2018

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Christopher Dols & Emily Glaser

August 23, 2018

Uri Avnery: Courageous Israeli Campaigner for Peace and Justice

Jeff Halper

August 22, 2018

Rebuilding Power in Open-Shop America: A Labor Notes Guide

Labor Notes

July 2018

Her Majesty, Aretha

Kim D. Hunter

August 17, 2018

Report on our Midwest Day School

Ian Cornelius

August 15, 2018

17th World Congress of the Fourth International: Analyse, act, build

Léon Crémieux

Posted August 13, 2018

The Movement-Building Potential of Socialist Electoral Victories

Cyryl Ryzak

August 7, 2018

Endless War, Swirling Chaos

The Editors

July/August 2018

Open Letter to the NAACP on Puerto Rico

Rafael Bernabe and Manuel Rodríguez Banchs

July 20, 2018

American Active in French Revolt in ’68 Returns to Fight in the Belly of the Monster

Wendy Thompson

July 26, 2018

How Should Socialists Organize? Reflections on the Lift the Ban Campaign

Robin Peterson

Posted July 24, 2018

Midwest Day School

Posted July 20, 2018

Oppression of Pakistan’s caricatured feudalism

Farooq Tariq

May 2018

AMLO, Mexico’s New President, Promises End to Corruption, Makes Peace with Capitalist Class

Dan La Botz

July 7, 2018

Mexico, July 1, 2018 — a new historical period opens

Luis Rangel

July 2, 2018

The Mexican elections in the crucible of crisis

Revolutionary Workers Party (PRT)

June 9, 2018

Whither Mexico with AMLO?

Socialist Unity League (LUS), Socialist Workers Party (POS) and La Gota

July 4, 2018

A Call Center Coup: Ex-Teamster Boots Riley Tackles Telemarketing And its Discontents

Steve Early

July 10, 2018

Populism: What it is and what it is not

Cyryl Ryzak

July 5, 2018

Trump’s Trade Folly and the Virtues of Organizing for a Radical “Fair Trade”

Luke Pretz and Bill Resnick

July 3, 2018

Martha (Marty) Quinn, 1939-2018

Patrick Quinn

Let Them In—Immigrants Welcome Here!

Posted June 28, 2018

Report on our West Coast Day School: Transnational Solidarity with Latin America

Promise Li

June 27, 2018

Trump’s Immigration Policy:
The Family Separations are Over (sort of)
The Racism and Exploitation Remain

K Mann

June 23, 2018

After Singapore, Are We Safer — and What Next?

David Finkel

June 22, 2018

Chilean Workers Take On Walmart

Eric Blair

June 12, 2018

Why Socialists Support Jovanka and Gayle

Mike Parker

June 12, 2018

Joel Kovel, In Memoriam

Michael Löwy

June 1, 2018

Flush With Cash: Will Buffy the Bernie Slayer Win in Pro-Sanders District?

Steve Early

May 28, 2018

Left-wing Solidarity with Disability Activism and the Taboo of Body Odor Medical Conditions

A. Smith

May 26, 2018

Turkey’s Snap Elections and the #TAMAM Campaign

Yasemin Dildar

May 18, 2018

Educators for a Democratic Union is Transforming the Massachusetts Teachers Association

Dan Clawson and John Fitzgerald

May 8, 2018

Trump’s Road to War — Why?

A Statement from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

Posted May 10, 2018

The Direction of the South Korean Labor Movement since the 2016 Candlelight Vigils

Song Ho-joon

May 4, 2018

Socialists Converge Upon Conservative Texas

Shannon Carter

May 1, 2018

Far-right “researchers” steal Facebook info

Peter Solenberger

April 14, 2018

Intersectionality and Divergence – My Life in the LGBT and Labor Movements

Donna Cartwright

April 8, 2018

Catalan President Puigdemont’s arrest in Germany and potential extradition to Spain evokes history of shared fascist collaboration; sparks renewed Catalan resistance

Bayla Ostrach and Ron Lare

April 7, 2018

Building a Thoughtful and Collaborative Left: the Kansas City Grassroots Network

Luke Pretz

March 29, 2018

Making Gaza “Uninhabitable”: A Requiem

David Finkel

March 25, 2018

Defend Rabab Abdulhadi!

Dianne Feeley

March 22, 2018

Our Comrade Marielle Franco Murdered

International Viewpoint

March 16, 2018

Comrades in Fear

Anca Vlasopolos

Posted March 2, 2018

Single-Payer Health Care: What Will It Take to Pass It?

Lee Stanfield

February 24, 2018

Clarion Alley Confronts a Lack of Concern

Dawn Starin

February 21, 2018

A Spectre is Haunting Boston Cinema

Marius Pontmercy

February 12, 2018

2018: Whither Hong Kong?

Promise Li

February 8, 2018

130 thousand metalworkers in Turkey win partial victory despite government ban on strike


February 4, 2018

From Roe to Reproductive (In)Justice: Inequality, Reproductive Freedom, & Access

Nechama Sammet Moring, Ashley Houston, Bayla Ostrach

January 30, 2018

The Future of the UAW in Light of Recent Corruption Scandals

Ron Lare

January 26, 2018

The AFL-CIO Convention: Beginning of the End or Steps toward a New Beginning?

Cyryl Ryzak

January 25, 2018

Ursula K. Le Guin – Rest in Power

Joyce Kerley

January 24, 2018

Indigenous Womxn’s March

Johanna Brenner

January 23, 2018

Nothing New in Trump’s Comments

Keith Mann

January 15, 2018

Reflections on the Protests in Iran

Barry Sheppard

January 13, 2018

Catalunya: Special Election Update

Bayla Ostrach

December 25, 2017

What Can We Learn from Roy Moore’s Defeat in Alabama?

Luke Pretz

January 3, 2018

William A. “Bill” Pelz

Patrick M. Quinn and Eric Schuster

December 20, 2017

Standing Up for Palestine: BDS More than Ever!

from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

December 9, 2017

Catalunya: Together We Build the Republic

Bayla Ostrach

December 8, 2017

Stop the Israel-United States Deadly Exchange

Barry Saks

November 19, 2017

One Hundred Years: A Poem on the Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Steve Bloom

November 5, 2017

Open Letter to the People of the United States – from Puerto Rico, a month after Hurricane María

Manuel Rodríguez Banchs and Rafael Bernabe

Nov 4, 2017

Dilemmas of Electoral Politics: The Working Families Party and the Greens in New York State

October 29, 2017

How to Make a Corporate Democrat Govern as a Progressive (at least some of the time): Andrew Cuomo, Zephyr Teachout, Bernie Sanders and the Working Families Party

Stephanie Luce

October 29, 2017

Progressive Democrats Have Little Power Without an Independent Left

Howie Hawkins

October 29, 2017

Puerto Rico: Some Lessons of the Hurricane

Rafael Bernabe

October 5, 2017

Some Reflections on Puerto Rico and Colonialism

by Silvia Brandon-Pérez

October 5, 2017

No Trump, No War, No Way!

from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

September 22, 2017

Declaration of the Fourth International on the current events in Catalonia

from the Executive Bureau of the Fourth International

September 21, 2017

Defend DACA and Demand Justice for All Migrants

from the National Committee of Solidarity

September 7, 2017

Running for the People: “Run, Run, Run (for office) and Don’t Look Back”

An Interview with La’Shadion Shemwell

September 1, 2017

From the Gulf Coast to South Asia: solidarity for flooding and rainstorm victims!

from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

August 31, 2017

Defend Comrades Under Attack in Franklin, Ohio

from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

August 31, 2017

An Orientation Toward Local Independent Political Organizations (IPOs)

from Solidarity

August 14, 2017

Statement in Solidarity with Activists and Victims in Charlottesville

from the National Committee of Solidarity

August 14, 2017

On the Crisis in Venezuela

a statement from Anticapitalistas

August 6, 2017

Labor’s Legitimacy Crisis Under Trump

by Barry Eidlin

July 16, 2017

One-Half Cheer for Trump on the Climate?

From the Editors of Against the Current

June 22, 2017

Theresa May’s Katrina: Grenfell Tower and the Election Outcome that Wasn’t Supposed to Happen

by Sheila Cohen and Kim Moody

June 21, 2017

Portland’s MAX Murders, the Alt-Right, and the Left’s Response

Johanna Brenner

June 9, 2017

Science for the People with the EZLN

by John Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto

May 26, 2017

Justice for Miriam Rodriguez

May 19, 2017

“A Threat to Democracy”

David Finkel

May 12, 2017

Trump in Power: The First 100 Days

by Dan La Botz

April 30, 2017

Our Planet, Our Lives!

from Solidarity’s Ecosocialist Working Group

April 18, 2017

Trump’s New and Used Middle East War

from the National Committee of Solidarity

April 7, 2017

Trump’s Military Adventurism Under Way in Syria

by Phil Hearse

April 7, 2017

Chuck Berry’s Promised Land

by Dennis O’Neil

March 27, 2017

A Partial Peace in Colombia

by Kevin Young

March 14, 2017

Remembering Seymour Kramer (1946-2017)

by Patrick M. Quinn

February 20, 2017

Against Trump and Peña: Unity from Below and without Borders

from the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (PRT)

February 12, 2017

Fighting Trumpism: where do we go from here?

by Micah Landau

February 9, 2017

Build and Fight: Beyond Trump and the Limitations of the United Front

by Kali Akuno and Doug Norberg

February 6, 2017

Trump Makes Early Enemies

by Dan La Botz

February 1, 2017

Women’s March 2017: The Birth of a New Women’s Movement?

by Nancy Holmstrom

January 24, 2017

Who Put Trump in the White House?

by Kim Moody

January 24, 2017

Refinery Town: A Model for Local Political Action

by Ryan Haney

January 8, 2017

The State Is at War: An Eyewitness Report from Standing Rock

Interview with Rebecca Kemble

December 9, 2016

Rank-and-File Versus Finance Capital: Massachusetts Stops Charter School Expansion

by Dan Clawson and John Fitzgerald

December 7, 2016

Remembering Erwin Baur

from Against the Current

December 4, 2016

Environmental Racism in Santa Cruz

by Michael Gasser

November 13, 2016

Build the Left to Defeat the Right

from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

November 9, 2016

Only the Privileged Can Afford Hillary Clinton

By Howie Hawkins

November 4, 2016

Chicago Teachers Union Makes Tentative Contract Agreement without a Strike

by Robert Bartlett

October 26, 2016

Standing Rock and Our Future

By Alison Baldree

October 24, 2016

A Long Time Coming: Roots of the Milwaukee Uprising

from the Milwaukee Branch of Solidarity

October 13, 2016

Citizens, Environmentalists, and Labor Activists Coming Together: Oil Pipelines Converging in Illinois

by Sandra Lindberg

October 12, 2016

A Turning Point in Polish Politics: the #czarnyprotest and Monday’s Women’s Strike

Aleksandra Wolke and Mikołaj Ratajczak interviewed by Mark Bergfeld

October 7, 2016

Support the Struggles in North Dakota and Charleston

September 23, 2016

Why “Lesser Evilism” Is a Loser

Jill Stein interviewed by Against the Current

September 23, 2016

noDAPL Anthology



A Giant Flushing Sound

from the Editors of Against the Current

September 13, 2016

Forfeiting the Future at Wayne State and Other Public Universities

by Fran Shor

September 6, 2016

Challenging the Duopoly Candidates in West Baltimore

from the editors

August 25, 2016

Demonstrate by Day, Strategize by Night: A Report on the Socialist Convergence

by Johanna Brenner

August 24, 2016

Victory in Shutting Down Coal Port

from Against the Current

August 15, 2016

The LGBTQ Movement Today

by Donna Cartwright

August 19, 2016

Dan Savage on the Green Party? Just No

by Adam Hefty

July 22, 2016

Kwame M.A. Somburu (1934-2016)

by Dianne Feeley

July 21, 2016

For Jill Stein and Independent Politics

from the National Committee of Solidarity

July 19, 2016

After Dallas: The Struggle Continues

from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

July 8, 2016

Beneath the Surface Interview with Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos

Pedro Paulo Zahluth Bastos interviewed by Suzi Weissman

July 1, 2016

Britain Divided in Disastrous “Brexit” Referendum

by Terry Conway

June 30, 2016

Abortion Clinic Ruling Rolls Back TRAP Assaults

by Dianne Feeley

June 29, 2016

After Bernie—Electoral Strategy for the Left in 2016

by various authors

June 24, 2016

Stop the Repression in Mexico

from the Bureau of the Fourth International

June 22, 2016

After the Killings in Orlando: Grief, Anger, and Vigilance

from the Bureau of the Fourth International

June 20, 2016

A Socialist Convergence in Philadelphia

by Robert Caldwell

June 11, 2016

“This Deportation Business”: The 1920s and the Present

Emily Pope-Obeda

May 28, 2016

Remembering Glenn Shelton, 1952-2016

by Dianne Feeley and David Finkel

May 17, 2016

Destroying Detroit Schools

by Dianne Feeley and David Finkel

May 3, 2016

U.S. Labor: What’s New, What’s Not?

by Kim Moody

May 1, 2016

Disasters in Syria and Yemen

Gilbert Achcar interviewed by Against the Current

April 29, 2016

Demand that President Obama Free Leonard Peltier!

by Tushkahomma

April 19, 2016

What is to be Done with the Banks? Radical Proposals for Radical Changes

from the Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt

April 17, 2016

When the Plan B is the Plan A

by Josep María Antentas

April 11, 2016

The New Free Trade Agreements (TPP, TTIP AND TISA), Aren’t A Solution: They’re Another Problem

from the Fourth International

April 6, 2016

Statement on Another Attack by the Far Right on Christians and Democracy in Pakistan

from the Awami Workers Party

March 28, 2016

On the Brussels Terrorist Attacks

from the LCR-SAP

March 24, 2016

The Real John Kasich

by Bob Fitrakis

March 23, 2016

Towards Unity of the Left

Langa Zita

Posted March 16, 2016

Sweden: A Welfare State in Crisis

Eva Nikell

Posted March 15, 2016

On the French Students’ Demonstrations

an interview with Daniel Singer

Posted March 15, 2016

The Future of Socialism

Daniel Singer

Posted March 15, 2016

UAW: Death of a Union?

Peter Downs

Posted March 15, 2016

Chines Workers Defeat Silver Palace Lockout

John C. Antush

Posted March 15, 2016

“La Causa” on the Road

Dennis Dunleavy

Posted March 15, 2016

WE! Confronting Violence

Chani Beeman

Posted March 15, 2016

The Rebel Girl: Is Population the Problem?

Catherine Sameh

Posted March 15, 2016

Geronimo Pratt, Political Prisoner

Karin Baker

Posted March 15, 2016

Bill Clinton and Genocide

The Editors

Posted March 15, 2016

Supreme Court Considers Texas Anti-Abortion Laws

by Dianne Feeley

March 9, 2016

Understanding MTSU’s Forrest Hall Controversy: Think Civil Rights, Not Civil War

by Elizabeth Catte

March 7, 2016

Californians Protest Crude Oil Trains

by Claudette Begin

March 6, 2016

International Actions Called to Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera

by Steve Bloom

February 16, 2016

A Tribute to Arthur Lipow

by Gretchen Lipow

February 15, 2016

After Iowa and New Hampshire: A Political Revolution Underway?

from the Steering Committee of Solidarity

February 11, 2016

Assessing the Paris COP and Building on the Outcome

by Alan Thornett

February 5, 2016

“Native Sports Mascots Must Go”: An Interview with Amanda Blackhorse

Amanda Blackhorse interviewed by Robert Caldwell

January 26, 2016

Mexican Labor Year in Review (2015)

by Dan La Botz

January 25, 2016

Detroit Teachers Protest Attacks on Schools and Students

by Nina Chacker

January 23, 2016

A Michigan City Poisoned: Governor’s Apology Can’t Get the Lead Out

by David Finkel

January 21, 2016

Two Years of Podemos

by Teresa Rodríguez and Miguel Urbán

January 21, 2016

An Unlikely Deal for the Left Begets Victories and Exposes Contradictions

by João Camargo

January 11, 2016

California Drought and Global Warming

by Barry Sheppard

January 9, 2016

A New Political Situation in Latin America

an interview with Claudio Katz

January 6, 2016

Can Chicago Teachers Win Again?

by Robert Bartlett

January 4, 2016

Global Lessons of a Catastrophe

from the editors of Against the Current

December 29, 2015

U.S. Workers and Puerto Rico’s Crisis

by Rafael Bernabe

December 28, 2015

International Statement on Syria and Iraq

December 17, 2015

Big Three Contracts: Who Won?

by Dianne Feeley

December 16, 2015

ISIS, the World System, and the Need for New Politics

by Valentine M. Moghadam

December 10, 2015

Facing the Enemy Within

from the Solidarity Steering Committee

November 25, 2015

Bernie Begs the Question: What is Socialism?

by George Stinney, Jr.

November 23, 2015

Your Wars, Our Dead

by Julien Salingue

November 17, 2015

The Cruelty of Imperialist Wars Results in the Cruelty of Terrorism

from the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA)

November 14, 2015

State “Emergency Manager” Poisons Flint

by David Finkel and Dianne Feeley

October 16, 2015

Turkey’s Tiananmen in Context

by Justus Links

October 13, 2015

Millions Are “Feeling the Bern,” but What’s Next?

from Solidarity

October 8, 2015

Chinese Strikes in Manufacturing: from Offensive to Defensive?

by Kevin Lin

October 3, 2015

Is Solidarity Forever? Proposed UAW Contract Fails to Meet Worker Expectations

by Dianne Feeley

September 24, 2015

Climate Disaster Is On Its Way Unless We Organize!

from the Bureau of the Fourth International

September 23, 2015

Racist Terror, Then and Now

by Martin Oppenheimer

September 21, 2015

An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders Supporters from Solidarity, a socialist, feminist, anti-racist organization

from Solidarity

September 10, 2015

Jill Stein Campaign Needs Support Now

by Howie Hawkins

September 9, 2015

Climate on the Brink

Alan Thornett interviewed by Michael Gasser

September 5, 2015

United We Fight: While Organizers Build Unity in Ferguson, Media Sows Discord

by John Reed

August 27, 2015

Iraq: Winds of Hope

by Joseph Daher

August 24, 2015

Capitalism vs. Democracy in Europe

by Michael Löwy

August 11, 2015

Thoughts for White Activists on Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter

by Alex Greene

August 9, 2015

Moral Combat: Voting Rights and North Carolina’s Moral Mondays

by Katie O’Reilly

August 6, 2015

Resolution on Greek Austerity and Class Struggle

by Thano P and Ted M

August 4, 2015

Connecting Sanders’ Audience’s Aspirations to Clear Working Class Political Alternatives

by Traven and Joanna

July 29, 2015

Rainbows and Weddings: The Neoliberal and Imperialist Politics of LGBT Rights

by Mehlab Jameel

July 6, 2015

Our Movement is Global

Alice Ragland interviewed by Against the Current

June 19, 2015

Albert Woodfox and Gary Tyler: Unjustly Imprisoned in Louisiana

by David Finkel

June 17, 2015

An Alternative for SYRIZA

by Achilleas and Eleni

June 12, 2015

NAFTA’s Track Record and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

by Barry Sheppard

June 5, 2015

Auditing the Greek Debt: Unity of Place, Time, and Action

by Eric Toussaint

June 2, 2015

Life Has No Dignity at Quad

June 1, 2015

The Deepening Mediterannean Tragedy and the EU’s Military Response

by Nizar Visram

May 29, 2015

Building Power through Electoral Efforts: Approaches to Independent Political Action

by Mike Parker

May 21, 2015

No Justice for Tony Robinson: An Update from Madison

by Allen Ruff

May 15, 2015

A History of the Two-Party System: Part 4 (The Present)

by Mark Lause

May 13, 2015

A History of the Two-Party System: Part 3 (1930s through 1980s)

by Mark Lause

May 6, 2015

Six Questions for Ecosocialists: Response by Dianne Feeley

Posted May 6, 2015

Six Questions for Ecosocialists: The Road Ahead, The Struggle at Hand (Response by Steve Bloom)

Posted May 6, 2015

Six Questions for Ecosocialists: Response by Salvatore Engel-DeMauro

Posted May 6, 2015

Six Questions for Ecosocialists: Introduction

Posted May 6, 2015

Left and Independent Political Action Conference: Unprecedented Cooperation

by Dan La Botz

May 5, 2015

All Night, All Day, We Will Fight for Freddie Gray! In Solidarity with Baltimore

from the Political Committee of Solidarity

April 29, 2015

Middle East Imperial Meltdown

from the Editors of Against the Current

April 23, 2015

Workplace Violence: A Silent Epidemic

by Jane Slaughter

April 21, 2015

Protesting Rape Culture in India

by Soma Marik

April 14, 2015

Eduardo Galeano, ¡Presente!

by Dan La Botz

April 13, 2015

Cuba: A New Era

by Janette Habel

April 13, 2015

Podemos and the Catalan Independence Process

by Josep María Antentas (introduced by Richard Fidler)

April 10, 2015

April 4, 2015: A Landmark in the Greek Debt Struggle

by Eric Toussaint

April 8, 2015

After the Israeli Election: What Next?

Moshé Machover interviewed by Suzi Weissman

March 30, 2015

The Trouble with Martyrdom: How Have Turkey’s Conservatives Responded to the Özgecan Aslan Case?

by Justus Links

March 27, 2015

Ferguson: Poster City for Municipal Extortion

by John Reed

March 23, 2015

Feminists in El Salvador Continue Fight for Justice for Women Imprisoned for Obstetrical Complications

by Kathy Bougher

March 18, 2015

Neither the 13th nor the 15th Represent Us: Crisis of Government in Brazil

by Insurgencia

March 17, 2015

Recovering the Revolutionary Legacy of Malcolm X

by Barry Sheppard

March 9, 2015

Women Under Attack in 2015

from the Editors of Against the Current

March 8, 2015

Feminism, Marxism: Marriage or Divorce?

by Ann Ferguson

March 7, 2015

Fourth International Declaration on Palestine

from the International Committee of the Fourth International

March 5, 2015

Solidarity with the Students and Parents of Ayotzinapa

by the International Committee of the Fourth International

March 5, 2015

“Something That Might Be Called Neocon:” Hillary Clinton & Corporate Feminism

by Kevin Young and Diana C. Sierra Becerra

March 3, 2015

What’s Left in Africa? Reflections on the Failure of Left, Working Class Movements to Take Root in Most of Africa

by Firoze Manji

March 1, 2015

Statement of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party-Mindanao/Revolutionary Peoples’ Army (RPM-M/RPA) on the GPH-MILF Peace Process and the Mamasapano Incident

by the Revolutionary Worker’s Party-Mindanao/Revolutionary Peoples’ Army (RPM-M/RPA)

February 24, 2015

The Enduring Relevance of Malcolm X: A Personal Reflection

by Paul Prescod

February 22, 2015

On the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination: Malcolm X in Life and Legacy

by Kwame Somburu

February 21, 2015

Electoral Action Conference Will Bring Together Leaders Building Alternatives to the Two-Party System

by Robert C.

February 17, 2015

Pauline Furth: Doctor, Activist, and Socialist

from Julie Korenstein, Marlene Furth, Leo Frumkin, and Sherry Frumkin

February 16, 2015

“A Grain of Sand in the Machinery:” Eric Toussaint Discusses Syriza

Eric Toussaint interviewed by Benito Perez

February 12, 2015

Frank Fried: Friend, Fighter, Comrade, Mensch

by Suzi Weissman

February 6, 2015

Build Podemos: Defending Our Ideas Adapated to the Reality of Experience

by François Sabado

February 4, 2015

Which Debt Strategies Should Europe Adopt?

by the Comittee for the Abolition of Third World Debt

February 3, 2015

Black Lives Matter Gathering Points to a New Direction for the Movement

by Dan La Botz

February 2, 2015

An Outpouring of Islamophobia

by Julien Salingue

February 1, 2015

Behind Syriza’s Landslide: A “Note from Afar” on the Greek Elections

by Stathis Kouvelakis

January 29, 2015

The State of Reproductive Rights in 2015

by Dianne Feeley

January 22, 2015

Frank Fried (1927-2015)

by Patrick Quinn

January 20, 2015

March to Freedom, 1963 and Beyond

by Charles Simmons

January 19, 2015

Shaping 20th Century America

by Allen Ruff

January 14, 2015

A History of the Two-Party System: Part 2

by Mark Lause

January 12, 2015

As Mexican President Peña Nieto Visits White House, Protestors Demand His Resignation

by Dan La Botz

January 9, 2015

Now Is the Time for Green Mountain Care: An Open Letter to Governor Shumlin and the Vermont Legislature

from 50+ Organizations

January 8, 2015

The Politics of Mass Incarceration

an interview with James Kilgore

January 2, 2015

Why We Can’t Breathe

from the Editors of Against the Current

December 29, 2014

Cuba: A Victory and Some Risks

from the Bureau of the Fourth International

December 24, 2014

Family Planning and the Environment

by Anne Hendrixson

December 19, 2014

From Ferguson to CIA Torture Cells

from the Political Committee of Solidarity

December 17, 2014

A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

by Alicia Garza

December 17, 2014

Poverty and the Terrorist

by Farooq Tariq

December 16, 2014

The Racial Underbelly of U.S. Justice: Whose Lives Matter in America?

by Malik Miah

December 11, 2014

Too Many Cops, Too Little Justice: An Interview with Alex Vitale

Alex Vitale interviewed by Suzi Weissman

December 10, 2014

LGBTQ Activism in Mainland China

by Holly Hou Lixian

December 9, 2014

A History of the Two-Party System: Part 1 (Colonial Era through the Civil War)

by Mark Lause

December 3, 2014

Egypt: Protest and Repression

by Noha Radwan

December 2, 2014

Ferguson Responds to Lack of Indictment

by John Reed

November 26, 2014

Mass Incarceration and the Left

by Heather Ann Thompson

November 24, 2014

The Trials of Rasmea Odeh

by David Finkel

November 24, 2014

Labor’s Fighting Heritage: The 180th Anniversary of the Lyonnais Silk Weavers Revolt and 80th Anniversary of the US General Textile Strike

by Keith Mann

November 23, 2014

Statement of Endorsement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions

from the Joint Council of UAW Local 2865

November 20, 2014

The Spread of Brazil’s “Favelas”

by Wilma Olmo Corrêa

November 19, 2014

The Murderous Spiral in Jerusalem

by David Finkel

November 19, 2014

Solidarity Movement Calls for Urgently Needed Help for Kobanê Refugees

by Harvest Blog

November 14, 2014

Socialist Angela Walker Wins 20% in Milwaukee Sheriff Race

by Keith Mann

November 7

Of the Class Struggle and the Things We Eat

by Esther Vivas

November 6, 2014

Toward Energy Democracy

by Bill Resnick

October 31, 2014

Decolonizing North America

by Robert Caldwell

October 27, 2014

Who Are the Architects of Death?

by Jean Batou

October 25, 2014

Two Years after the CTU Strike: “Reform” Plague Still Spreads

by Rob Bartlett

October 23, 2014

The People’s Climate March: Looking Back at September 21st

by Dianne Feeley

October 22, 2014

Free Baba Jan!

by Dianne Feeley

October 21, 2014

Bolivia Elects Morales for Another 5 Years: Is Revolutionary Change Still on the Agenda?

by Claire Veale

October 20, 2014

Ferguson October: A Participant’s Report

by John Reed

October 17, 2014

A Green Deal for New York

by Howie Hawkins

October 10, 2014

Ferguson’s Killer Cop Is Not Arrested

by Malik Miah

October 7, 2014

Occupy Central: What’s Next for the Hong-Kong Democracy Movement? A Brief Observation on the Current Movement

by Au Loong Yu

October 6, 2014

Annotated Bibliographies

Posted October 6, 2014

Socialism and the Struggle for Queer Justice

a talk by Alan Sears

October 2, 2014

Weekend of Resistance: National Call to Action in Ferguson, October 10-13

by the Organization for Black Struggle

September 30, 2014

Climate Convergence Moves Us Forward, but Challenges Us to Create a Strategy

by Dan La Botz

September 25, 2014

A Red-Green Electoral Alliance in Milwaukee

by Keith Mann

September 24, 2014

Project Fear Denies Scottish Independence

by Alan Thornett

September 24, 2014

Palestine Solidarity and Mass Mobilization

by Alan Sears

September 15, 2014

Remembering Claudia Morcom

by Ron Reosti & Chris Collins

September 12, 2014

The Tangled Imperial Web: Iraq. War. Again.

by David Finkel

September 12, 2014

At NUMSA’s Initiative, New Liberation Forces Debate Future of Post-Apartheid South Africa

by Federico Fuentes

September 9, 2014

Is Water a Human Right in Detroit?

by Dianne Feeley

September 9, 2014

Ebola, Poverty, and Racism

by Thadeus Pato

September 6, 2014

Open Shop Trend Makes Organizing The “Organized” Top Union Priority

by Steve Early

September 4, 2014

Our Planet, Our Movement

from the Editors

September 3, 2014

The Teachers’ Trifecta: Democracy, Social Justice, Mobilization

by Lois Weiner

August 30, 2014

Utopia and Anti-Utopia

by Angela E. Hubler

August 29, 2014

21st Century Socialist-Feminism: Part 2

by Johanna Brenner

August 27, 2014

Understanding the Civil War in Ukraine

by David Mandel

August 26, 2014

21st Century Socialist-Feminism: Part 1

by Johanna Brenner

August 22, 2014

Colonialism and the Working Class in Canada

by David Camfield

August 21, 2014

Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Ferguson on Center Stage

by Malik Miah

August 19, 2014

Astonished by the Present: The Impatient Life of Daniel Bensaïd

by Alan Wald

August 14, 2014

Richmond Line-Up Reshuffled for Fall Contest With Chevron

by Steve Early

August 13, 2014

The Growing Crisis in the Middle East: An Update on Palestine, Iraq, and Kurdistan

by David Finkel

August 13, 2014

Chevron Goes Another Round With Richmond

by Steve Early

August 2, 2014

Descent Into Butchery, Part 2: An Update on the Gaza Massacre

by David Finkel

July 25, 2014

Resisting the New McCarthyism: Rabab Abdulhadi discusses AMCHA’s smear campaign, Palestinian Resistance, and the U.S. Solidarity Movement

Rabab Abdulhadi interviewed by the Editors

July 21, 2014

Mobilize for NYC Environmental Actions, Sept. 19-23

by Michael Gasser

July 21, 2014

Detroit’s Crisis Deepens as Water Shutoffs Hit Thousands

by Dianne Feeley

July 16, 2014

A Renewed Strategic Perspective on Socialist Work in the Labor Movement

from the Labor Commission of Solidarity

July 16, 2014

Asylum Now for Refugee Children!

by Barry Sheppard

July 14, 2014

Descent Into Butchery: Israel’s Latest Assault on Gaza

by David Finkel

July 10, 2014

Getting from Here to There: Can Ecosocialists Support Radical Reform Measures?

Posted July 10, 2014

The Year 1934: Three Reviews of Bryan Palmer’s “Revolutionary Teamsters”

from the Editors

July 8, 2014

The People’s History: The Birth of the New Feminist Army in Texas

from Rise Up/Levanta Texas

June 30, 2014

Freedom Summer, 1964: An Overview

by Marty Oppenheimer

June 25, 2014

Reap the Whirlwind

by David Finkel

June 18, 2014

“Free Range Socialist” Runs for Sheriff in Milwaukee

Angela Walker interviewed by Dan La Botz

June 18, 2014

Europe Adrift and an Earthquake in France

by François Sabado

June 17, 2014

The Brazilian Left and the World Cup: An Interview with Fernando Silva

Fernando Silva interviewed by João Machado

June 16, 2014

Can Big Oil Retake Richmond?

by Steve Early

June 4, 2014

A Revolutionary in the Auto Plant: In Remembrance of General Baker (1941-2014)

by Dianne Feeley

June 3, 2014

Queering Anti-Capitalist Organizing

by Alan Sears

June 1, 2014

The University & the Security State: DHS Joins Pentagon and CIA on Campus

by Michael Gasser

May 31, 2014

President Obama’s Backhanded Maneuver Targets Anti-Deportation Movement

from the Political Committee of Solidarity

May 29, 2014

Subcomandante Marcos Steps Down: What’s Next for the EZLN?

by Dan La Botz

May 26, 2014

Lean and Mean Health Care

by Greg Chern

May 24, 2014

Fred Ho, Presente!

by Brad Duncan

May 23, 2014

Fear Clouds the Indian Elections

by Nagesh Rao

May 21, 2014

Justice for Galeano! Stop the War Against Zapatista Communities!

from “An Attack On Us All”

May 20, 2014

Fossil Fuel Exit Strategy: Hansen’s Program Is More Than A Carbon Tax

by Ian Angus

May 13, 2014

Jackson Rises to Face New Challenges

by the Editors

May 12, 2014

Ukraine’s Spiraling Crisis

by David Finkel

May 7, 2014

Working Class Organization and Strategy

Equal Time Radio interviews Kim Moody and Sheila Cohen

May 5, 2014

“On this May Day, let us stand upright and be counted!”

by Eugene V. Debs

May 1, 2014

Climate Refugees: New Social Movements, New Responsibilities of Solidarity

by Pierre Rousset

April 25, 2014

Post-election Turkey and the Revolution in Rojava

by Bob Rossi

April 24, 2014

Climate Change Panel’s Recognition of Inequality as Key to “Climate Risk” Is Not Enough

by Alexandre Costa

April 23, 2014

It’s Earth Day–Thanks, Toyota!

by Hadas Thier

April 22, 2014

Albuquerque Organizes for Radical Reform of Police Department

by Bill Bradley

April 16, 2014

Boston Climate Justice Teach-In: Race, Class, and the Anti-Ecological Logic of Capitalism (VIDEO)

by Boston Solidarity

April 9, 2014

Not One More Deportation! April 5 Day of Action Spreads Resistance to Deportations

by Alex Greene

April 8, 2014

In Defense of Energy Sovereignty

by Román Munguía Huato

April 4, 2014

What the Mainstream Misses: Observations on the Ukraine Crisis

by Allen Ruff

April 3, 2014

The People Want–But Do They Have A Chance?

Gilbert Achcar interviewed by Rana Nessim and Rosemary Bechler

March 28, 2014

Emergency Petition Against Egyptian Death Sentences

by Egypt Solidarity Initiative

March 27, 2014

Fourth International Resolution on Syria

by the Fourth International

March 27, 2014

Banks and the New “Too Big to Jail” Doctrine

by Eric Toussaint

March 26, 2014

Tuzla: The Unknown Workers’ Capital of Europe

by Olivier Besancenot

March 25, 2014

The Zapatistas at 20: Building Autonomous Community

Melissa Forbis interviewed by Johanna Brenner

March 23, 2014

Reproductive Rights Assaulted

by Dianne Feeley

March 21, 2014

Ali Mustafa, In Memoriam

by Jared Anderson

March 17, 2014

After UAW Defeat at VW, Finding a Way Forward

by Ronald Lare

March 14, 2014

The New “TINA”?: NUMSA and its United Front

by Kate Doyle Griffiths-Dingani

March 13, 2014

Time to Adopt “Cap-and-Trade”? A Response to Robin Hahnel

by Nicholas Davenport

March 10, 2014

Women in the Garment Industry: Remembering Victims, Fighting for Justice

by Dianne Feeley

March 8, 2014

Socialist Feminism in the 21st Century

by Johanna Brenner

March 8, 2014

Some Thoughts Following Keystone XL Dissent

by Stuart Brown

March 3, 2014

Four Cycles of Indigenous Struggles for Land and Freedom (VIDEO)

by Glen Coulthard

March 2, 2014

Chokwe Lumumba (1947-2014)

from the Political Committee of Solidarity

March 1, 2014

Building a Movement in France to Oppose Hollande’s Austerity and the Far Right

François Sabado interviewed by Jean Batou

February 26, 2014

February Traumas: The Third Insurrectionary Moment of the Venezuelan Right

by Jeffrey R. Webber and Susan Spronk

February 26, 2014

VW to UAW: So Long Partner?

by Steve Early

February 22, 2014

Political Prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz Wins Release from Solitary Confinement

by Steve Bloom

February 21, 2014

An Ecosocialist Voice at XL Dissent

by System Change Not Climate Change

February 21, 2014

A Call for the Reinstatement of Temple University’s Dr. Anthony Monteiro

by Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal

February 20, 2014

Social Revolt in Bosnia and Herzegovina

by Catherine Samary

February 19, 2014

FMLN Likely to Retain Salvadoran Presidency

by David Grosser

February 12, 2014

On Kshama Sawant, Elections, and the U.S. Left

by Andrew Sernatinger

February 11, 2014

The Bolivarian Process without Chávez: 2013 a Year of Uncertainty, 2014 a Year of Definitions

by Alexander Marin, Carlos Carcione, Gonzalo Gomez, Juan Garcia, Stalin Peres Borges, and Zuleika Matamoros

February 10, 2014

Spain: Popular Resistance Delivers Results

by Esther Vivas

February 7, 2014

Under Obama, Inequality and Greenhouse Gases Increase

by Barry Sheppard

February 7, 2014

A Political Witch-Hunt in the Name of “Academic Freedom”: In Defense of the American Studies Association

by Alan Wald

February 5, 2014

National Conference Call on Socialists and Electoral Politics: Readings and Call Info

Posted February 4, 2014

Austerity U: Preparing Students for Precarious Lives

by Alan Sears and James Cairns

February 2, 2014

Ruling Class Divided Over Edward Snowden and NSA Spying

by Barry Sheppard

January 31, 2014

The Fourth International in the 21st Century

by Alan Thornett

January 31, 2014

Judge Stops US-record Frack Wells in Michigan

by Ellis Boal

January 30, 2014

Feminist Alarm in the Spanish State: The Abortion Bill Must Be Stopped

by Sandra Ezquerra

January 29, 2014

“We Shall Overcome”: Honoring Pete Seeger

by Christopher Phelps

January 29, 2014

UN Official’s Visit Strengthens Efforts to Free Leonard Peltier

by Tushkahomma

January 28, 2014

Freedom Now Vision Unfinished

by Malik Miah

January 20, 2014

Solidarity Process Around Reports of Sexual Violence and Battering

by Members of Solidarity

January 19, 2014

Twenty Years Since the Chiapas Rebellion: The Zapatistas, Their Politics, and Their Impact

by Dan La Botz

January 13, 2014

Ariel Sharon, Rot in Peace

by David Finkel

January 13, 2014

Will the Iran Deal Hold?

by David Finkel

January 6, 2014

Alan Turing “Pardoned” by Queen of England

by Barry Sheppard

January 2, 2014

A Baltimore Neighborhood Fights a New Incinerator

by Nick Davenport

December 29, 2013

Manufacturing Bankruptcy

from the Editors of Against the Current

December 19, 2013

287(g) and the Immigrant Rights Movement in Knoxville

by Alex Greene

December 18, 2013

Strategies to Stop Climate Change

by Gene McGuckin

December 15, 2013

Lovely Bones: Reflections on the Legacy of Nelson Mandela

by Kate Doyle Griffiths-Dingani

December 9, 2013

Amandla! Tribute to Nelson Mandela

by Brian Ashley

December 6, 2013

Applying the Shock Doctrine in Detroit

by Dianne Feeley

December 5, 2013

Black Friday Demonstrations Across the Country Target Wal-Mart

by Members of Solidarity

December 4, 2013

Opening the Left Door Wide

by Warren Davis

December 3, 2013

The Feminist Challenge to Traditional Political Organisations

by Penelope Duggan

December 2, 2013

A Socialist in City Council

by Barry Sheppard

November 21, 2013

For the Typhoon Victims, Charity Must Be Followed by Justice

Statement by AF3IRM, a transnational feminist organization

November 14, 2013

Defend Rasmea Odeh – Drop the Charges!

by David Finkel

November 14, 2013

The New National Student Fossil Fuel Divestment Network

Interview with Joe Shortsleeve

November 11, 2013

Police Terror in the Big Apple

by George Scott

November 11, 2013

Left Third Parties in 2013: The Beginning of the Wave?

by John Halle

November 9, 2013

The Importance of Culture & Community-Building in Radical Politics

by Ibalu Alba

November 6, 2013

Immigration Reform and the Lies “Pro” Migrant Nonprofits Use to Gain Support

by Luis Serrano

November 5, 2013

HRC and the Vulture Fund: Making Third World Poverty Pay for LGBT Rights

by Scott Long

November 5, 2013

Washington March Protests NSA Spying

by Barry Sheppard

November 1, 2013

The War on the Working Poor

by Malik Miah

October 31, 2013

One More Crash for the Working Class

by Bill Balderston

October 28, 2013

Basis of Political Agreement – Referendum Ballot

Posted October 20, 2013

Elsipogtog First Nation Resists the RCMP and Southwestern Energy

by Tushkahomma

October 19, 2013

Collision and Collusion

by David Finkel

October 17, 2013

Pillaging Public Pensions

by Frann Michel

October 8, 2013

Opportunities Present for “Labor Left” in Walmart and Fast Food Fights

by Ryan Hill

October 1, 2013

The Shutdown Showdown

by David Finkel

October 1, 2013

As Wealth Inequality Soars, Banks Attack a Modest Proposal

by Barry Sheppard

September 19, 2013

Will The AFL-CIO’s “Alt-Labor” Love Affair Leave Existing Union Members In The Lurch?

by Steve Early

September 16, 2013

The Chilean Road to Socialism 40 Years On

by Rene E. Rojas

September 15, 2013

War in Syria Postponed

by Barry Sheppard

September 13, 2013

What’s the War About?

by David Finkel

September 11, 2013

As The Curtain Rises in LA: Will Better Convention Staging Produce a New AFL-CIO?

by Steve Early

September 9, 2013

Don’t Trans People’s Lives Matter?

by Donna Cartwright

September 8, 2013

Call for U.S. Accountability in Egypt

by the Ad-Hoc Committee for U.S. Accountability in the Middle East and North Africa

September 8, 2013

Manning and Snowden Have Changed the Discussion on Freedom of Information

by Barry Sheppard

September 2, 2013

Could a U.S. Attack on Syria Lead to A Regional War in the Middle East?

by Dan La Botz

August 31, 2013

A Letter in Solidarity with Greek Comrades

by the Solidarity National Committee

August 29, 2013

Recovering the Centrality of Class

Ellen Meiksins Wood

Posted August 29, 2013

Commemorating a Classic of History

The Editors

Posted August 29, 2013

Solidarity Members Reflect on the Anniversary of the March on Washington

by the Editors

August 28, 2013

Statement on Imminent U.S. Intervention in Syria

from the Solidarity Political Committee

August 28, 2013

Greece: A Jewish Marxist “Accused” by the Neo-Nazis

by Michael Löwy

August 22, 2013

Statement on the Massacre in Cairo

by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt)

August 20, 2013

“Elysium”: A Working Class Fantasy

by Jase Short

August 12, 2013

Environmentalists and Labor Unite to Protest Chevron Disaster

by Barry Sheppard

August 10, 2013

Obama’s Speaking Tour: More “Talk the Talk” Again

by Jack Rasmus

August 8, 2013

Eric Ohena Lembembe: Not Again, or Never Again?

by Scott Long

August 7, 2013

Broadside Against Democracy: The Bradley Manning Verdict

by Barry Sheppard

August 6, 2013

“Justice for Trayvon” Protests and the March on Washington: A New Chance

by Dan La Botz

July 31, 2013

Beyond the Double Standard: Towards a Real Liberation Politics

by Cinzia Arruzza

July 31, 2013

Racist Vigilante Gets Away with Murder

by Barry Sheppard

July 19, 2013

Justice Was Not Served: Thousands Respond to the George Zimmerman Verdict

from the Editors

July 15, 2013

The “Pay It Forward” Plan: A New Form of Indentured Servitude

by Cruz Bonlarron Martínez

July 15, 2013

“The Brazil ‘Success Story’ Is Starting to Unravel”: An Interview with Rodrigo Santaella

by Michael Connery

July 12, 2013

Two Supreme Court Rulings

by Barry Sheppard

July 8, 2013

The Gutting of Voting Rights

by Malik Miah

July 1, 2013

“Back to the Roots” for Climate Justice: An Interview with Kandi Mossett

from the Editors

June 28, 2013

Shock and Awe in Detroit

by Dianne Feeley

June 28, 2013

Hunt for Snowden Raises International Tensions

by Barry Sheppard

June 26, 2013

National Oppression and Solidarity’s Political Orientation (Pre-Convention Document)

by Alex F.

Posted June 24, 2013

Discussing the Soviet Union Can Be Useful–If It’s Done Well (Pre-Convention Document)

by Isaac S.

Posted June 24, 2013

A Response to Barry S. on the Soviet Union (Pre-Convention Document)

by David F.

Posted June 24, 2013

Why We Need A Discussion on the Soviet Union (Pre-Convention Document)

by Barry S.

Posted June 24, 2013

Great Expectations in Brazil

by Charmain Levy

June 24, 2013

The Chicago Teachers’ Strike and Beyond: Strategic Considerations

by David Kaplan

June 21, 2013

Response to “On the Ecological Crisis and Solidarity’s Role in the Movement as Ecosocialists” (Pre-Convention Document)

by Barry S.

Posted June 18, 2013

Response to “Programmatic Challenges of Ecosocialism” (Pre-Convention Document)

by Barry S.

Posted June 18, 2013

Developing Analysis and Strategy for Revolutionary Ecological Work; or, How to Be an Ecosocialist in Ten Easy Steps! (Pre-Convention Document)

by Nick D. and Sara M.

Posted June 18, 2013

Creating a New Model of Social Union: CORE and the Chicago Teachers Union

by Robert Bartlett

June 18, 2013

Government Targets Whistle-Blower Snowden for Exposing Its Crimes

by Barry Sheppard

June 13, 2013

Remarks on “U.S. Politics: Rough Sketch” (Pre-Convention Document)

by Isaac S.

Posted June 11, 2013

U.S. Politics: Rough Sketch (Pre-Convention Document)

by Dianne F and David F

Posted June 9, 2013

Global Struggle: Rough Sketch (Pre-Convention Document)

by Dianne F and David F

Posted June 9, 2013

Programmatic Challenges of Ecosocialism (Pre-Convention Document)

by Steve B., Gene W., and Jessica L.

Posted June 9, 2013

On the Ecological Crisis and Solidarity’s Role in the Movement as Ecosocialists (Pre-Convention Document)

by Jan C. and Dianne F.

Posted June 9, 2013

Everyday Heroes: Maggie Martin & Iraq Veterans Against The War

Chris Brooks interviews Maggie Martin

June 10, 2013

The Trials of Bradley Manning

by Barry Sheppard

June 7, 2013

A Victory for Lumumba in Jackson!

by Robert Caldwell

June 5, 2013

Turkey: “Today we all are someone new”

from Müştereklerimiz

June 3, 2013

Obama’s New Attack on Freedom of the Press

by Barry Sheppard

May 31, 2013

VIDEO: Esther Vivas on “The Food Business”

from the Editors

May 29, 2013

Fifty Years: Remembering Medgar Evers

by John R. Salter, Jr.

May 28, 2013

Philadelphia Student Walkout Shows Power of Students

by Paul Prescod

May 20, 2013

The Feds’ Vendetta Against Assata Shakur: Why Now?

by Barry Sheppard

May 6, 2013

The Changing Character of May Day in the US and Heterogeneous-Populist Movement Forms

by John B. Cannon

May 3, 2013

Guantanamo Hunger Strikers Choose Death Over Inhumane Conditions

by Barry Sheppard

May 1, 2013

Hong Kong Dockworkers Strike Continues into its Fourth Week

by Bai Ruixue and Au Loong Yu

April 30, 2013

A Reflection on the Ecosocialist Conference by an Organizer

by Andy Wojozen

April 29, 2013

From ‘Grand Bargain’ to ‘Grand Collusion’

by Jack Rasmus

April 26, 2013

Steps Toward Unification of Australian Socialist Groups at Marxism 2013 Conference

by Barry Sheppard

April 23, 2013

Independent Politics and Self-Determination: An Interview with Chokwe Lumumba

from the editors of Against the Current

April 21, 2013

On the Tragic Plant Explosion in West, Texas

by Ryan Hill

April 18, 2013

Earth Day – Its Legacy and Our Future

by Paul Prescod, for the Political Committee

Posted April 16, 2013

A Solidarity Statement on Sexual Violence and the Left

from the Solidarity Committee on Interpersonal and Sexual Violence

April 16, 2013

Announcing the Ecosocialist Conference, April 20, 2013 in New York City

from the Ecosocialist Contingent

April 12, 2013

Join the Emergency 30-Day Campaign: Release Russell Maroon Shoatz from Solitary Confinement!

by Steve Bloom

April 10, 2013

Sequestration: Crisis by stealth

by Warren Davis, for the Political Committee

Posted March 19, 2013

Detroit: The Olympics of Restructuring

by Dianne Feeley

March 17, 2013

The Union Situation in GM Colmotores (Bogota, Colombia)

by Jorge Parra with Frank Hammer and Paige Shell-Spurling

March 15, 2013

Chronicle of a Death Foretold: The Post-Chávez Venezuelan Conjuncture

by Jeffery R. Webber

March 7, 2013

The Heroism of Bradley Manning

Posted March 5, 2013

Greater Than the Might of Armies: The Indian General Strike of February 2013

by Kunal Chattopadhyay, Soma Marik, and Sushovan Dhar

March 4, 2013

Why Socialists Need Feminism

by David Camfield

February 27, 2013

Public Libraries or Private Bunkers: The Next War

by Rustbelt Radical

February 22, 2013

Sports and Social Change

by James Generic

February 19, 2013

Ecosocialism: The Time is Now!

by Nick Davenport

Posted February 9, 2013

Bards Behind Bars: Prison Literature In The USA

by William T. Hathaway

February 6, 2013

Indian Women Mobilize Against Rape

by Soma Marik

February 5, 2013

Rosa Parks at 100

by Dianne Feeley

February 4, 2013

Undocumented activist: immigration reform depends on us

by Rigo Padilla

January 31, 2013

Over the Climate Cliff

from the ATC Editors

Posted January 15, 2013

Solidarity with the Idle No More Movement and #J11

by Tushkahomma

January 9, 2013

Organizing for Socialism and Freedom in Brazil: an interview with PSOL activist Rodrigo Santaella

from the Editors

January 8, 2013

2012: A Review in Pictures

from the Editors

January 4, 2013

Fiscal Cliff: Obama ‘Doubles Down’ to Box-In Boehner’s Boys

By Dr. Jack Rasmus

Posted January 3, 2013

No Patriarchy, No Police State, No Capital Punishment: A Report on the Rally Against Rape

by Soma Marik

January 2, 2013

An Ascending Trajectory?: Ten of the Most Important Social Conflicts in the US in 2012

by Dan La Botz

January 2, 2013

Solidarity, Struggle, and Resistance: A Conversation with Jorge Parra of ASOTRECOL

Jimmy Johnson interviews Jorge Parra

December 24, 2012

Istanbul Mayor Bans Freedom and Solidarity Party Campaign

by Dan La Botz 

December 18, 2012

VIDEO: “System Change, Not Climate Change! Radical Responses to the Ecological Crisis”

from Baltimore Solidarity

December 17, 2012

Workers Respect Fighters: A Retired Autoworker Reacts to “Right to Work” in Michigan

by Ron Lare

December 14, 2012

The Right to Work for Less: Showdown in Lansing

by Andy Wojozen

December 12, 2012

The Tragic Farce At Doha

from the Solidarity Ecosocialist Commission

December 11, 2012

Mexico’s Opposition Parties Sign “Pact for Mexico,” Left in Disarray, Radical Youth in Rebellion

by Dan La Botz

December 10, 2012

“Healthism”: A Neoliberal Version of Wellness

by Frann Michel

December 9, 2012

The Continuing Global Slump

by David McNally

November 29, 2012

China: From Bureaucratic Communism to Bureaucratic Capitalism

by Dan La Botz

November 28, 2012

China: Bureaucratic Capitalist?

Terry Conway interviews Au Loong-Yu

November 27, 2012

The Gaza Massacre and its Enablers

David Finkel, for the Solidarity Political Committee

November 26, 2012

PHOTOS and VIDEO: “Black Friday” Actions Hit Walmart Stores Across the US

from the Editors

November 24, 2012

Everyone Out for Walmart “Black Friday” Actions!

by Matthew Adams

November 21, 2012

Stop a New Israeli Massacre in Gaza: Boycott Israel Now!

by Palestinian BDS National Committee

November 20, 2012

A BDS Movement That Works

by Barbara Harvey

November 20, 2012

The Election and What’s Ahead

Dianne Feeley & David Finkel

November 15, 2012

Call to Join in the International Days of Solidarity Against Political Repression in Russia

by the Russian Socialist Movement

November 14, 2012

A Review of Progressive Third Parties in U.S. Elections

by Adam Hefty

November 13, 2012

Sandy’s Aftermath: The Road to Rockaway

by Marsha N.

November 10, 2012

Another Dispatch from Post-Sandy NYC

by George S.

November 8, 2012

Statement on Hurricane Sandy and the Climate Crisis

from the Solidarity Ecosocialist Commission

November 7, 2012

VIDEO: Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential Candidate, Speaking in Tennessee

by Middle Tennessee Solidarity

November 5, 2012

Initial Observations on the Recovery Effort in NYC

by Kit Wainer

November 5, 2012

Interview with Socialist Alternative Candidate Kshama Sawant

by Andrew Sernatinger

November 3, 2012

The Color of Injustice: The Consequences of America’s Drug War

by Iven Hale

October 30, 2012

The Other Option in Puerto Rico

by Cruz Bonlarron Martínez

October 26, 2012

VIDEO: Charlie Post on “The Rise of the Right” and “The American Road to Capitalism”

by Middle Tennessee Solidarity

Posted October 23, 2012

Statement from OKDE in Greece: “Organize – Occupy – Towards an Unlimited General Strike!”

Posted October 23, 2012

Art is not a Crime

by Eduardo Soriano Castillo

October 19, 2012

Lessons of the American Revolutionary Left of the 1970s: A Review of “Truth and Revolution”

by Dan La Botz

October 16, 2012

Columbus Day: Past, Present and Future

by Rustbelt Radical

October 8, 2012

Water Workers’ Strike Fights the Power in Detroit

by Ron Lare

October 8, 2012

VIDEO: “Lessons from the Chicago Teachers Strike”

by Chicago Solidarity

October 4, 2012

Elections in Puerto Rico and the Working Class Alternative

by Antonio Carmona Báez

October 3, 2012

A Great Presidential Candidate: Barry Commoner (1917 – 2012)

by Dan La Botz

October 2, 2012

Movie Review: “Death by China,” a film by Peter Navarro

by Dan La Botz

September 20, 2012

The Revolution Will Be Macro’ed: Chicago teachers’ strike edition

by the Editorial Committee

September 17, 2012

Winning Education Justice in Chicago: The Strike is Just the Beginning

by Chicago Solidarity

September 15, 2012

What’s behind the attack on teachers and public education?

by Peter Brogan

September 14, 2012

Windy City Fights Back: Live blogging the Chicago Teachers Strike

by the Editorial Committee

September 13, 2012

An Awful Election

by Rustbelt Radical

September 11, 2012

Chicago Teachers Union’s massive Labor Day rally: a photo essay

by Isaac Steiner

September 4, 2012

Chicago’s Social Justice High School: Born out of struggle and the struggle continues

by Isaac Steiner

September 1, 2012

Statement on the 2012 US Elections

from the Solidarity National Committee

August 31, 2012

The Shriveling of Democracy

by Dianne Feeley

August 28, 2012

Detroit Demonstration in Solidarity with Colombian Autoworkers

by Peter Solenberger

August 15, 2012

Austerity in Baltimore: residents protest closure of city recreation centers

by Nicholas Davenport

August 11, 2012

Chicago Teachers’ Strike Looms: Going Head to Head with ‘Mayor 1%’

Posted August 10, 2012

The Significance of Occupy

by Dan La Botz, Robert Brenner, and Joel Jordan

August 9, 2012

A Statement on the Mexican Elections

from the Revolutionary Workers Party (Mexico)

August 2, 2012

Mexican Movement Fights “Imposition” of PRI’S Enrique Pena Nieto

by Dan La Botz

Posted July 30, 2012

Manifesto of #YoSoy132 to the Peoples of Mexico

by #YoSoy132

Posted July 30, 2012

The Rise (and Fall?) of Adidas

by Ashok Kumar

July 24, 2012

Thirty years on: Did autoworkers kill Vincent Chin?

by Ron Lare

July 23, 2012

Why the Tea Party?

by Charlie Post

July 20, 2012

Russian Crackdown: Call for an International Day of Action on July 26

by The May 6 Committee

July 18, 2012

Solidarity with Victims of Seattle Police Raid

by the Solidarity Political Committee

July 17, 2012

Mexicans Vote to Return the PRI to Power

by Dan La Botz

July 7 2012

The (Im)Balance of Forces in American Society Today

by Dan La Botz

July 2, 2012

A Brief Sketch of the Politics of Austerity

by Solidarity’s Political Committee

June 22, 2012

On the Eve of the Elections: The Impact of the New Student Movement in Mexico

by Dan La Botz

June 22, 2012

Occupy & the Fight Against Foreclosures in Detroit

by Dianne Feeley

June 21, 2012

A New Socialist Left?: Interview with Pham Binh (Part II)

by Andrew Sernatinger

June 20, 2012

Vagina Dialogues in Michigan

by Dianne Feeley

June 19, 2012

National Immigrant Youth Alliance respondes to Obama administration’s new policy toward immigrant youth

by the National Immigrant Youth Alliance

June 15, 2011

A Recall Post-Mortem

by Andrew Sernatinger and Tessa Echeverria

June 14, 2012

Video: Student Movements Confront the Global 1%

by Solidarity, CACHE & Teachers For Justice

June 13, 2012

Occupy and Socialism: Interview with Pham Binh (Part I)

by Andrew Sernatinger

June 11, 2012

The International Indigenous Movement for Self-Determination (Part II)

By Andrew Curley and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

Posted June 6, 2012

What’s This About Again? I Don’t Recall… The Walker Recall and the Battles for Wisconsin

by Andrew Sernatinger

June 5, 2012

Announcing a New Blog for Radical Social Service Workers

June 5, 2012

Companion Text: The Politics of Austerity, Occupy and the 2012 Elections

Posted June 3, 2012

SYRIZA’s Anti-Austerity Platform

June 1, 2012

Red Square, Everywhere: With Quebec Student Strikers, Against Repression

by Xavier LaFrance and Alan Sears

May 25, 2012

Video: Red Square Revolt

May 24, 2012

Why attack the most vulnerable here to pay for wars over there?

by Barri Boone

May 23, 2012

Mexico: Populist candidate Lopez Obrador appeals to business

by Dan La Botz

May 22, 2012

North Texans Take On the Trans Pacific Partnership

by Ryan

May 21, 2012

The Politics of Austerity, Occupy and the 2012 Elections

Posted May 21, 2012

Obituary for J. Quinn Brisben, 1934-2012

by Eric S

May 18, 2012

M15: A look toward the future

by Esther Vivas

May 17, 2012

The Coup’s Boots Riley Speaks at the IIRE

May 14, 2012

Statement on the Withdrawal of the California Millionaire’s Tax Initiative

by California Solidarity members

Posted May 8, 2012

Quebec Student Strike Round-Up

by Solidarity Webzine

May 8, 2012

Trayvon Martin is All of US!

by Kali Akuno and Arlene Eisen

May 7, 2012

‘Arise you slaves, no more in thrall!’ May Day Reports Round One

by Solidarity

May 3, 2012

‘For justice thunders condemnation!’ May Day Reports Round Two

by Solidarity

May 3, 2012

The Meaning of May Day: Immigrants, Occupy, and the Renewal of Struggle

Statement from Solidarity’s Political Committee

May 1, 2012

The Music of #OWS! DJ D vs. Detroit Red

by Detroit Red and Jimmy Higgins

May 1, 2012

Toward a Student Strike

Statement from CLASSÉ

April 30, 2012

The Gender of Occupy Wall Street

by Cinzia Arruzza

April 30, 2012

Statement in Support of Palestinian Human Rights

April 26, 2012

Why Austerity Makes Sense For Capitalism

by Charlie Post

April 11, 2012

Stealing from the Poor in Detroit: The People Won’t Consent!

by Dianne Feeley

April 9, 2012

Interview with US-Uncut

April 5, 2012

Austerity in the Mind Factory

by Alan Sears

April 4, 2012

The Murder of Trayvon Martin

by Malik Miah

April 3, 2012

Living in Car City

by Robert

April 2, 2012

The International Indigenous Movement for Self-Determination (Part One)

by Andrew Curley and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

March 29, 2012

Mexican Unions Enter the National Elections Deeply Divided

by Dan La Botz

March 28, 2012

A Report from the Québec Student Strike

by Eric Haight

March 27, 2012

Make the Call for Leonard Peltier!

by Tushkahomma

March 26, 2012

Demanding a Human Right to Mental Health

by Dan L

March 22, 2012

The Fight Against G8/NATO takes shape in Chicago

by Susan Dirr

March 21, 2012

Socialist Strategy in the Age of Austerity

by Andrew Sernatinger

March 20, 2012

Some thoughts on Movement Strategy

by Joel Jordan

March 19, 2012

Video: The American Road to Capitalism

by Charlie Post, Vivek Chibber & David McNally

March 16, 2012

Matty Moroun: A Bridge Too Far

by Dianne Feeley

March 12, 2012

Who Are the Control Rods?

The ATC Editors

March 8, 2012

Paranoia You Better Believe

by David Finkel

March 9, 2012

Elections in Mexico: Why López Obrador?

by Dan La Botz

March 7, 2012

The Black Bloc and the Cargo Cult

by Barry Eidlin

March 5, 2012

To Break their Haughty Power: 100 Million Strike in India

by Kunal Chattopadhyay

March 1, 2012

Solidarity and Its Discontents

by Raha Iranian Feminist Collective

Posted February 29, 2012

The Case of Tanya McDowell

by Ryan Hill

February 29, 2012

In Memory of Patricia Stephens Due, 1939-2012

by Paul Ortiz

February 28, 2012

Radicalization in 1960s Madison, Wisconsin: One Participant’s Reflection

by Patrick M. Quinn

February 27, 2012

Two Plays by Lynn Nottage

by Dianne Feeley

February 22, 2012

Audre Lorde: A black, lesbian, mother, socialist, warrior, poet

by Tessa R. Echeverria

February 18, 2012

The Persisting U.S.-Pakistan Alliance: Dysfunction and Co-Dependency

By Adaner Usmani

February 15, 2012

U.S.-Pakistan Co-dependency

Adaner Usmani

Posted February 15, 2012

The Movement for Justice and Equality in Mauritania

by Dan La Botz

February 13, 2012

Occupy: “The biggest social movement in forty years”

by Dan La Botz

February 7, 2012

The Party of Our Discontent? Interview with Green Party candidate Jill Stein

by Steve Horn

February 6, 2012

Dispatch from Indianapolis: Occupy the Superbowl

by Brooke Beloso

February 5, 2012

China: Top Down Reforms Cannot Solve the Social Crisis

by Zhang Kai

February 2, 2012

The Real Ron Paul

Solidarity Political Committee

February 2, 2012

From “Occupy” to …

The ATC Editors

January 30, 2012

No More “Green Capitalism”: An assessment of the failure of the Durban summit on the climate

by Josep Maria Antentas & Esther Vivas

January 20, 2012

Carts, Horses, and the Political Road Not Followed

by Warren Davis

January 19, 2012

MLK Day 2012: March for Justice, March on Governor Snyder’s Mansion

by Matt

January 17, 2012

OCCUPY NIGERIA: A general strike against the ‘Cabalocrocy’

by Paul Fudder

January 16th, 2012

Big Shoulders in Chicago and Kabul

by Kathy Kelly

December 18, 2011

“Consuming Seriously Harms Your Health”…And That of the Planet

by Esther Vivas

January 6, 2012

Iraq 2003-2011: The Losers

By David Finkel

January 3, 2012

‘Be patient and never to give up the struggle’: an Interview with Tommy McKearney

by Matt Siegfried

January 3, 2012

Urgent Appeal to Occupy and All Social Justice Movements: Mobilize to Defend the Egyptian Revolution

Posted December 24, 2011

An Worker’s Wish List

by Ryan Hill

December 24, 2011

Opposing NATO and the G8: Why LGBTQ Folks Should Be Involved

A statement from the LGBTQ Caucus of the Coalition Against the NATO / G8 War & Poverty Agenda

Dec 21, 2011

The Port Shut-Down, Occupy, and Decision-making

by Barry Eidlin

December 16, 2011

Eleven Things Occupy Wall Street Has Accomplished

by Mark Naison

December 16, 2011

A Debate on Activists and the Democratic Party

Dave Duhalde and Dan La Botz

December 4, 2011

You’ve Got Something In Your Eye: The Korea US FTA and Electoral Politics in the Era of Occupy

by Erin

November 23, 2011

Down with military rule – Down with Mubarak’s rule

Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt)

November 20, 2011

Occupy the Democratic Party? No Way!

by Dan La Botz

November 22, 2011

Live Updates from the Occupy Wall Street Day of Action

Activists Embedded in #Occupy

November 17, 2011

Honored to be a Palestinian Freedom Rider

by Mazin Qumsiyeh

November 16, 2011

An Open Letter to the Administration of the University of California Berkeley

Students of UC Berkeley

November 10, 2011

Some humble realizations on the 2009 NYC student movement and “Occupy Everything”

by Kate

November 11, 2011

Is the picture clear? Locked out Sotheby’s workers turn up the heat

by Michael McCarthy

November 10, 2011

After the Oakland General Strike, tactical debates emerge: Let 99 Flowers Blossom

by Adam Hefty

November 9, 2011

Resources for Understanding the Crisis in Greece

by Matt

November 8, 2011

The Stones Cry Out: The Power of the Occupation in the City Square

by Dan La Botz

November 4, 2011

Oakland’s General Strike: A Photo Essay

by Isaac Steiner

November 2, 2011

Live Updates from the Oakland General Strike

by Isaac Steiner

November 2, 2011

The Roots and Struggles of Occupy Oakland

by Bay Area Solidarity

November 1, 2011

Welfare: Reclaim the Word

by Johanna Brenner

November 2, 2011

No More Bubblegum

by Mike Davis

October 31, 2011

Alcatraz 1969: We Hold the Rock

by Matt

October 27, 2011

Occupy Montreal: Reflections after one week

by Jason Stanley

October 25, 2011

Occupy Actions: From Wall Street to a Campus Near You?

by Alan Sears

October 25, 2011

Some Concerns About Pushing Demands at Occupy Wall Street

by Stephanie Luce

October 23, 2011

Education to Transform the World: Creating “Freedom University 87” in Athens, GA

by Ryan Hill

October 20, 2011

Occupy Together Reports from the Ground: Part Three


Ten Points for the Occupied Movement

by Jase Short

October 14, 2011

Occupy Together Reports from the Ground: Part One

October 11, 2011

Occupy Together Reports from the Ground: Part Two

October 11, 2011

Three FTAs

by Dianne Feeley

October 10, 2011

500 Years Since the Invasion of Europe: A Letter to the Public from European Rights Activist Wanblee Johnson

by Zoltán Grossman

October 10, 2011

Some Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of the War on Afghanistan

by Allen Ruff

October 9, 2011

Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street!

Solidarity Political Committee

October 5, 2011

Why Occupy Cincinnati? Because We’re A Microcosm of the Country

by Dan La Botz

October 7, 2011

More Observations from Occupy Wall St.

by Stephanie Luce

October 7, 2011

Signs of the Times

by Matt

October 5, 2011

Strike Wave Sweeps Brazil: No Sector Unaffected; A New Union Movement On the March

by Dan La Botz

October 3, 2011

Occupy Wall Street! Observations from a New York Public Sector Worker

by a Solidarity Member in New York

October 3, 2011

Thoughts on the Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

by Susan

September 30, 2011

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

by Jane Slaughter

September 29, 2011

Growing Up ILWU in Tacoma, Washington

by Evan Rohar

September 28, 2011

What happened to the SWP (U.S.)?: Recent memoirs stir discussion

by Dayne Goodwin

September 27, 2011

Troy Davis Lives Forever: A Hip Hop Tribute from Rebel Diaz

by Isaac Steiner

September 26, 2011

Follow the Money: Behind the European Debt Crisis Lie More Bank Bailouts

David McNally

September 26, 2011

Irvine 11: Guilty of Speaking Truth to Power

by Eskandar

September 26, 2011

Troy Davis: A Martyr in the Struggle to Abolish the Death Penalty

Posted September 25, 2011

Hawkins campaign in Syracuse: Priorities are progressive taxes to fund schools, living wage jobs

Posted September 24, 2011

Israeli Social Justice Protests: Links Round-Up and Commentary

Posted September 23, 2011

A Man Was Lynched Yesterday

Posted September 22, 2011

A Man Was Lynched Yesterday

Posted September 21, 2011

Atlanta Vigil for Troy Davis (Photos)

Posted September 21, 2011

“To All” – A message from Troy Anthony Davis

Posted September 21, 2011

Southern Center for Human Rights Urges Execution Staff to Strike & Refuse to Kill Troy Davis

Posted September 20, 2011

Injustice in Georgia – Clemency Denied for Troy Davis

Posted September 20, 2011

Auto Talks Go Past the Wire

Posted September 16, 2011

The Palestinian UN Statehood Initiative: What’s At Stake?

Posted September 15, 2011

Join the Emergency Campaign to Save Troy Davis’ Life

Posted September 10, 2011

Chicago Burning: Review of “People Wasn’t Made to Burn”

Posted September 9, 2011

Egypt: Hundreds of thousands set to strike

Posted September 7, 2011

The Attack on Ohio’s Working People: What’s the strategy to fight back and win?

Posted September 7, 2011

‘Our future is not for sale’: The Chilean Student Movement Against Neoliberalism

Posted September 6, 2011

Toots and June Return to Honor Their Co-Workers

Posted September 5, 2011

One year after Pakistan floods, women continue the struggle to rebuild their lives

Posted August 24, 2011

One year after Pakistan floods, women continue struggle to rebuild life and livelihood

Bushra Khaliq

August 5, 2011

Verizon Strike: Decisive Battle for Entire Working Class

Posted August 19, 2011

Made in Dagenham review

Posted August 19, 2011

Obama Announcement: More Cosmetic Changes to DHS Deportation Policy

Posted August 19, 2011

Speech at Atlanta’s “Living Walls” conference: Human Rights and the Public Sector

Posted August 14, 2011

Pakistani Telecommunication Workers Protest

Posted August 7, 2011

Let’s Not Take America Back

Posted August 4, 2011

Baseball without Borders: Review of “Raceball”

Posted July 25, 2011

Blues on the Border: Javier Batiz plays for “My Beloved and Beautiful Tijuana”

Posted July 13, 2011

Photos: Tens of thousands rally against immigration bill in Georgia

Posted July 3, 2011

Neither Sluts, Whores, nor Saints: We Are Women

Posted July 2, 2011

Rethinking Same-Sex Marriage

Posted June 30, 2011

Debt Ceiling Doomsday?

Posted June 22, 2011

Review of Steve Early’s

Posted June 8, 2011

Wisconsin: Three Months Later

Posted June 7, 2011

Notes from Barcelona’s Tahrir Square: Rebellion of the indignant

Posted May 27, 2011

Spain: Videos from the Revolt

Posted May 27, 2011

GSU Students Denounce Slanderous Attack

Posted May 27, 2011

Social Security and “Big Babies”

Posted May 23, 2011

White Supremacy and Obama 2012: a response to Bill Fletcher

Posted May 23, 2011

Peace or Endless “Peace Process”? Obama’s Empty Middle East Speech

Posted May 20, 2011

Plight of women workers in Pakistan’s informal sector

Posted May 20, 2011

High school students walk out against Georgia’s anti-immigrant laws

Posted May 17, 2011

Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights Condemns Gov. Nathan Deal’s Signing of HB 87

Posted May 17, 2011

Reformers Win in California Grad Union Election

Posted May 10, 2011

The real Geronimo and “Operation Geronimo”

Posted May 6, 2011

Remembering the Freedom Riders

Posted May 5, 2011

On the Anniversary of the Freedom Rides

Posted May 5, 2011

OBL, Assassination and Imperial Decline

David Finkel, for the Political Committee of Solidarity

May 4, 2011

May Day in Georgia: “We are going to fight to the end!”

Posted May 3, 2011

Baltimore rallies against anti-trans violence

Posted May 3, 2011

Bin Laden is dead, but does it really matter?

Posted May 2, 2011

What Happened in Wisconsin?

Posted April 27, 2011

Hazel Dickens: An Authentic Voice and Fierce Feminist Partisan of Her Class

Posted April 22, 2011

Cincinnati: A Decade since the Rebellion of 2001 – What Have We Learned, Where Are We Now?

Posted April 14, 2011

Of Qu’rans, Occupations and Uprisings

Posted April 11, 2011

Libya: Revolution, Intervention and Crisis

Solidarity National Committee

April 4, 2011

The Libyan Revolution and the Arab Spring

Posted April 3, 2011

HOPE for the Great Resistance in Georgia

Posted April 3, 2011

The Next Phase in Wisconsin: Veering Away From the Democrats

Posted March 30, 2011

Video: Undocumented, unafraid in Georgia

Posted March 28, 2011

Chicago Anti-Evictions Campaign Marches on Attorney General Lisa Madigan

Posted March 28, 2011

Seven arrested at Tennessee Capitol protesting for worker rights

Posted March 22, 2011

Georgia students protest tuition hikes, scholarship cuts, and anti-immigrant measures

Posted March 22, 2011

International Women’s Day in Madison

Posted March 22, 2011

Will Williams speaks in Madison, March 19 2011

Posted March 22, 2011

Video presentation on the first month of Wisconsin’s uprising

Posted March 16, 2011

Chicago Youth Come Out as “Undocumented, Unafraid, and Unapologetic”

Posted March 16, 2011

The evidence from Fukushima: nuclear power means nuclear catastrophe

Posted March 16, 2011

Taking Stock and Moving Forward in Wisconsin: Reflections on a Struggle

Posted March 15, 2011

Wisconsin: Recall, Reform, Rebuild

Posted March 15, 2011

International Women’s Day in Madison: “Women make up the majority of teachers, municipal and state government workers”

Posted March 12, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin #12: Sneak Attack

Posted March 12, 2011

New Wisconsin Solidarity Flyer: WOMEN WORKING IT!

Posted March 8, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin #11: Regrouping and Reorienting

Posted March 8, 2011

From Latin America to the Arab World – What’s going on in Libya?

Posted March 7, 2011

International Women’s Day, 8th March 2011

Posted March 7, 2011

Documentary: Wildcat at Mead

Posted March 6, 2011

“America is NOT Broke”: Michael Moore speaks in Madison

Posted March 6, 2011

Lessons from Ontario’s city-wide, political strikes of the late 1990s

Posted March 5, 2011

Normalizing Control: the Wisconsin capitol occupation comes to an end

Posted March 4, 2011

Egyptian labor: “The link between the struggle of the workers and the struggle for democracy is absolutely crucial”

Posted March 4, 2011

Support the Libyan revolution! No Intervention!

Posted March 4, 2011

The New American Workers Movement at the Crossroads

Posted March 4, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin #10: Inside-Outside

Posted March 3, 2011

Iraq veterans connect union-busting to war

Posted March 2, 2011

Battle of Wisconsin #9: Change of Venue

Posted March 2, 2011

New Statement from Wisconsin: Keep the Heat On!

Posted March 2, 2011

“The Past Two Weeks Have Completely Changed My Life”: On the Frontlines of the Wisconsin Struggle with Colin

Posted March 1, 2011

Battle of Wisconsin #8: The Weekend Blues

Posted February 28, 2011

The New American Workers Movement and the Confrontation to Come

Posted February 28, 2011

The Sleeping Giant Stirs: The Renaissance of American Labor

Posted February 27, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin #7: How do we win?

Posted February 25, 2011

Dispatches from the Class War in Wisconsin – Adam’s Story

Posted February 25, 2011

Dismissal & Decertification of Puerto Rican Teachers’ Union Leadership

Posted February 24, 2011

The Battle for Wisconsin Part Six: War of Maneuver

Posted February 24, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin, Part Five: The Advance

Posted February 22, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin, Part Four: Battle Plans

Posted February 21, 2011

Dispatches from the class struggle in Wisconsin: Interviews with two Wisconsin Solidarity members

Posted February 21, 2011

Statement from Wisconsin Solidarity: We Can, We Must, We Will Win!

Posted February 20, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin, Part Three: War of Attrition

Posted February 20, 2011

Centers for Dissent Control Advisory: Protect Yourself from Wisconsin Fever!

Posted February 19, 2011

Battle for Wisconsin, Part II

Posted February 19, 2011

Report from the Battle for Wisconsin

Posted February 18, 2011

A New American Workers Movement Has Begun

Posted February 17, 2011

Struggle for Democracy and Public Education in Puerto Rico

Posted February 16, 2011

Egypt’s Uprising: Not Just a Question of ‘Transition’

Posted February 15, 2011

The Human Cost of Failed Revolutions

Posted February 15, 2011

Egypt: the Clash of Two Spirits

Posted February 14, 2011

Policing Women’s Bodies in 2011

Posted February 11, 2011

Mubarak Resigns, the Struggle Continues

Posted February 11, 2011

Egypt: What to Read (and Watch)

Posted February 10, 2011

What you should know about the Egyptian Revolution

Posted February 1, 2011

“The Rich Have Their Own Photographers”

Posted January 31, 2011

Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and Resistance (Book Review)

Posted January 31, 2011

New Anti-Capitalist Party (France) on Tunisia

Posted January 30, 2011

Democracy is Power! The Middle East in Revolt

Posted January 29, 2011

Tunisia Breaks Free

Posted January 27, 2011

EPA Revokes Spruce Mine Permit, Mountain Justice Scores Victory

Posted January 18, 2011

Some Reflections on the Unfolding Revolutionary Process in Tunisia

Posted January 18, 2011

What Happened To Change We Were Supposed To Believe In?

Posted January 15, 2011

Diagnosing the Arizona Shooting

Posted January 15, 2011

Wounded Knee And The Bloody Birth Of Empire

Posted December 29, 2010

Announcing… the Buckeye Socialist Network

Posted December 6, 2010

Nominate Wikileaks for Nobel Peace Prize!

Posted December 4, 2010

The Bowles-Simpson Cuts: What’s the Alternative?

Posted November 22, 2010

Where We are, How we Move Forward

Posted November 17, 2010

Petitioning U.S. and Canadian Embassies

Posted November 16, 2010

“Campaign a great success”: Dan La Botz, Ohio Socialist candidate for U.S. Senate

Posted November 10, 2010

Hung Over, Stoned on Tea: Thinking About Politics After November 2

Posted November 3, 2010

Memorial for Berta Langston, 1926-2010

Posted November 1, 2010

A Socialist Alternative

Posted October 28, 2010

After the Flood

Posted October 23, 2010

Mass strikes against pension reform in France

Posted October 20, 2010

A workers rebellion sweeps France

Posted October 19, 2010

Harlem Hospital workers rally against cuts

Posted October 13, 2010

Mass Strikes Against Austerity Brewing in France?

Posted October 8, 2010

oct 7

Posted October 6, 2010

Q&A on the Democratic Party – An Interview with Dan La Botz

Posted October 4, 2010

LGBT Suicides: The Fire This Time

Posted October 3, 2010

OCTOBER 2ND AND BEYOND: Rebuilding Our Movements

Posted October 1, 2010

Caught in the Whirlwind: US Working-Class Families Face the Economic Crisis

Posted September 27, 2010

Join the Socialist Contingent on October 2!

Posted September 25, 2010

Stand against FBI raids and intimidation!

Posted September 25, 2010

FBI raids target antiwar activists in Minneapolis, Chicago, and Michigan

Posted September 24, 2010

Parents occupy school fieldhouse to stop demolition and demand a library

Posted September 24, 2010

Important Day for The Dream Act

Posted September 20, 2010

September 11: International “Listen to Yusuf (Cat Stevens) Day”

Posted September 11, 2010

Islamophobia and the Empire

Posted September 10, 2010

Nina Simone, “Go Limp”

Posted September 10, 2010

The Place Of Tony Blair: Ten Reasons To Despise Him

Posted September 7, 2010

Pakistani Women Take Up Reconstruction Challenge

Posted September 2, 2010

A Great Variety of Morbid Symptoms, Seen in the Reflecting Pool Yesterday

Posted August 31, 2010

Petition to Include Dan La Botz, Socialist for Senate in Ohio Debates!

Posted August 23, 2010

Education in the Crosshairs: Thoughts on the New Student Movement

Posted August 13, 2010

Don’t Just Snap, Organize… Let’s “Slater” together!

Posted August 12, 2010

Pakistan: Over 20 million people affected by the flood

Posted August 11, 2010

Stop police harassment of anti-facists in Russia!

Posted August 8, 2010

As Santos Becomes Colombian President, U.S. Bases and Tensions Remain

Posted August 5, 2010

Immigrant Rights Protest at Mets Game – Exciting organizing!

Posted August 2, 2010

Regroup Bulletin 1

Posted July 31, 2010

Arizona and the Struggle for Immigrant Rights

Posted July 24, 2010

Enough Is Enough… We’re Human Beings

Posted July 23, 2010

The Sentencing of Lynne Stewart

Posted July 21, 2010

NY Governor candidate Howie Hawkins Opposes Increased Jail Time for Lawyer Lynne Stewart

Posted July 19, 2010

Food in America and the World

Posted July 17, 2010

Middle Tennessee confronts Islamophobia

Posted July 16, 2010

Music Video: What if the Tea Party Was Black?

Posted July 15, 2010

What can Brazilian workers tell us about forging a “new CIO” in the US?

Posted July 14, 2010

Barry Sheppard’s Review of “North Star, A Memoir” by Peter Camejo

Posted July 12, 2010

The Rainbow and the Democratic Party— New Politics or Old?: A Socialist Perspective

Posted July 12, 2010

Demand An Investigation into the Murder of Pakistani Trade Union Leader

Posted July 12, 2010

The 1960 Sit-ins in Context

Marty Oppenheimer

Posted July 11, 2010

Fighting Islamophobia in Middle Tennessee

Posted July 10, 2010

Mourning Njere Alghanee, national leader in the movement for reparations

Posted July 9, 2010

On the Ground in Toronto

Posted July 7, 2010

Oakland on the eve of the Mehserle verdict: between “Do the Right Thing” and “What is to be Done?”

Posted July 7, 2010

The Democrats and the Oil Spill

Posted July 3, 2010

Post-USSF: In the Streets at the USSF

Posted July 2, 2010

Post-USSF: More Questions than Answers

Posted June 30, 2010

The Media Empire Strikes Back: Reviewing Reviews of South of the Border

Posted June 29, 2010

The Mass Arrests, the Security State and the Toronto G20 Summit

Posted June 28, 2010

UPR Student Strike Ends, New Chapter in the Struggle Begins

Posted June 28, 2010

“Politics is [beauty pageant contestants, gun owners, religious people…]”

Posted June 19, 2010

Join Solidarity at the United States Social Forum!

Posted June 19, 2010

Barbara Zeluck Presente!

Posted June 16, 2010

Walter Rodney, 30 Years Since Assassination

Posted June 13, 2010

Allies, The Lobby and Legitimacy: Let’s Get Some Things Straight

Posted June 6, 2010

International Implications of the Flotilla Attack: Interview with Ziyaad Lunat

Posted June 5, 2010

Soul Singer/Political Activist Cyril Neville: Alive and Very Well!

Posted June 5, 2010

Massacre At Sea

Posted June 4, 2010

Honda Workers Unite — and Demand Their Rights

Posted June 4, 2010

Atlanta Responds to the Freedom Flotilla Massacre

Posted June 2, 2010

The Deficit: THEIR Problem, Not Ours

Posted June 1, 2010

New York Emergency Demonstration in Solidarity with Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Posted June 1, 2010

Thailand: a bloodbath and afterwards?

Posted May 26, 2010

Thailand: A point of no return

Posted May 21, 2010

UPR strike, Day 27: Students regain momentum, look to spark people’s movement

Posted May 17, 2010

Chaos in Puerto Rico

Posted May 17, 2010

In Memoriam: Rhonda Copelon, Human Rights Lawyer

Posted May 16, 2010

Scott Sisters Update, New Articles: Gray-Haired Witnesses Plan Hunger Strike at DOJ / “No More Banquets!” by Dr. Lenore Daniels

Posted May 15, 2010

Bonapartism, Bureaucracy, Categories, Lessons And The Revolution Betrayed

Posted May 14, 2010

In Defense of Ethnic Studies

Posted May 14, 2010

Notes on a disaster: Louisiana pays again for our economy’s petroleum addiction (Part 2)

Posted May 13, 2010

Horrifying video of Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Posted May 11, 2010

Reproductive Justice Conference Report

Posted May 9, 2010

The Greek volcano: the General Strike of May the 5th in Greece

Posted May 8, 2010

Direct action against deportations

Posted May 6, 2010

May Day Speech — Not Delivered

Posted May 6, 2010

Kyrgyzstan: Popular insurrection opens new page of history

Posted May 5, 2010

Today is Karl Marx’s 192nd birthday!

Posted May 5, 2010

Reflecting on the Kent State Massacre Forty Years Later

Posted May 4, 2010

Statement on the European crisis

Posted May 4, 2010

The New Corporatism in American Politics and the Grassroots

Posted May 3, 2010

Vermont is going to lead the way in Healthcare

Posted May 3, 2010

Notes on a disaster: Louisiana pays again for our economy’s petroleum addiction (Part 1)

Posted May 3, 2010

Clayton County, Georgia and the Fight for the Public Sector

Posted May 1, 2010

Student strike shuts down University of Puerto Rico indefinitely

Posted April 29, 2010

“DAM concert in Atlanta a victory for Palestine solidarity” by Eskandar

Posted April 26, 2010

Main Street Beats Wall Street

Posted April 19, 2010

Republican Leaders Names “The Enemy” — But the Enemy is not Socialism, It’s Oil!

Posted April 19, 2010

Protest greets George W. Bush speech in Indianapolis

Posted April 17, 2010

The Most Dangerous Man in America

Posted April 14, 2010

“Confronting the Occupation: Haiti, Neo-liberalism, and the US Occupation” by Kali Akuno

Posted April 13, 2010

Greek workers against the so-called stability programme

Posted April 12, 2010

Vermont Passes Single Payer

Posted April 12, 2010

¡Empleos Ya! — We Need Jobs, And Now!

Posted April 8, 2010

The Plantation called Haiti: US/Euro pillage masking as humanitarian aid by Ezili Dantò

Posted April 6, 2010

Barbarism of Occupation: Collateral Murder in Iraq and Afghanistan

Posted April 5, 2010

Black Children… Beautiful, or Endangered Species?

Posted April 2, 2010

Central American Trade Unionists Targeted for Murder

Posted April 2, 2010

The Pope, the Catholic Church, and the Sexual Abuse Controversy in Historical and Political Perspective

Posted April 1, 2010

New Buttons for sale: Legalization for All & Bring the Troops Home Now!

Posted March 31, 2010

A progressive’s dilemma: Tavis Smiley vs. Al Sharpton & Dr. King vs. Barack Obama

Posted March 30, 2010

Video: On the Bus to DC Immigration March

Posted March 26, 2010

Maybe it’s Time for a Troublemaker

Posted March 25, 2010

What next after Sunday’s historic immigrant rights mobilization?

Posted March 25, 2010

Justice for the Scott Sisters: An Update

Posted March 25, 2010

Democrats join Republicans in giving reproductive rights the finger

Posted March 23, 2010

“Georgia Students for Public Higher Education” Rallies Hundreds Against Cuts

Posted March 20, 2010

Full Rights for all Immigrants Now! Not Just Reform—But Justice!

Posted March 20, 2010

Photos: Georgia Students For Public Higher Education March 15 rally against budget cuts

Posted March 18, 2010

Irish Queers protest St Paddys Parade in NYC

Posted March 18, 2010

They’re President Obama’s Wars Now

Posted March 17, 2010

Fired for Organizing at Work: Some Lessons

Posted March 16, 2010

One Year of Obama and the Democrats’ Debacle

Posted March 15, 2010

Trail of Dreams, bound for DC, passes through Georgia

Posted March 12, 2010

Chicago immigrant youth are Undocumented and Unafraid

Posted March 11, 2010

Women’s Day March in San Antonio Says “Ya Basta” to Abusive Treatment of Workers

Posted March 10, 2010

Tres resolutivos del Congreso Mundial de la IV internacional sobre México

Posted March 9, 2010

Disability and socialism

Posted March 9, 2010

Pakistan: Women workers march in Lahore to observe International Women Day

Posted March 8, 2010

Salt of the Earth, Classic of Feminist Cinema [Full Video]

Posted March 8, 2010

Solidarity with Haiti!

Posted March 7, 2010

How many gender problems can you count?

Posted March 7, 2010

March 4 Actions to Defend Public Education: a Partial Report and a Preliminary Rumination on Next Steps

Posted March 5, 2010

Corporate domination has to be challenged by both movements and a political party

Posted March 4, 2010

Free, Quality Education for All!

Posted March 4, 2010

As Budget Cuts Loom, a Fight Back Builds at UIC

Posted March 3, 2010

Massive Earthquake Shatters Myth of Chilean Exceptionalism: Deep Class Faultlines Exposed

Posted March 3, 2010

Israeli Ambassador Grilled on Apartheid in Atlanta

Posted March 2, 2010

No More War Funding, Bring the Troops Home!

Posted March 2, 2010

Strike in Alabama: Crimson Ride Drivers force further negotiations

Posted March 1, 2010

Muslim candidate Ilham Moussaid unveils Islamophobia in the French Left

Posted March 1, 2010

Weekly Informational Calls on US Social Forum

Posted March 1, 2010

Resources – Follow the CA Student Movement Online

Posted February 25, 2010

Looking Back at the FSLN’s Election Loss

Posted February 25, 2010

Tea Party Convention Divides the Right

Posted February 24, 2010

Right To The City – NYC: Making moves on housing

Posted February 24, 2010

Put a Socialist in the Senate!

Posted February 24, 2010

Mexico’s Forgotten Black History

Posted February 22, 2010

Video: Chicago Remembers Daniel Bensaïd

Posted February 22, 2010

The (Second) Battle of Blair Mountain

Posted February 22, 2010

TV’s “Undercover Boss” — 5,000,000 Ways to Save a C.E.O.

Posted February 11, 2010

The bosses have two parties. We need one of our own!

Posted February 7, 2010

Limousines for the rich, swim lessons for the poor

Posted February 6, 2010

A year later, Obama’s State of the Union still ignores immigrants – as raids and deportations continue

Posted February 4, 2010

Elections in Chile: A Loss for the Left?

Posted February 3, 2010

Who dat goin’ to da Super Bowl?!

Posted February 2, 2010

Fighting for Public Higher Education at Georgia State University

Posted January 27, 2010

Howard Zinn, presente!

Posted January 27, 2010

Chicago tenants demand “Slumlords out of City Hall!”

Posted January 26, 2010

University Students and Prisoners: Are We All in the Same Boat?

Posted January 24, 2010

Reflecting on Roe v. Wade in 2010

Posted January 24, 2010

Canada’s Long Road to Mining Reform

Posted January 21, 2010

Tom Condit, 1938-2010

Posted January 21, 2010

A Meditation on Gaza and Haiti: When Will We Ever Learn?

Posted January 20, 2010

Glen Ford: The US Set Haiti Up For Disaster

Posted January 18, 2010

Cincinnati Immigrants Demand Reform Now at Mass Meeting

Posted January 17, 2010

Social and Natural Disaster in Haiti: How to Help

Posted January 16, 2010

URGENT! Support Haitian Earthquake Relief Coordinated by Solidarity Organizations

Posted January 14, 2010

Thinking about Gay Marriage Referenda in Georgia and Maine

Posted January 12, 2010

De la “Batalla de Seattle” a la crisis del 2008 y Obama

Posted January 12, 2010

Daniel Bensaïd: a militant, an intellectual, a friend

Posted January 12, 2010

From the Battle of Seattle to the Crisis of 2008 and Obama

Posted January 10, 2010

Master of Memphis Soul: Willie Mitchell, 1928-2010

Posted January 9, 2010

Climate Imperialism and the Movement

Posted January 6, 2010

A Hope for 2010!

Posted December 31, 2009

UAW Rank-and-File Organize to Fight For Union Principles

Posted December 29, 2009

Remembering Dennis Brutus

Posted December 28, 2009

Indiana Socialist Fellowship: Stirrings in the Heartland

Posted December 28, 2009

Non-Violent Palestinian Activists Targeted

Posted December 28, 2009

Video and Transcript: Glen Ford on the Black Struggle under Obama

Posted December 27, 2009

Videos and Transcripts: Bruce Dixon and Kali Akuno, “Atlanta’s Post-Election Reflection”

Posted December 25, 2009

Video and Transcript: David McNally on the Crisis of Capitalism and Challenges to the Left

Posted December 25, 2009

Reflecting on Atlanta’s Recent Mayoral Election

Posted December 25, 2009

Why “Bottom-Up” History is Useful Today

Posted December 21, 2009

Remembering the 1960s – Part 3 of 3

Posted December 19, 2009

Copenhagen: a turning point for the movement

Posted December 19, 2009

Remembering the 1960s – Part 2 of 3

Posted December 17, 2009

Climate Catastrophe

Posted December 17, 2009

March 4th – What it is, Where it Came from, and the National Response to California

Posted December 16, 2009

Remembering the 1960s – Part 1 of 3

Posted December 15, 2009

Mexican Eletrical Workers Union Changes Strategy in Face of Calderón Government Intransigence

Posted December 14, 2009

National Call for March 4 Strike and Day of Action To Defend Public Education

Posted December 14, 2009

Ecuador Uses WTO Rules to Make Medicines More Accessible

Posted December 11, 2009

The Fight at UPS: The Teamsters Victory and the Future of the “New Labor Movement”

Posted December 10, 2009

Honduras: Counting the Votes, Or Rigging the Count?

Posted December 9, 2009

Obama’s Afghanistan Speech and the Anti-War Movement

Posted December 9, 2009

NYC Reformers Rise Again—In Transit And Teamsterdom

Posted December 9, 2009

Proclamation to the Peoples of Mexico Regarding the Recall of Felipe Calderón

Posted December 9, 2009

Mexican Electrical Workers (SME) “Take Mexico City”; Canadian, US Union Delegation Shows Solidarity

Posted December 8, 2009

New Study Asserts Climate Change Will Increase Conflicts in Africa

Posted December 7, 2009

IRS Auctions Sioux Land

Posted December 7, 2009

Defeat the Democratic Party’s Health Bills!

Posted December 5, 2009

Remembering Fred Hampton

Posted December 4, 2009

Lessons to learn from California Student Strikes and Occupations

Posted November 30, 2009

WHISC/SOA: Georgia’s terrorist training camp

Posted November 26, 2009

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Posted November 20, 2009

California knows how to party – students strike across UC system

Posted November 20, 2009

Middle East: Faint Glimmer of Hope

Posted November 20, 2009

A Climate for Change?

Posted November 20, 2009

Remembering John Brown

Posted November 20, 2009

The Future of “Revolutionary Work In Our Times” (RWIOT)

Posted November 20, 2009

Lynne Stewart Appeal Turned Down

Posted November 18, 2009

The Health Care Voting Game – Bishops and Robber Barons

Posted November 11, 2009

Breaking into jail – a first time for everything

Posted November 9, 2009

Evaluations of Obama’s year one

Posted November 8, 2009

Auto Workers Untamed: A “No” Heard ‘Round the World

Posted November 6, 2009

How to Make Friends and Influence People – Bringing a Left Vision to the Health Care Reform Struggle

Posted November 5, 2009

Struggle for single-payer steps up direct action

Posted November 1, 2009

Obama’s Afghan Stagecraft

Posted October 27, 2009

Some Thoughts on “Rethink Afghanistan”

Posted October 17, 2009

Nobel Ironies — The “He’s Not George Bush Prize”

Posted October 9, 2009

Afghanistan: The Case for Out Now

Posted October 7, 2009

View from Detroit: Time Magazine’s “Notown” Is Nowhere

Posted October 6, 2009

Eyewitness Report on G-20 Mobilizations

Posted September 30, 2009

Remembering Leon Despres: Chicago Rebel

Posted September 30, 2009

Resistance and Repression in Pittsburgh

Posted September 30, 2009

G-20 Jail Solidarity: Keep Jeff Free! Solidarity with G-20 Activists!

Posted September 29, 2009

Pittsburgh G-20 Protests: A Step Forward in Steeltown

Posted September 27, 2009

Blocked Reform: Obama After 200 Days

Posted September 23, 2009

Not quite Stonewall: 40 years later the cops haven’t changed, but we have

Posted September 15, 2009

Bronx Cookie Bakers Fight Runaway Owner, Think Big to Save Jobs

Posted September 13, 2009

Obama’s School Speech: “Dodging the Bullet” or Firing It Into The Backs of Educators?

Posted September 12, 2009

Capitalism Attempts to Re-direct Feminism

Posted September 9, 2009

Remembering Attica (with video)

Posted September 9, 2009

Questions and Answers on Health Care for Activists

Posted September 8, 2009

Van Jones’ Exit from Eden

Posted September 7, 2009

A look inside G20 Organizing on the ground

Posted September 1, 2009

Denied Once Again

Posted September 1, 2009

The Healthcare Debate of 2009: the Role of the Left

Posted August 31, 2009

The Health Care Debate

Posted August 27, 2009

Self-checkouts and other capitalist inconveniences

Posted August 20, 2009

Health Care Town Hall in Georgia

Posted August 11, 2009

The Left and Obama

Posted July 20, 2009

“Skinny” or “Rockin’ the Beer Gut”

Posted July 13, 2009

Whose Fall?

Posted July 3, 2009

Crisis, Repression and Coup in Iran

Posted July 1, 2009

The First Latin American Coup on Obama’s Watch

Posted June 28, 2009

Crisis and Repression in Iran; Breaking Gaza’s Blockade

Posted June 25, 2009

Mayor Bloomberg’s war against the homeless continues

Posted June 24, 2009

UE’s Setting the Banks Straight About the Bail-out

Posted June 24, 2009

Anti-abortion Terrorism Can Be Prevented

Posted June 21, 2009

What does Dr. Tiller’s murder say about the state of reproductive rights in the US?

Posted June 18, 2009

Rev. Pinkney Barred from His Appeal Hearing

Posted June 12, 2009

A Political Eulogy for Atlanta’s Public Housing

Posted June 11, 2009

The War Goes On, With Corporate Sponsorship

Posted June 10, 2009

Video: Anwar Shaikh on Marx and the Global Economic Crisis

Posted June 9, 2009

Video: David McNally on Marx and the Global Economic Crisis

Posted June 9, 2009

Jamie and Gladys Scott: Wrongfully Convicted – By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD

Posted June 7, 2009

Koko Taylor, “Queen of the Blues,” Dies at 80

Posted June 7, 2009

Mass action on the climate crisis?

Posted June 5, 2009

Health Care Reform: Insurers and Activists

Posted June 3, 2009

Climate, Capitalism and Crisis

Posted May 29, 2009

Support the Viva Palestina USA Convoy to Gaza!

Posted May 28, 2009

Committee to Elect Chokwe Lumumba May 19th Victory Statement

Posted May 27, 2009

Setback for Marriage Equality in California, Next Steps for LGBTQ Rights?

Posted May 26, 2009

Observations on a Venezuelan Workplace Struggle

Posted May 21, 2009

Thoughts on the Anti-Foreclosure/Eviction Movement

Posted May 18, 2009

What We Want: Voices from the Salvadoran Left – Ana Martínez

Posted May 18, 2009

What We Want: Voices from the Salvadoran Left – Sandra Henriquez and Josefina Lazo

Posted May 17, 2009

Why she became a socialist

Posted May 13, 2009

A fair trial for Troy Davis?

Posted May 11, 2009

Vermont rallies for single payer

Posted May 7, 2009

New Hampshire State Legislature: Pro Same Sex Marriage// Anti-Trans Rights

Posted May 4, 2009

A cover for preserving racism: The “U.S.-Brazil Joint Action Plan To Eliminate Racial Discrimination”

Posted April 29, 2009

REVIEW: When Skateboards Will Be Free

Posted April 23, 2009

Mumia, Miami, May 1st

Posted April 22, 2009

Irish & British sit-down strikes: shop floors without borders

Posted April 22, 2009

Franklin Rosemont 1943-2009

Posted April 22, 2009

Labor Activists Pack NYC Troublemakers School

Posted April 21, 2009

Socialism on the Rise, or Another Example of the Left’s Wishful Thinking?

Posted April 19, 2009

Socialist Futurism: Sci-Fi for Reds and Greens

Posted April 15, 2009

Gay Culture, for Popular Consumption?

Posted April 14, 2009

NYC Student Movement: Occupy Everything!… Now?

Posted April 13, 2009

Cartoon: bailouts

Posted April 12, 2009

Stakes are Raised in Atlanta’s Struggle for Transit Justice

Posted April 11, 2009

Europe’s radical left on the march

Posted April 9, 2009

The fight at Great Western Erectors

Posted April 8, 2009

Hunger – Art and Politics come together [movie review]

Posted April 7, 2009

Structural Adjustment Comes Home to Roost

Posted April 5, 2009

“Hot-cargoing” as a tactic in the Palestine solidarity and antiwar movements

Posted April 4, 2009

The World Crisis, Capital and Labour: The 1930s and Today

Posted April 1, 2009

The Crisis and Socialism: What is to be Done?

Posted April 1, 2009

Execution of Gays in Iraq, Legalized Rape in Afghanistan

Posted March 31, 2009

“Informal Settlements” in Durban, South Africa and California, USA

Posted March 29, 2009

Reimagining Socialism: The Nation encourages a critical discussion

Posted March 27, 2009

U.S. Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Posted March 27, 2009

Cartoon: The Employee Free Choice Act

Posted March 26, 2009

The Salvadoran presidential election: An alternative view

Posted March 23, 2009

EFCA, AIG and the Political Struggle Over the Current “Populist Anger”

Posted March 19, 2009

Victory in El Salvador: an inspirational sign along the path

Posted March 17, 2009

Between Crisis and Hope: Rebuilding a Movement to Bring all the Troops Home Now

Posted March 17, 2009

Bollywood-style Israeli weapons video… something else to boycott!

Posted March 16, 2009

Remembering Steffie Brooks

Posted March 15, 2009

A call to organize: social work as social movement

Posted March 13, 2009

Labour Party Pakistan Activists Arrested and Beaten Up

Posted March 12, 2009

Reports from NYC’s March 5th Rally Against Budget Cuts

Posted March 11, 2009

Solidarity with Palestine in the South: A Report From Atlanta

Posted March 9, 2009

The Origins of International Women’s Day

Posted March 8, 2009

“Thumb Tacks” and “Hot Cargo” Revisited

Posted March 7, 2009

Peter Camejo: A Red-Green Life

Claudette Begin

Posted March 7, 2009

Peter Camejo: A Red-Green Life

Claudette Begin

Posted March 7, 2009

Peter Camejo: A Red-Green Life

Claudette Begin

Posted March 7, 2009

Suicide is no solution for Pakistan’s Working Class

Posted March 2, 2009

YouTube: Race, Gender, and Imperialism in Iraq

Posted March 1, 2009

The Problem with Defending Despotic Decisions

Posted March 1, 2009

Thoughts on Obama’s Speech at Camp Lejeune, NC

Posted February 28, 2009

State of the Union for Immigrant USA?

Posted February 25, 2009

An appreciation of Malcolm X

Posted February 21, 2009

NYU Occupation Update: Defend Student Protestors!

Posted February 20, 2009

Memorial for Steffie Brooks, 1951-2009

Posted February 19, 2009

Honoring a Palestinian Life Cut Short

Posted February 19, 2009

Student Occupation at NYU

Posted February 19, 2009

Cartoon on Stella D’Oro solidarity

Posted February 13, 2009

Visiting a terminally ill comrade

Posted February 9, 2009

DHL Layoffs Begin in Wilmington, OH

Posted February 3, 2009

Hope For Obama?

Posted January 30, 2009

Stella D’Oro Strike Picks Up Steam

Posted January 28, 2009

The Cynical Destruction of Gaza

Posted January 23, 2009

It Can’t Get Any Worse, Can It?

Posted January 15, 2009

Review of Waltz with Bashir

Posted January 9, 2009

Behind the Gaza Massacre

Posted December 31, 2008

Nearly 1000 NYers Protest Israeli Attacks on Gaza

Posted December 28, 2008

Rick Warren and Africa

Posted December 25, 2008

A government in pandemonium: The first nine month of Pakistan Peoples Party rule

Posted December 24, 2008

Strike Continues at Stella D’Oro in Bronx, New York

Posted December 24, 2008

From Athens, Greece to Augusta, Georgia, police murder provokes riots

Posted December 23, 2008

NYC Mobilizes Against Proposed Cuts

Posted December 18, 2008

Reflections on Malik Rahim’s bid for Congress in Louisiana

Posted December 11, 2008

Chicago Workers’ Victory an Inspiration in Hard Times

Posted December 11, 2008

Some ideas and resources for do-it-yourself solidarity with Republic workers in Chicago

Posted December 10, 2008

Troy Davis Hearing at the 11th Circuit Court

Posted December 9, 2008

On the Chicago Factory Sit-in by Nelson Lichtenstein and Christopher Phelps

Posted December 9, 2008

Working Class Casualties: Mumbai and Long Island

Posted November 29, 2008

Major Transit Cuts Threaten NYC

Posted November 26, 2008

Autoworkers Face The Crisis

Posted November 20, 2008

March for Equality: Nationwide Protests Against Proposition 8

Posted November 13, 2008

Barack Obama’s Dual Mandate

Posted November 5, 2008

The War(s) at Home: the Iraq War in movies

Posted November 3, 2008

Revolutionary Work in Our Times

Posted November 3, 2008

More on FMPR: Beating the Odds, Independent PR Teachers Union Trounces SEIU in Representation Election

Posted November 2, 2008

Howie Hawkins Press Release

Posted October 29, 2008

Puerto Rico’s Teachers Show the Way; SEIU Learns the Meaning of “No”

Posted October 24, 2008

Growing movement wins another stay of execution for Troy Davis!

Posted October 24, 2008

A Radical Response: Understanding the Crisis and Building a Movement

Posted October 20, 2008

The Financial Meltdown and a Socialist Response

Posted October 17, 2008

The Financial Calamity, Blacks and Obama

Posted October 16, 2008

Videos of Green Party Candidate Rosa Clemente Talk at NYU

Posted October 15, 2008

A Brief To-Do List For the Next President’s First Day…

Posted October 1, 2008

Update on Troy Davis and a letter from Troy

Posted September 30, 2008

Some Talking Points on the Financial Crisis

Posted September 30, 2008

Labor Goes to Wall Street

Posted September 30, 2008

Their Crisis, Our Consequences: is this what 1931 looks like?

Posted September 29, 2008

Capitalist Absurdity of the Week #2 – Well, of course, the meltdown, “regulation” etc.

Posted September 29, 2008

Bomb kills 60, injures 250 at Islamabad Marriott

Posted September 26, 2008

Bill Banta, 1941-2008

Posted September 25, 2008

Thinking about the antiwar movement

Posted September 25, 2008

Troy Davis: “I’ll be 40 my next birthday”

Posted September 23, 2008

Troy Davis is innocent.

Posted September 23, 2008

Party Like Its 1929: Understanding the Crisis on Wall Street

Posted September 21, 2008

A National Need: Omar Lopez’s Campaign for Congress

Posted September 14, 2008

Terrorizing the vulnerable: La Migra comes to Mississippi

Posted September 12, 2008

“Every beautiful poem is an act of resistance” – Mahmoud Darwish, 1941-2008

Posted September 9, 2008

Celebrating Teen Pregnancy?

Posted September 5, 2008

The Russian Revolution in Retreat

review by Samuel Farber

Posted September 2, 2008

Denver Protests the DNC!

Posted August 29, 2008

A dictator gone but not his policies

Posted August 28, 2008

Biden? Give me a break!!!

Posted August 27, 2008

Anti-War Movement(s)– Then and Now…

Posted August 17, 2008

Vigilantism of the Few and the Many; the Darkness of Democracy in The Dark Knight

Posted August 14, 2008

Mid-Summer Voting in New Orleans: Legacy of failed Reconstruction

Posted August 10, 2008

The Lay of the Land for Labor in 2008 – Draft Pre-Convention Document

Posted August 1, 2008

Rereading the Radical Novel in America: Defying Expectations

James C. Hall

Posted July 30, 2008

Transit Workers Try a New Direction

Marian Swerdlow

Posted July 29, 2008

Save Your Starbucks? (Capitalist Absurdity of the Week)

Posted July 28, 2008

Unite to Smash Boring Leaflets! Some Thoughts on Revolutionary Imagery

Posted July 25, 2008

Refounding the Left: Taking Our Past Into Our Future

Posted July 21, 2008

The Tasks and Possibilities of a U.S. Refounded Left

Posted July 21, 2008

Refounding a New Left: Next Generations & Their Experiences

Posted July 21, 2008

Regroupment, Refounding and the Arc of Resistance

Posted July 21, 2008

Social Movements over the Last Two Decades

Posted July 21, 2008

Regroupment & Refoundation of a U.S. Left – An Introduction

Posted July 21, 2008

Blue Vinyl (2002) Movie Review

Posted July 20, 2008

An Interview with Dita Sari

Emily Citkowski

Posted July 14, 2008

The Anatomy of A Rebellion

Paul Ortiz

Posted July 14, 2008

“Camera Lucida:” Women on Film at Century’s End

Arlene Keizer

Posted July 14, 2008

Investors Expect Bronx Real Estate Feast

Posted July 11, 2008

The WTO’s Nude World Order

Bill Resnick

Posted July 10, 2008

Mp3 Spotlight: The Black Power Era Part One

Posted July 8, 2008

Korean Protests against Importing U.S. Beef

Posted July 4, 2008

Things white people can get away with

Posted July 1, 2008

Pakistan: Corruption in Privatization

Posted June 30, 2008

Combating Activist Burnout: Our Stories of Radicalization

Posted June 24, 2008

Radicals at Work “Boxes”

Posted June 23, 2008

Radicals At Work! An Activist Strategy for Revitalizing the Labor Movement

Posted June 23, 2008

A Historic Long March That Fell Short

Posted June 18, 2008

Statement by Cynthia McKinney on the nomination of Barack Obama

Posted June 17, 2008

A guy at the water cooler: Ashok Kumar talks about being socialist in public office

Posted June 16, 2008

The 2008 Elections

Posted June 14, 2008

Black Workers Organizing in the Face of Neoliberalism, Labor Retreat and the Corporatization of Everything

Posted June 13, 2008

Elissa Jane Karg Chacker 1951-2008

Posted June 13, 2008

Thousands demonstrate against neoliberal agenda and price hikes in Pakistan

Posted June 12, 2008

Thousands demonstrate against neoliberal agenda and price hikes in Pakistan

Posted June 12, 2008

Mp3 Spotlight: Cornelius Cardew

Posted June 11, 2008

The Authoritarian Personality

Posted June 8, 2008

Motion of the Solidarity National Committee on 2008 Elections

Posted June 5, 2008

Latest musings on Election ’08

Posted June 5, 2008

Thoughts on same sex marriage: Can’t You Just Be Happ[il]y [Ever After]?

Posted June 5, 2008

Another Comment on FRSO/OSCL’s Which Way is Left?

Posted June 3, 2008

Wave of Burmese solidarity forces regime to retreat on cyclone aid

Posted May 29, 2008

Reflections of an American Axle strike supporter

Posted May 28, 2008

Black Workers: Organizing in the Face of Neoliberalism, Labor Retreat and the Corporatization of Everything

Posted May 25, 2008

Short Appreciation of FRSO/OSCL’s ‘Which Way is Left?’

Posted May 25, 2008

Immigrant Working-Class Solidarity on the Gulf Coast

Posted May 20, 2008

Our Strategy for Palestine

Posted May 20, 2008

Israel at 60: We Should Not Celebrate Dispossession

Posted May 20, 2008

The Nakba and the Israeli State: What’s to Celebrate?

Posted May 20, 2008

Detroit and my “romantic” dream

Posted May 19, 2008

Thoughts on Aid to the People of Burma

Posted May 16, 2008

C.L.R. James and Anti-/Postcolonialism

Grant Farred

Posted May 14, 2008

Remembering Dudley Randall

Melba Joyce Boyd

Posted May 14, 2008

FTAA, The Hydra’s New Head

Martin Hart-Landsberg

Posted May 14, 2008

Remembering the War and the Movement

Peter Drucker

Posted May 14, 2008

Myanmar (Burma): Aid and Hypocrisy

Posted May 12, 2008

Whitewashing Black History

Posted May 11, 2008

Mp3 Spotlight: Christy Moore

Posted May 8, 2008

Bollywood: Song, Dance, and Worker Insurgency

Posted May 1, 2008

An Injury to One Is an Injury to All

Posted April 30, 2008

May Day 2008 Greetings

Posted April 30, 2008

A People Centered Plan for Atlanta’s Mass Transit

Posted April 30, 2008

Order “Hell On Wheels” Today!

Posted April 29, 2008

Marxist Blogs, Part One

Posted April 25, 2008

Global Justice School – Days 6-15

Posted April 20, 2008

Global Justice School – Days 1-5

Posted April 10, 2008

Make the Road By Blogging

Posted April 8, 2008

U.S. Foreign Policy and Korean Self-Determination

Terry Murphy

Posted March 31, 2008

Stalinism in Hindsight

Peter Drucker

Posted March 31, 2008

Boos for Bush

Posted March 31, 2008

On “Love in the Movement”

Posted March 24, 2008

Elliot Spitzer’s “Corruption”

Posted March 19, 2008

“War Zone” in downtown Atlanta

Posted March 18, 2008

Obama’s pastor was right

Posted March 17, 2008

New York ‘Fed’ bails out business while Mayor announces budget cuts

Posted March 15, 2008

Exposed, a poem by Hasan Newash

Posted March 11, 2008

Iraq Vets Lead New Chapter in Anti-War Movement

Posted March 10, 2008

Indian Guest Workers organizing in Mississippi shipyards

Posted March 10, 2008

Bringing socialism to the cleaning closet

Posted March 7, 2008

A dictator defeated

Posted February 28, 2008

A dictator defeated

Posted February 28, 2008

Book Review: Faludi’s Terror Dream

Posted February 27, 2008

June Antiwar Conference: An Opportunity for the Movement

Posted February 27, 2008

The color-blind racism of “Law & Order”

Posted February 26, 2008

Environmental Justice Part 2 (Book Review)

Posted February 25, 2008

Environmental Justice Part 1 (Book Review)

Posted February 24, 2008

Class Solidarity Down the Toilet, with Blessings by the UAW

Posted February 20, 2008

What is Feminist Process?

Posted February 20, 2008

“Two Buck Huck” and Class in the Republican Presidential Race

Posted February 19, 2008

Love in the Movement

Posted February 15, 2008

“On being white…and other lies”

Posted February 10, 2008

The People in Gaza Challenge Sham Peace Process

Posted February 6, 2008

Power to the (Palestinian) People!

Posted February 6, 2008

Chocolate for the Children

Posted February 6, 2008

Gaza’s Unending Crisis

Posted February 6, 2008

Revolution, love, and nonmonogamy

Posted February 4, 2008

Thoughts on Solidarity’s Socialist Feminist Retreat — from Harmony Goldberg

Posted January 31, 2008

Admiral James Stockdale: “Who am I? Why am I here?”

Posted January 28, 2008

Remembering MLK : “I Wouldn’t Stop There”

Posted January 24, 2008

Presidential horse race: ch-ch-ch-changes?

Posted January 22, 2008

Labour Party Pakistan leader killed in suicidal attack

Posted January 22, 2008

Green Party Debates

Posted January 22, 2008

Musharraf Takes off the Uniform

Posted January 19, 2008

Venezuela: Women After the Referendum

Posted January 15, 2008

Capitalism and 19th Century Feminism

Posted January 11, 2008

South Africa Journal: SANPAD Conference

Posted January 9, 2008

South Africa Journal: We are the Poors! Book Review

Posted January 7, 2008

Out of the Closets, Into the Streets! The Many Lives of Bob Kohler

Posted January 2, 2008

Georgia Drought: You Don’t Miss Your Water…

Posted December 31, 2007

Refusing to Break with Feudal Traditions

Posted December 31, 2007

Benazir assassination: The Unprecedented Mass Reaction

Posted December 29, 2007

Labour Party Pakistan statement on assassination of Benazir Bhutto

Posted December 28, 2007

Incomplete Thoughts: Mass Incarceration

Posted December 26, 2007

A Draw for Ford but a Victory for All

Posted December 23, 2007

Stalin Pérez Bórges responds to James Petras

Posted December 23, 2007

Void Your Ballot [Vota Nulo]

Posted December 23, 2007

Venezuela: Why was Abstention the Winner?

Posted December 23, 2007

Suzi Weissman interviews Mark Weisbrot

Posted December 23, 2007

Venezuela: the Referendum and the Revolution

Posted December 23, 2007

Update on Pakistan

Posted December 23, 2007

As Pop Culture Leans Left, Does it Really Matter?

Posted December 20, 2007

Next Left: Young Activists Developing Revolutionary Strategy

Posted December 17, 2007

Michael Albert’s Parecon

Posted December 13, 2007

Bulldozers set to destroy public housing in New Orleans: Tens of thousands homeless

Posted December 11, 2007

Tom Mooney – a little late but in memoriam

Posted December 8, 2007

“Big Three” Auto Contracts: Was the Loss Inevitable?

Posted December 6, 2007

Spatiality and Working Class Solidarity

Posted December 5, 2007

All Pakistan Trade Union Federation Vice-General Secretary Released

Posted December 3, 2007

Voting Rights – Getting Them Back

Posted December 1, 2007

Fighting Against the Storm

Posted November 23, 2007

The Mainstream Media and Race Politics

Posted November 15, 2007

End U.S. Aid to Pakistan Military Dictatorship – Musharraf Must Go! Bring U.S. Troops Home Now!

Posted November 15, 2007

Musharraf’s Days are Up

Posted November 12, 2007

State of Emergency and Crackdown on Political Activists in Pakistan

Posted November 6, 2007

2008 Elections: Are We Having Fun Yet?

Posted November 5, 2007

The Rebel Girl: The Price of Assimilation

Catherine Sameh

Posted October 30, 2007

Bush, Democrats and the War that Won’t End

Posted October 24, 2007

Other Items of Interest

Posted October 16, 2007

Public Enemy off the Charts

Posted October 15, 2007

Statement on the recent arrest of Jose Maria Sison

Posted October 8, 2007

My Neighborhood Police State

Posted September 19, 2007

Mayor Mike’s Public Transportation Rage

Posted September 6, 2007

People’s March for Peace, Equality, Jobs and Justice

Posted September 3, 2007

Crandall Canyon: Sign of the Times

Posted August 24, 2007

Why Ecosocialism Today?

Posted August 6, 2007

What the Airline Crisis Shows

A Letter from the Editors

Posted July 10, 2007

Additional Resources on Immigration

Posted April 25, 2007

The Immigrant Rights Movement: The Return of May Day

Posted April 21, 2007

Realities of the Geneva Accord

a statement

Posted March 1, 2007

A Century’s Feminist Journey

Val Moghadam

Posted February 27, 2007

John Brown, Abolitionist

Jennifer Jopp

Posted December 18, 2006

The 2006 Election Results

Posted December 15, 2006

In the Aftermath of the Elections: First Thoughts

Posted December 15, 2006

Follies of the War

Posted December 13, 2006

The Middle East: Window on a Spreading Crisis

Posted December 12, 2006

A Response to Kale Baldock: Urgency of Withdrawal

Michael Schwartz

Posted December 12, 2006

Introduction to Behind the Palestinian/Israeli Crisis

Posted December 11, 2006

Behind the Palestine/Israeli Crisis

Posted December 11, 2006

Middle East Resources

Posted December 11, 2006

Staying in While Talking About Getting Out

Posted December 8, 2006

A Daughter of the “’48 Generation”

Posted December 8, 2006

Lebanon as Israel’s Vietnam

Posted December 8, 2006

Seeing Apartheid in Action, Part 2

Posted December 8, 2006

Seeing Apartheid in Action, Part 1

Posted December 8, 2006

Political Backdrop to West Bank Visit

Posted December 8, 2006

Can I At Least Have My Scarf?

Anan Ameri

Posted December 8, 2006

Can the Democrats Spank Bush?

Posted October 29, 2006

Katrina Neighbors Tour

Posted October 20, 2006

Legalize Free Movement of Labor: Viewing A National Debate

Malik Miah

Posted October 15, 2006

The Global Cartooning Crisis: American Artists Respond

Kristian Williams

Posted October 15, 2006

Damu Smith: A Life of Giving

Kim D. Hunter

Posted October 15, 2006

The Unruly Revolution

Sakina M. Hughes

Posted October 15, 2006

Pioneers of Resistance

Dianne Feeley

Posted October 15, 2006

Israel’s “Withdrawal” Toward Apartheid

David Finkel interviews Jeff Halper

Posted October 12, 2006

Beating Back the Corporate Attack: Socialism and the Struggle for Global Justice

Posted September 14, 2006

PRSF: Structural Adjustment Repackaged

Stephanie Luce

Posted September 12, 2006

In Post-Structural Adjustment Kenya: Bumper Harvest and Famine

Bettina Ng’weno

Posted September 12, 2006

The Decline of Dollar-Centered World Accumulation: 1973 All Over Again?

Loren Goldner

Posted September 12, 2006

Coca-Cola in India: Sucking Communities Dry

Joe Zacune

Posted September 12, 2006

The Real Life Side of Coke

Lesley Gill and Camilo Romero

Posted September 12, 2006

Notes from an Auto Plant – Echos of War

Ron Lare

Posted September 12, 2006

The Camejo and Chretien Campaigns: California Greens Advance

Michael Rubin

Posted September 12, 2006

Racism Exposed, Radical Action Needed: From Paris to New Orleans

Malik Miah

Posted September 7, 2006

Additional Katrina Resources

Posted August 27, 2006

Lessons of the Staley Fight

Posted August 27, 2006

From El Salvador to the Shores of Tripoli: The Empire and Ourselves

Posted August 27, 2006

The Fight at UPS: The Teamsters Victory and the Future of the “New Labor Movement”

Posted August 27, 2006

New Orleans One Year After Katrina: The War At Home

Posted August 27, 2006

The Long Shadow of Hurricane Katrina

Posted August 25, 2006

Socialist Organization Today

By Charlie Post and Kit Adam Wainer

Introduction to the Second Edition, August 2006

Why Socialism? Revolutionary Politics for a New Century

By Dianne Feeley, David Finkel, and Christopher Phelps

Posted August 24, 2006

Lean Production: Why Work is Worse Than Ever, and What’s the Alternative?

Posted August 24, 2006

The Rank and File Strategy: Building A Socialist Movement in the U.S.

Posted August 24, 2006


Posted September 1, 2004

The Case for an Alternative

Posted April 30, 2004

A Letter from the Editors: Women In a Neoliberal Order

Posted February 29, 2004

Reviewing Red: Women’s Lives on the Left

Posted February 29, 2004

Review: Men’s Feminism and August Bebel

Posted February 29, 2004

Review: Bearing Right

Posted February 29, 2004

Portraits of Philippines Unionista

Posted February 29, 2004

Organizing Korean Contingent Labor

Posted February 29, 2004

A Century’s Feminist Journey

Posted February 29, 2004

Jews, Arabs and the Geneva Accord

Posted February 29, 2004

Jewish Solidarity Activists Critique the Accord

Posted February 29, 2004

Statement: Realities of the Geneva Accord

Posted February 29, 2004

Sharon’s Balloons

Posted February 29, 2004

Anger, Sadness, Patience, Determination

Posted February 29, 2004

In Memoriam: Jack Barisonzi, 1933-2003

Posted December 31, 2003

Sampling New Black Radical Scholarship

Alan Wald

Posted December 31, 2003

Looking at Bush in Babylon

Posted December 31, 2003

What’s Behind the Economic Upturn

Posted December 31, 2003

A Letter from the Editors: The Miami Model in Your Face

Posted December 31, 2003

Brazil’s Hope in the Balance

Posted August 31, 2003

Sharon’s Right of Return?to Violence

Posted August 31, 2003

The Religious Right Embraces Zionism

Posted August 31, 2003

Affirmative Action: Diversity or Equality?

Posted August 31, 2003

A Letter from the Editors: Cracking “The Bush Agenda”

Posted August 31, 2003

After Jenin, An Eyewitness Report

Charity Crouse

Posted June 30, 2002

Camera Lucida: Women on Film at Century’s End

Arlene Keizer

Posted February 29, 2000

Canadian Health Care Under Neoliberal Assault

Milton Fisk

Posted February 29, 2000

Race and Class: The Unfinished Civil War

Malik Miah

Posted February 29, 2000

Moscow’s Second Chechnya War

Boris Kagarlitsky

Posted February 29, 2000

Labor, Seattle and Beyond

Frank Borgers

Posted February 29, 2000

The WTO’s Nude World Order

Bill Resnick

Posted February 29, 2000

Women and Global Capitalism

The Editors

Posted February 29, 2000

A Short History of the U.S. Working Class

Sheila Cohen

Posted December 31, 1999

Russia’s Chechnya Syndrome

Susan Weissman

Posted December 31, 1999

School Choice Debates and the Left

Harry Brighouse

Posted August 31, 1999

Behind Teacher “Peer Review”

Joel Jordan

Posted August 31, 1999

The Family As It Really Is

an interview with Stephanie Coontz

Posted February 28, 1998

Jericho ’98 Highlights U.S. Political Prisoners

Steve Bloom

Posted February 28, 1998

Roisin McAliskey’s Wait for Justice

Stuart Ross

Posted February 28, 1998

Victor Serge’s Russia: Twenty Years After

Donald Filtzer

Posted February 28, 1998

Towards an Understanding of Sidney Hook

Christopher Phelps

Posted April 30, 1997

Unity Begins Somewhere

Posted August 31, 1996

Israel and the Palestinians: “Burn the Haystack!”

News from Within

Posted August 31, 1996