
Trump’s Uncertainty

Boris Kagarlitsky

Posted February 6, 2025


A NEW U.S. Administration is always a global-level event. The world anticipated George W. Bush’s arrival at the White House with fears that came to be confirmed, while Barack Obama’s election brought hopes that didn’t pay off. But this is for the first time ever that the new boss of the Oval office…

The Meaning of Trumpism for Mexico and the World

Manuel Aguilar Mora

Posted January 30, 2025

DONALD TRUMP’S SECOND victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential elections, with more social and legislative power and experience than his first presidency from 2017 to 2021, is a political milestone that has shaken the world because of what the arrival of such a reactionary, toxic and malignant character to the White House in Washington represents for the world — and specifically….

Boycott Chevron: #StopFuelingGenocide

Ted Franklin

Posted January 24, 2025

AS ISRAEL’S WAR machine and famine stalk the people of Gaza, resistance to the war in the United States is taking new forms including a growing boycott and divestment campaign against key corporations complicit in the unfolding genocide.

Chevron Corporation, long a villain in the eyes of global climate and environmental activists, has entered the spotlight as a major focus of BDS organizing in support of the Palestinian people.

Chevron earned its billing as a top-tier target of the Palestinian-led…

Solidarity Statement against the Politically Motivated Charges

Detroit Branch of Solidarity

Posted January 23, 2025

Solidarity-Detroit is concerned about the politically motivated felony charges that Attorney General Dana Nessel has leveled against 11 University of Michigan community. Several of our members visited the encampment during its month-long existence and found it well organized. Students were clear that they were responding to Israel’s war against a civilian population. Their call was for a ceasefire and an immediate end to U.S. involvement in that brutal war. We believe their activism is to be honored,…

Los Angeles Is Burning & Global Warming Is Responsible

Dan La Botz

Posted January 22, 2025

SINCE THIS ARTICLE was published, the number of deaths resulting from the series of fires has risen to 28. On January 22nd another fire broke out just north of Los Angeles. Within a couple of hours the Hughes fire consumed more than 5,000 acres and forced residents to evacuate. –The ATC Editors

A CATASTROPHIC FIRE is sweeping through Los Angeles, destroying entire neighborhoods and global warming with its extreme weather, in this case extremely high wind velocity, is the principal cause….

Biden, Alleging “national security,” Stops Nippon Steel’s Purchase of U.S. Steel

Malik Miah

Posted January 14, 2025

Why? Is it good for steelworkers? Are foreign capitalists worse than American bosses? Should workers care?

Japan’s Nippon Steel is the world’s fourth largest steelmaker. U.S. Steel is ranked twenty-three and only number three in the United States. Most financial observers thought it was a good deal for the industry, given the financial troubles of U.S. Steel.

Japan and its rulers, furthermore, are a major U.S. ally in Asia, including military threats against China. Japan supports Washington…

Defend Immigrants!

Dianne Feeley

Posted January 14, 2025

Incoming president Donald J. Trump has called for the “largest deportation program in American history.” This presents a multi-front crisis for millions of immigrants and their families, particularly as Trump has expanded the category of who is “deportable.” He has even threatened to override the U.S. Constitution and end birthright citizenship, which was added to the Constitution following the abolition of slavery.

Trump demonizes immigrants, claiming they are poisoning, robbing, murdering…

Trading One Uniform for Another: The Military to Prison Pipeline

Steve Early & Suzanne Gordon

Posted January 9, 2025

Prisoners After War:
Veterans in the Age of Mass Incarceration
By Jason Higgins
University of Massachusetts Press, 2024).

Like old soldiers around the country, a group of former service members gathered in Crest Hill, Illinois to remember fallen comrades on Memorial Day, 2024. Several months later, The Veteran, a newspaper published by Vietnam Veterans Against the War, ran a photo of the event they attended. It shows a multi-generational group of men – white, Black…

What Menachem Begin Did to Anwar Sadat and Jimmy Carter

David Finkel

Posted January 3, 2025

On the occasion of Jimmy Carter’s passing, I pulled up the archival recording of the signing of the Camp David Accords, September 17, 1978.

What I remembered most about the event happens just after the 25-minute point. Check it out for yourself. After Menachem Begin and Carter embrace, Begin walks over to Anwar Sadat, who looks to me like he’s ready for a handshake. Instead, Begin clasps him into a big hug, which Sadat of course can’t refuse.

From that moment, Sadat’s status as an independent…

In the Time of Monsters

Frann Michel

Posted December 27, 2024

I Saw the TV Glow (2024)
written & directed by Jane Schoenbrun
produced and distributed by A24

“THE OLD WORLD is dying and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters,” observed Antonio Gramsci (according to a 2010 translation by Slavoj Zizek).

Monster movies — or more broadly, horror films — are having a moment, and writer-director Jane Schoenbrun’s I Saw the TV Glow is a horror film about, among other things, the meanings of horror media. It riffs…

All Webzine articles

Against the Current

The Jan/Feb 2025 AGAINST THE CURRENT (#234) features:
  • The Chaos Known and Unknown—The Editors
  • The Antisemitism Scare: A Guide for the Perplexed—Alan Wald
  • Criminalizing Solidarity—Rachel Ida Buff
  • The Democrats’ Path to Defeat—Kim Moody

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Pamphlets from Solidarity

THE “SOCIALISM-FROM- BELOW” tradition views the working class as the central agent of overthrowing a system based on the market and the exploitation, alienation and unequal society it perpetuates.
Steve Downs’ writings, first in Hell on Wheels (2008) and in Socialist Strategies in Unions, a working paper (2022), outline how a variety of socialists active in the NYC transit system over two decades worked to build a rank-and-file caucus with a class struggle perspective.
Unable to resolve how to be accountable once members won office, their project ultimately failed. The pamphlet and working paper offer rich lessons for today’s socialists. You can read and download the working paper, Socialist Strategies in Unions, here.
Socialism, What It Is, Why We Need It outline capitalism‘s exploitation of both workers and the environment and sketches an alternative. You can order copies of Hell on Wheels, the working paper Socialist Strategies in Unions, and Socialism, What It is, Why We Need It here.