
Remarks at the Boris Kagarlitsky Conference, October 8, 2024

Bill Fletcher, Jr.

Posted October 19, 2024

Free Boris Kagarlitsky and all anti-war political prisoners in the Russian Federation!

GREETINGS AND MY profound thanks for the honor of participating in and addressing today’s conference, celebrating the work of comrade Boris Kagarlitsky and acting in solidarity with the comrade in his fight for freedom. A fight, I should say, not only for his own freedom, but a fight for freedom against the forces of authoritarianism and 21st century fascism.

In twenty minutes, it is impossible to address all…

Justice Not Evictions

John Zettner

Posted October 15, 2024

We Live Here
Detroit Eviction Defense and the Battle for Housing Justice
by Jeffrey Wilson and Bambi Kramer
Seven Stories Press, 2024, 238 pages, $16.95 paperback; ebook $10.

WILSON AND KRAMER’s graphic story highlights the victorious struggles of several homeowners, providing a glimpse into the economic crisis in Detroit and its resistance by the community. The tsunami came to the city earler than the country’s 2008 meltdown and stayed longer.

The group of activists…

A Letter from the Editors: Election and Widening War

The Editors

Posted October 10, 2024

WITH WAR AND genocide spreading from Palestine to Lebanon and Iran, with southern states inundated by the biggest climate-change flood disaster in U.S. history, and people’s general insecurity about their own and the country’s future, the United States lurches toward what’s called “the most consequential election in our lifetime” that may in the end resolve little or nothing….

Harris, Trump, or Neither? Arab & Muslim Voters’ Anger Grows

Malik Miah

Posted October 10, 2024

AMONG THE MOST significant political developments in the 2024 presidential election is that Arab, Palestinian and Muslim communities are rejecting the party of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for their support of genocide in Gaza, Palestine, and Lebanon….

Scholars to Address Conference Honoring Russian Dissident Boris Kagarlitsky

Posted October 3, 2024

Free Boris Kagarlitsky and all Russian anti-war political prisoners!

October 1, 2024

Scholars from across the globe will gather for an online conference on October 8 in honor of Russian sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky, who is serving a five-year sentence in a Russian penal colony on the fabricated charge of “justifying terrorism.”…

Marx Redux

Scott McLemee

Posted September 30, 2024

Scott McLemee interviews Paul Reitter, translator of a new English edition of Marx’s Capital.

IN EARLY 1845, a young and precariously employed holder of a Ph.D. in philosophy named Karl Marx signed a contract with a German publisher for a book, in two volumes, on political economy. He had already filled notebooks with extracts from his studies in the field, and at the time likely felt like he was already reasonably far along on the project. But his publisher canceled the contract two…

Free Khalida Jarrar, End the Global Prison-Industrial Genocide

Palestinian Feminist Collective

Posted September 21, 2024

The Palestinian Feminist Collective demands the immediate and unconditional freedom of Palestinian political prisoner, feminist activist and scholar, and revolutionary leader, Khalida Jarrar, who teaches us that “hope in prison is like a flower that grows out of stone.”

Jarrar has been held in captivity by the settler-state for more than six years over the course of five imprisonments and is currently held captive in zionist dungeons without charge since December 26, 2023. She now faces her greatest…

For a Bit of Air, Khalida Jarrar, Palestinian Lawmaker Lies Down on the Floor

Gideon Levy

Posted September 21, 2024

AT THE END of 2023 Palestinian lawyer and activist Khalida Jarrar was arrested by the Israeli police and jailed without charges. Placed in administrative detention, she has had the charges renewed for another six months. Given her health problems, her husband, Ghassan Jarrar, is concerned about her well being.

The Palestinian Feminist Movement is campaigning to have the charges against her dismissed. This story, by Gideon Levy, is from the August 30, 2024 edition of Haaretz.–The ATC

Recovering Eugene Pottier: The “Internationale” and its Communard Lyricist

Paul Buhle

Posted September 16, 2024

Beyond the Internationale:
Revolutionary Writings by Eugene Pottier, Communard
Edited and Translated by Loren Kruger
Chicago: Charles H. Kerr Company, 2023,
150pp. $17 paperback.

BACK IN MY days of teaching U.S. history, I would pull out a tape recording made by an ancient friend, an erstwhile Trotskyist living out his last years outside Seattle, his singing in Yiddish with a piano accompaniment….

A dark moment in contemporary German history

Folko Mueller

Posted September 12, 2024

Earlier this year, on January 31, 2024, an article of mine titled “Never again is right now!” was posted here in the Solidarity Webzine. In it I discussed some major demonstrations that had just taken place in Germany as pushback against a secret AfD

In Saxony, the AfD gained three points and came in at 30.6 percent. Only the center-right CDU got more votes with 31.9 percent. In Thuringia, the AfD won the election with 32.8 percent and thus made history, just as it had encouraged its voters to…

All Webzine articles


Reading group: Race, gender, and the fight against fascism

September 26 to December 19, 2024

For more information

Against the Current

The Sept/Oct 2024 AGAINST THE CURRENT (#232) features:
  • Slouching Toward November—The Editors
  • November Election & Socialist Strategies—Three Views
  • Greenwashing India’s Occupation of Kashmir—Mohammad Ebad Athar & Mona Bhan
  • 100 Years of Amilcar Cabral—B. Skanthakumar

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Pamphlets from Solidarity

THE “SOCIALISM-FROM- BELOW” tradition views the working class as the central agent of overthrowing a system based on the market and the exploitation, alienation and unequal society it perpetuates.
Steve Downs’ writings, first in Hell on Wheels (2008) and in Socialist Strategies in Unions, a working paper (2022), outline how a variety of socialists active in the NYC transit system over two decades worked to build a rank-and-file caucus with a class struggle perspective.
Unable to resolve how to be accountable once members won office, their project ultimately failed. The pamphlet and working paper offer rich lessons for today’s socialists. You can read and download the working paper, Socialist Strategies in Unions, here.
Socialism, What It Is, Why We Need It outline capitalism‘s exploitation of both workers and the environment and sketches an alternative. You can order copies of Hell on Wheels, the working paper Socialist Strategies in Unions, and Socialism, What It is, Why We Need It here.