Reading group: Race, gender, and the fight against fascism
September 26 to December 19, 2024
Against the Current
The Sept/Oct 2024 AGAINST THE CURRENT (#232) features:
- Slouching Toward November—The Editors
- November Election & Socialist Strategies—Three Views
- Greenwashing India’s Occupation of Kashmir—Mohammad Ebad Athar & Mona Bhan
- 100 Years of Amilcar Cabral—B. Skanthakumar
FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS: $25 one year ($30 overseas), $45 two years
Pamphlets from Solidarity
THE “SOCIALISM-FROM- BELOW” tradition views the working class as the central agent of overthrowing a system based on the market and the exploitation, alienation and unequal society it perpetuates. Steve Downs’ writings, first in Hell on Wheels (2008) and in Socialist Strategies in Unions, a working paper (2022), outline how a variety of socialists active in the NYC transit system over two decades worked to build a rank-and-file caucus with a class struggle perspective. Unable to resolve how to be accountable once members won office, their project ultimately failed. The pamphlet and working paper offer rich lessons for today’s socialists. You can read and download the working paper, Socialist Strategies in Unions, here. Socialism, What It Is, Why We Need It outline capitalism‘s exploitation of both workers and the environment and sketches an alternative. You can order copies of Hell on Wheels, the working paper Socialist Strategies in Unions, and Socialism, What It is, Why We Need It here.Contact
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