Schedule | Program | Readings | Introduction | Registration | Logistics

9:00 AM-5:00 PM Registration
10:00 AM-Noon Welcome/Opening Plenary: Student Fightback
Noon-1:30 PM Lunch Break
1:30 PM-3:00 PM Workshop Block I
- Anti-Racism: History of Race and Racism in the US
- 20th-21st Century Socialism: Revolutionaries in the 20th Century
- Capitalism: Introduction to Marxist Perspectives on the Economy
3:00 PM-4:00 PM Break
4:15 PM-5:45 PM Workshop Block II
- Socialist-Feminism: Theory and Politics
- Public Sector: Lessons from Madison and the Midwest
- Anti-Racism: Neoliberalism and the Politics of Communities of Color
9:00 AM-2:00 PM Registration
9:30 AM-11:00 AM Workshop Block III
- Socialist-Feminism: Reformist/Revolutionary Strategies for LGBT Liberation
- Anti-Racism: Fighting the New Nativism
- Public Sector: The Struggle for Public Education
11:00 AM-Noon Break
Noon-1:30 Workshop Block IV
- Socialist-Feminism: Women in the Crisis
- 20th-21st Century Socialism: Can We “Change the World Without Taking Power”? Anti-Capitalists and the State
- Capitalism: The Current Crisis: Its Roots, Social Costs and Resistance
1:30 PM-3:00 PM Lunch
3:00 PM-5:00 PM Activities
- Walking Tour of Philly Murals
- Movie and Discussion: The Take
5:00-6:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM-8:00 PM Plenary: Uprisings in the Arab World
10 AM-Noon Morning Plenary: 21st Century Socialism and Latin America