Summer School 2019 Schedule

Summer School 2019 Schedule

Thursday, June 27
4:00PM-7:00PM Registration
7:00PM-9:00PM Chicago Elections Plenary

Walk to Social Gathering / Break 15 Min
9:00PM-11:00PM Social Gathering

Friday, June 28
9:00AM-10:00AM Registration
10:00AM-10:30AM Plenary

Break 15 Min
10:30AM-12:00PM Marxist Feminist A Roundtable on The Rank and File Strategy: History and Current Prospects Eco-socialism in the Era of Trump
12:15PM-1:15PM Lunch

Break 15 Min
1:30PM-3:00PM 50 Years Of Queer Liberation: How Far Have We Come?
Electoral Approach: Richmond Progressive Alliance

Break 15 Min
3:15PM-4:45PM The Latin America Left: Neoliberalism, Populism and International Solidarity

Break 15 Min
5:00PM-6:45PM Dinner

Break 15 Min
7:00PM-9:00PM Teachers Plenary

Walk to Social Gathering / Break 15 Min
9:00PM-11:00PM Social Gathering