THE FIRST PRE-CONVENTION discussion Zoom call for Solidarity members, formal sympathizers and close friends will convene TUESDAY, JUNE 6 at 8:00 pm eastern time. The topic is the U.S. political situation. We will discuss the dangerous and growing rightwing assaults and potential crisis, including the current “debt ceiling and budget” fight as well other issues, particularly state-level far-right attacks on basic rights. This will include, in particular, the damage perpetrated by anti-transgender laws and bans on essential medical care. The discussion will also include the question of independent political action in the current situation. A draft (initiated by Dianne for the NC) is attached here.
We are asking our SoliDSA dual-members working group to report briefly on what’s happening in DSA’s discussion of U.S. politics and electoral strategy.
To help kick off the discussion here is David’s draft (emphasize DRAFT, ROUGH AND NOT FOR CIRCULATION) piece as the basis for the ATC editorial statement. It is an effort to synthesize the artificially created debt-ceiling crisis with the broader rightwing assaults.
PLEASE REGISTER NOW for the June 6 call!
The National Committee