Member & Sympathizer Survey 2019

The National Committee is organizing a Solidarity membership census in preparation for the convention. It‘s important for all of us to have at least a broad-brush picture of our political assets and challenges as we look forward. Your participation is important! Please fill out this relatively brief survey – we’re deliberately keeping it at manageable size – and if you’d like to add further comments of any length you’d like, feel free to do so. Thanks!

    What is your gender identity?

    Age range (check one)

    Do you identify as (these are partially overlapping, check whichever are appropriate)
    POCLGBTQLatinxAfrican AmericanNative AmericanOther (fill in below)

    Number of years you’ve been a Solidarity member or sympathizer:

    How you view your current status (check one, feel free to explain):

    Your relationship to Solidarity as you see it:

    Your main political and movement interests and activist arenas:

    Are you also a member of DSA (yes or no — further explanation optional)?

    Are you a subscriber or regular online reader of AGAINST THE CURRENT (ATC)?

    If you have particular likes or dislikes of ATC, feel free to indicate here

    Are you receiving and reading the online Discussion Bulletin?

    Do you follow the Solidarity webzine at

    What do you find most interesting or useful, and what would you like to see the website cover more?

    What do you see as Solidarity’s most important strong and weak points today? Please feel free to add any thoughts you have on your relationship to the organization, what initiatives or literature you feel would be important, or additional comments.