Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 8PM EST

SOLIDARITY, a socialist, feminist and anti-racist organization, invites members and friends to our monthly Zoom call, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 29, 8:00 pm EST, to discuss the women-led uprising in Iran against the repressive and murderous clerical dictatorship. This is considered to be the challenge to the “Islamic Republic” regime since reactionary theocrats hijacked the poplar revolution that overthrew the U.S.-backed Shah in 1979.
Why has this uprising erupted now? How does it resemble, or differ from, previous protest movements against repression, electoral fraud and economic mismanagement? What ’s the possibility of continuing demonstrations in the face of escalating arrests and killings of protesters? What does it mean for the future of Iran and the region?
We ’ll hear from Catherine Z. Sameh, associate professor at the University of California – Irvine and the author of AXIS OF HOPE: IRANIAN WOMEN’S ACTIVISM ACROSS BORDERS.
* Catherine was interviewed by Johanna Brenner for the Solidarity webzine at Moving Towards Freedom: The Feminist Uprising in Iran (solidarity-us.org) .
* Her reflections on the uprising also appear in the November-December issue of AGAINST THE CURRENT, online at Reflections on “In Her Name”: The Meaning of Iran’s Uprising – Against the Current.
* You will also want to read the statement from the Fourth International:at Solidarity with the protest movement in Iran! | Fourth International. (It is also several other languages.)