SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2024, 2:00 pm ET

You Are Invited to a Solidarity Members’ and Friends’ Discussion:
The Middle East
and Israeli Genocide in Gaza
Gilbert Achar, an expert analyst of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), will be our speaker. He will be discussing how the impact of Israeli genocide in Gaza is spilling over to the entire MENA area.
His collection of new articles ISRAEL’S WAR ON GAZA (Resistance Books) can be ordered through Solidarity.
Achcar’s earlier books include two on the Arab Spring, THE PEOPLE WANT: A RADICAL EXPLORATION OF THE ARAB UPRISING (2013) and MORBID SYMPTOMS: RELAPSE IN THE ARAB UPRISING (2015) as well as (2010).
It would be helpful to read Achcar’s article on the history of Washington’s support to the state of Israel.
Read Solidarity’s statement on the cuts in UNRAW funding.
Join us in the discussion about the interrelationships between the United States, Israel, the Middle East and beyond.