2005 Solidarity Cadre School Recommended Reading List

For those who want to go deeper into any of the topics we are discussing at the summer school, we recommend the following additional readings. .

1. Revolutionary Moments (Spanish Civil War)

Felix Morrow, "Revolution and Counterrevolution in Spain", Forward, Chapters 1, 3, 5, 17

Chronology pdf
Chapter 1 pdf
Chapter 3 pdf
Chapter 5 pdf
Chapter 17pdf

2. Marxism as a Theory of Liberation: Understanding the Intersections of Class, Race, Gender, and Sexuality

Glenn, Evelyn Nakano. 1985. "Racial Ethnic Women’s Labor: The Intersection of Race, Gender and Class Oppression." Review of Radical Political Economics 17 (3): 86-108.

3. Marxist Analysis: What is Class and Why Does it Matter?

Ellen Meiksins Wood, “Class as Process and Relationship,” chapter 3 (pp. 76-107) of Democracy Against Capitalism: Renewing Historical Materialism (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995)

Karl Marx, Wage, Labor, and Capital

Ernest Mandel, Introduction to Marxism.
Chapter 1 pdf
Chapter 2 pdf
Chapter 3 pdf

bell hooks “Coming to Class Consciousness,” Where We Stand: Class Matters (New York, NY: Routledge, 2000) pp. 24-37.

Barbara Jensen, “Across the Great Divide: Crossing Classes and Clashing Cultures.” Pages 168-183 in Michael Zweig, editor, What’s Class Got to Do With It? (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2004).

4. Socialist Organization Past and Present

CLR James, “Letters on Organization” from Martin Glaberman, Marxism for Our Times: CLR James on Revolutionary Organization (Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press, 1999) pp. 110-124.

V.I. Lenin, What Is to Be Done?

Ernest Mandel: Leninist Theory of Organization
html | pdf

Flora Tristan “The Workers’ Union” (Chapter 3, Why I Mention Women)

5. Race, the National Question, and the U.S. Left

Speech by Fred Hampton, "I am a revolutionary"
on the web

Robin D.G. Kelley, Freedom Dreams (Boston: Beacon Press, 2002).
“‘The Negro Question’” Red Dreams of Black Liberation" pdf
"Roaring from the East’: Third World Dreaming” pdf

Adolph Reed, Jr.Class Notes: Posing as Politics and Other Thoughts on the American Scene. (New York, NY: The New Press)
“Why is There no Black Political Movement?” pdf
“The Curse of Community” pdf
“Token Equality” pdf
“Posing as Politics” pdf

“The Right of Self-Determination and the Negro in the United States of North Americas”

Alice Walker, “The Right to Life: What Can the White Man Say to the Black Woman”

WEB DuBois’s Black Reconstruction in America (exerpts coming soon)

Leon Trotsky Black Nationalism and Self Determination (coming soon)

6. Case Studies in Radical Nationalism: the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, the Young Lords and La Raza Unida Party

James Geschwender’s Race, Class, and Worker Insurgency – the best history of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers – would be useful. (340 pages)

Malcolm X’s speeches “Ballot or Bullet” (Malcolm X speeches): House Negro and Field Negro; Dixiecrats

8.What is socialist feminism and what makes Solidarity a socialist feminist organization?

Johanna Brenner, “Marxism and Women’s Self-Organization” Against the Current.

Frances Beal, “Double Jeopardy: To Be Black & Female”
html | pdf

Elizabeth Sutherland Martinez. "Colonized Women: The Chicana An Introduction." In: Morgan, Robin, ed. Sisterhood is Powerful. (New York, NY: Random House) p. 376-379.

Elizabeth Martinez, “Listen Up, Anglo Sisters” in Nancy Holmstrom, ed., The Socialist Feminist Project (New York, NY: Monthly Review)

bell hooks, from Feminist Theory From Margin To Center (Boston, MA: South End Press) pp. 43-67 and 68-83.
“Sisterhood: Political Solidarity among Women” pdf
"Men: Comrades in Struggle” pdf
bibliography (if interested) pdf

Johanna Brenner, “Rethinking Women’s Oppression” Ch 1 from Women and the Politics of Class (New York, NY: Monthly Review Press, 2000).

9. Sexual Liberation and Socialism: What is the Connection?

Peter Drucker, “Reinventing Liberation: Strategic Questions for Lesbian/Gay Movements” in Different Rainbows (London: Gay Men’s Press) pp 206-220.

Alexandra Kollontai: Sexual Relations and the Class Struggle

10. Imagining Socialism: What Would a Revolution in the U.S. Look Like?

Robin D.G. Kelley “‘When History Wakes’: A New Beginning,” from Freedom Dreams (Boston: Beacon Press, 2002). pp. 195-198.

“Critique of the Gotha Programme” (excerpts on what communist society will look like).

Chapters from Raul Pont, in Iain Bruce, ed., The Porto Alegre Alternative: Direct Democracy in Action (London: Pluto Press}.
Textbox: PT, Participatory Budget and Transition to Socialism pdf
Theses on Local Government and the Struggle for Socialism pdf
The Question of Democracy Today pdf

Dan La Botz, How We Might Live Together Differently- Our Economic Life.

11. Reforms vs. Reformism: Movement Building and the Fight for Socialism from Below

David Finkel, “What is to be Done?”

Rosa Luxemburg, "Reform or Revolution"

Leon Trotsky, The Transitional Program
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Ernest Mandel, Chapter on “Reforms and revolution" from Introduction to Marxism.