
Joining Solidarity is fairly simple.  First of all, any one who meets the following four criteria is eligible to be a member of Solidarity:

  1. General agreement with Solidarity’s politics as summarized in the Basis of Political Agreement at the back of the Founding Statement
  2. Commitment to building social and/or labor movement activism
  3. Commitment to building a socialist organization as a means to renewing a socialist alternative in the U.S.
  4. A commitment to a monthly dues. Dues are on a sliding scale based on what each person can afford, but general guidelines are: $40/month regular, $20/month low income, $5/month hardship rate.  Note: some branches, like Detroit, also have a monthly local dues.  Detroit’s is $5/mo.  (Membership is activated upon receipt of your first month’s dues.)
First Name:
Last Name:
Address street:
Address city:
Address state:
Address zip:
I would like to join Solidarity as a:
How did you hear about Solidarity? Do you know any of our current members?:
Why are you interested in joining Solidarity?:
Are you affiliated with any other political organizations?:
Union Affliation:
What areas of movement/organizing work are you currently involved with and/or most interested in?:
Are you a person of color?:
What is your gender identity?:
Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ community?:
What is your year of birth?:
My monthly dues pledge is (suggested rates are below or fill out other amount):
Do you have any other comments or questions for us?: