Reproductive Justice in Post-Roe America — and Beyond

THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024 at 8PM EDT

Madison, WI — Demonstration before the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision. Photo: Marsha Rummel

You Are Invited to a Solidarity Members’ & Friends’ Discussion:

THE SUPREME COURT’s Dobbs decision ended a national right to abortion before fetal viability, handing the far right their long-sought victory. And since that decision, roughly twenty states have outlawed or severely restricted access to abortion. Yet Dobbs also energized a growing movement to defend and even expand abortion rights.

Millions have signed petitions to put reproductive rights into state constitutions and turned out to campaign and pass them, with seven more state constitutional amendments slated for vote this November. Thousands have crossed state lines to end their pregnancies. Feminist activists have founded mutual aid projects, aiding pregnant people through fund raising, pills, shelter and transportation. Some states have passed shield laws to protect those medical activists as medication abortion now represents 60% of all procedures.

Given this new terrain, what challenges are facing movement activists?

What will be the far right’s strategies in the coming months? How will their assault on abortion rights intersect with other issues, such as Queer rights and anti-racist education, that are part of their white Christian nationalist agenda.

Join our panelists in a discussion around the fight for reproductive justice:
Ruthy Arroyo, member of Democracia Socialista and active in Aborto Libre.
Johanna Brenner, Solidarity webzine editorial committee, activist in Portland OR
Dianne Feeley, ATC editor, active in organizing August 18 march on DP convention
Carla Zanella, MES coordinator for feminist work, PSOL, Brazil


Join us in the Rally & March in Chicago on Sunday, August 18 at 5PM CDT, the eve of the Democratic Party Convention, around these demands:
• Yes to reproductive justice
• Yes to LGTTQ+ liberation
• No to U.S. funding genocide in Gaza


Rally at Michigan & Wacker at 5PM, March down Michigan Avenue

Look for the Solidarity banner!