Gaza Genocide, New Phase: Winding Down or Total War?

David Finkel

Posted July 6, 2024

Fires in northern Israel and the occupied Syrian Golan following the launch of hundreds of rockets and drones from Lebanon July 4, 2024. (Photo: Palestine Chronicle)

IT’S DIFFICULT TO look past the pure sadistic savagery of the continuing U.S.-enabled Israeli genocide in Gaza, where each new set of atrocities exceeds the previous ones — mass execution sites at destroyed hospitals, systematic targeting of medical staff, journalists and aid workers, starvation as a weapon for deliberate destruction of multiple generations of an entire society with no escape route.

The daily news is shattering, even for those of us who thought we had few remaining illusions about what imperialism does and how cynical it can be.

But what I’d like to briefly explore here, momentarily leaving aside all moral questions and the necessary revulsion felt by all decent people, is where this catastrophe is leading from a “strategic” standpoint…

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What next for the encampments? The Wayne State experience

Dianne Feeley

Posted July 14, 2024

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), stymied by the refusal of the Wayne State University Board of Governors to discuss divesting its investments in military corporations doing business in Israel, initiated an encampment. On May 23rd, as the university moved into its summer session, these students set up their camp opposite the undergraduate library.

An additional demand called for cutting the tie between the campus and Israeli police. In 2019, WSU Police Chief Anthony Holt traveled to Israel…

What Next for Campus Movements for Gaza?

Ivan Drury Zarin

Posted July 11, 2024

SIX WEEKS INTO Israel’s escalated and open genocide in Palestine there were signs that the global anti-war movement was beginning to flag. Rallies and marches had filled streets in hundreds of cities in the United States and Canada every week since October, and in many places, solidarity activists were carrying out an impressive and diverse array of actions just as consistently.

Direct actions blocked rail lines, highways, ports, bridges, and all sorts of roads. An early morning action even…

“Resistance Work” of Women Workers

Catherine Samary

Posted July 9, 2024

‘Travailleuses de la résistance.
Les classes populaires ukrainiennes face à la guerre

By Daria Saburova, 2024.
Available from the publisher’s website.

DARIA SABUROVA HAS written a fascinating three-month wartime field study of the Ukrainian mining town of Krivih Rih (which happens to be the home town of president Zelensky). It focuses on the voluntary “resistance work” of working-class women in this town. (For now, Resistant Work’ of Women Workers….

Drop Charges Vs. Pro-Palestine Activists in Singapore

Posted July 5, 2024

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED organisations, are deeply concerned over the prosecution of three activists in Singapore for organising Palestine solidarity action.

The three pro-Palestine solidarity activists, Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, and Mossammad Sobikun Nahar, were charged in court on 27th June 2024, under the Public Order Act for organising an assembly or procession without a permit related to the Palestine solidarity actions on 2nd February 2024…./p>

Why Does the U.S. Government Support & Fund Israel?

W.A.T.E.R. Leadership team

Posted June 30, 2024

ENVIRONMENTALISTS HAVE LEARNED a key investigative rule: “follow the money.” At the core of important environmental issues, it is NOT good vs bad guys, nor cultural wokeness vs anti-wokeness, nor smart vs stupid, nor Republican vs Democrat. Rather, at the core, somebody or something (a group, a corporation, an individual) is making money or acquiring power….

Analyzing the Results of the Indian Election

Kunal Chattopadhyay

Posted June 25, 2024

THERE IS A tremendous euphoria, a little bit of which is legitimate, after the election results. The elections of 2024 were the least democratic in Indian history. The state apparatus, including the anti-corruption branch, political police, tacitly the Election Commission of India, (which refused to take action against the Prime Minister despite his aggressive communal campaign), were all pressed into service.

The bulk of the mainstream media, especially most television channels, were likewise going…

Ukraine: A People’s Peace, Not an Imperial Peace

Posted June 24, 2024

Joint declaration by ecosocialist, anarchist, feminist, environmental organisations, and groups in solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance and for a self-determined social and ecological reconstruction of Ukraine.

This declaration has been launched jointly by Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement) in Ukraine, Posle Media Collective in Russia, Bewegung für den Sozialismus / Mouvement pour le Socialisme and solidaritéS – mouvement anticapitaliste, féministe, écosocialiste

The Crisis is Permanent: Middle East and North Africa After 2011

Gilbert Achcar

Posted June 19, 2024

THIS TEXT IS an edited transcript from the author’s podcast . Gilbert Achcar is the author of several of books on the Middle East and North Africa, including The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising (2013) and Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising (2016 ). His most recent book is The New Cold War. The United States, Russia, and China from Kosovo to Ukraine (Haymarket Books, 2023). Here is where you can follow his columns and other podcasts …….

Solidarity with Gaza, continued!

The ATC Editors

Posted June 18, 2024

WHILE THE GENOCIDAL Israeli-United States war on Gaza and Palestine continues — amidst all kinds of diplomatic posturing and UN resolution-splicing — the one really hopeful development is the outpouring of activism in many U.S. communities, most visibly the magnificent movement on college campuses organized in encampments demanding an immediate permanent ceasefire, and divestment from corporations tied to Israel’s machinery of massacre and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people…….

Starbucks: Supreme Court rules 8-1 for Union Busting

Malik Miah

Posted June 18, 2024

THE U.S. SUPREME Court sided with Starbucks in a June 13 decision that will make it harder for labor advocates to win court injunctions against employers engaged in anti-labor practices, in this case firing union organizers.

The Supreme Court, an unelected body appointed for life and controlled by hard right extremists, ruled for the employing class against workers at the large coffee brewing company….

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Socialism 2024

Against the Current

The Juy/August 2024 AGAINST THE CURRENT (#231) features:
  • Solidarity with Gaza, continued!—The Editors
  • Two Directions for Gaza Activists—Ivan Drury Zarin
  • Multi-polarity: A New Alignment?—Jerry Harris
  • Kashmir Today, Part 2—interview with Hafsa Kanjwai

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Pamphlets from Solidarity

THE “SOCIALISM-FROM- BELOW” tradition views the working class as the central agent of overthrowing a system based on the market and the exploitation, alienation and unequal society it perpetuates.
Steve Downs’ writings, first in Hell on Wheels (2008) and in Socialist Strategies in Unions, a working paper (2022), outline how a variety of socialists active in the NYC transit system over two decades worked to build a rank-and-file caucus with a class struggle perspective.
Unable to resolve how to be accountable once members won office, their project ultimately failed. The pamphlet and working paper offer rich lessons for today’s socialists. You can read and download the working paper, Socialist Strategies in Unions, here.
Socialism, What It Is, Why We Need It outline capitalism‘s exploitation of both workers and the environment and sketches an alternative. You can order copies of Hell on Wheels, the working paper Socialist Strategies in Unions, and Socialism, What It is, Why We Need It here.


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