Posted September 29, 2009
Open Letter to the Movement from
CT Students Against the War
Keep Jeff Bartos Free! Support the IVAW! Defend Free Speech!

Allegheny County Jail
As many have heard, CT Students Against the War member, CT Iraq Veterans Against the War treasurer and former Army Sgt. Jeff Bartos was arrested last week at G20 protests while attending to the medical needs of a reporter that had been teargassed by police. After hearing of this arrest, the antiwar movement managed to flood the Allegheny County Jail with enough phone calls to engineer his release. Jeff will return to Pittsburgh on Wednesday to plead ‘not guilty’ to charges of disorderly conduct and failure to disperse.
Several CT-SAW members will be accompanying Jeff back down to Pittsburgh for his court date. Until then, however, we need to make sure we put enough pressure on the Pittsburgh court system that they will have no other choice but to hear our demands. CT-SAW is calling for a 36hr call-in campaign to the city offices below to demand all charges against Jeff and all other G20 protesters be dropped. In addition, we are encouraging all supporters of civil liberties in the Pittsburgh area to rally in front of the court house Wednesday morning before and during Jeff’s 8am hearing. We also encourage all to attend the national united marches on October 17, demanding an end to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and occupations.
The police brutality used last week against protesters, bystanders, students, reporters, medics and veterans is unacceptable. We call for everyone to join in solidarity for those prosecuted for standing against the G20 and its policies. Connecticut students stand side by side with all the victims of the G20, from those who have been terrorized by their economic policies to those who have been attacked by their police protectors.
In solidarity,
CT Students Against the War
Pittsburgh Municipal Court
Municipal Courts Building, First Floor
660 First Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Open 8:30am-4:30pm
feedback@alleghenycourts.u s
main line: 412.350.6715
court reporter’s office: 412.350.5414
Magisterial District Judge Courts: 412.350.5485
chief clerk’s office: 412.350.5525
court arraignment office: 412.350.5290
pretrial services: 412.350.4732
pretrial supervision: 412.350.4735
summery appeals: 412.350.6823
Allegheny County District Attorney s
Stephen A. Zappala, Jr, District Attorney: 412.350.4400
Appeals Division: 412.350.4377
Area Prosecution: 412.350.4402
General Trial: 412.350.5656
Pre-trial Division: 412.350.4175
Mayor Luke Ravenstahl’s Office
Room 512, City-County Building 414 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: 412-255-2626. Fax: 412-255-2687
City Council
Phone: 412-255-2142