UAW Leadership Should Reverse Its Pro-Trump Statement
Ron Lare & Judy Wraight
Posted March 21, 2025

WE ARE SPEAKING only for ourselves in this article.
The UAW leadership should reverse its declaration of support for Trump on tariffs and protectionism, and should stand on international labor solidarity in organizing for a labor party and a general strike.
The UAW’s statement on March 4, 2025 on relations with Trump and tariffs should be read in full. It is copied at the end of this article.
The UAW’s statement is right to reject “free trade.” “Free trade” is the…
For Ukraine without Oligarchs and Occupiers!
Sotsialnyi Rukh
Posted March 17, 2025

The predatory policies of the newly elected U.S. president make it impossible to establish a lasting peace for Ukrainians. Ukraine’s refusal to sign the mineral extraction agreement, designed to serve the interests of American capital, demonstrates the country’s determination to avoid colonial dependence. This opens the door to exploring a more equitable model of relations between Ukraine and the states of Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world under the banner of resistance to imperialist…
Trump Forces DC to Destroy BLM Plaza
Malik Miah
Posted March 14, 2025

CONSTRUCTION CREWS SWOOPED in and began destroying Black Lives Matter Plaza Street mural in Washington, D.C. on March 10. The target, near the White House, was more than a powerful symbol and its wide support by the African American community….
“We’ve Been Betrayed!:” Who’s Fighting Back (and not) Against Trump’s Cuts in VA Jobs and Services
Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon
Posted March 13, 2025

AMONG THE REPUBLICIAN voters experiencing buyer’s remorse are more than a few military veterans who chose Trump over Harris by a margin of 65 to 34%, according to some exit polls.
Their shock and dismay surfaced in DC this month during the legislative conference of the reliably conservative and hawkish Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), which has 1.4 million members….
The Myth of the Left-wing Professors
Harvey J. Graff
Posted February 27, 2025

The multi-front war on university students, faculty and academic programs is spearheaded by the notorious attack on pro-Palestinian activism, in the guise of “combating campus antisemitism.” But this is just an opening wedge: everything from liberal arts and academic freedom to, of course, the horrors of “diversity” programs are in the crosshairs of the right wing.
The following article by Ohio State University professor emeritus Harvey J. Graff puts the current crisis into some historical…
Dignity and Defiance: Leonard Peltier, Walks Out of Prison
Malik Miah
Posted February 25, 2025

AS FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT Joe Biden left office on January 20, he commuted Leonard Peltier’s life sentence in prison to home incarceration. Peltier is a long-time leader of the American Indian Movement.
On February 18 Peltier walked out, standing strong at 80 years from a Florida prison. He served most of his time in maximum security.”’
Ukraine Solidarity Under the Trump Administration
Ukraine Solidarity Network-U.S.
Posted February 23, 2025

ON THE THIRD anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the United States under the Trump administration is now pushing negotiations for a “peace” settlement. The Ukraine Solidarity Network-U.S. (USN) opposes any attempt to impose a settlement that is not acceptable to the Ukrainian people.
Anyone with an ounce of compassion wants this war to end as soon as possible, but it is morally….
Peace Between Neofascists: War on Oppressed Peoples
Gilbert Achcar
Posted February 19, 2025

THAT WASHINGTON AND Moscow have chosen the Saudi kingdom as the venue for a meeting between their delegations to discuss the prospects of the war that has been ongoing in Ukraine since Russian forces invaded that country three years ago, is evidence of the profound changes occurring in international affairs before our eyes. The manner of the meeting itself is entirely consistent with the venue: Donald Trump’s neofascist administration did not seek to promote peace between the warring parties within…
Genocide and Beyond
The Editors
Posted February 18, 2025

THE SADISTIC SAVAGERY of the U.S.-enabled Israeli genocide, and Donald Trump’s executive coup-in-progress in the United States, intersect at Trump’s proclamation of intent to take over, “develop” and ethnically cleanse Gaza of its two million Palestinian residents.
Such pronouncements may have been previously unimaginable, but no longer. As divorced from reality as….
Trump’s Uncertainty
Boris Kagarlitsky
Posted February 6, 2025

A NEW U.S. Administration is always a global-level event. The world anticipated George W. Bush’s arrival at the White House with fears that came to be confirmed, while Barack Obama’s election brought hopes that didn’t pay off. But this is for the first time ever that the new boss of the Oval office…
All Webzine articles
Ukraine and Georgia Today: A Firsthand Report
Against the Current

- Genocide and Beyond—The Editors
- India: Mass Struggle vs. Rape Culture—Jhelum Roy
- Betrayed by the System in Brazil—L.M. Bonato
- The Emergence of Memory Culture—Alan Wald
- Rank-And-File Fight for Our Unions—Anna Hackman
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THE “SOCIALISM-FROM- BELOW” tradition views the working class as the central agent of overthrowing a system based on the market and the exploitation, alienation and unequal society it perpetuates.